Chapter 14

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Another week passed and Katherine still went to see Spencer. She got so into the routine of sneaking into his apartment that she almost forgot to be guilty.


She needed to make up her mind about the two boys but she couldn't. It was physically impossible, both were so different yet so alike. She needed to pick quick because people were starting to get suspicious, Race asked her one day why she always walked down Park Street (the street with Spencer's apartment) when her work wasn't even in that direction. She'd told him it was because she loved the scenery but they both knew that was a lie considering there wasn't much to see. Race had decided not to question, she felt bad because she knew the boys all trusted her and yet there she was lying to there face. Even Sara Jacobs had started asking questions of her own, she seemed to be spending an awful lot more time with the boys since she made lunch for them and Katherine hopped it wasn't because Jack was always with them.

It probably was she just didn't want to admit it.

Katherine soon learned that Sara walked down Park Street every Tuesday morning with a basket full of clothes. She learned that when she ran into her. Again. It hadn't been nearly as messy as the first time but Katherine still had to endure the 'oh how are you's?' For a full two minutes. She'd been more than glad to get out of that one, she was a nice girl Katherine just didn't like her one bit.

"What are you doing here again?" Sara had asked her. "Jack told me you worked at the sun."

Katherine bit back some biting comments she would have loved to throw at Sara.

"Oh, you talked to Jack?" She asked purposefully dodging her first question.

"Yea, he talked to me when the boys came over to eat." Sara said and her pleased smile made Katherine want to hit her. "He's such a nice guy, no wonder you like him."

"Yea, you know... he likes me too." Katherine couldn't help but say back. Staying pleasant was getting harder and harder for her, her pretty little face was just begging to be punched.

"He dose? Funny, he didn't tell me that." Sara said kicking a rock off the side walk.

"Funny." Katherine said with sickly sweetness. Of course he didn't tell her that! Ugh, she was gonna kill Jack next time she saw him.

"So... who's apartment did you just come out of?" Sara asked looking behind Katherine's shoulder to Spencer's door that was a little ways down the street. Katherine tensed up and looked back to his door, she hadn't realized Sara had seen her come out of his door. What else had she seen?

"What are you talking about?" Katherine asked deciding she'd play dumb.

"That door... there was a man... it's none of my business Katherine I was just wondering." Sara said holding a hand up.

"Your right, it's none of your business. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to leave."

And with that Katherine shouldered past a confused looking Sara and marched off to work. Great, just great, Sara saw her coming out of Spencer's apartment. What if she went and told Jack? It seemed to Katherine that they were already at least friends, the thought terrified her. Katherine prayed that Sara wouldn't tell anybody, the last thing she needed was Jack to get suspicious. She just needed more time to sort out her problems.


"Hey where's Jack?" Katherine asked the group of boys who were taking a break from selling in Newsies square.

"I'se think's dey went ta eat lunch with the Jacobs again." Romeo said fanning himself with a paper. It was 11:30 and Jack hadn't showed up in their usual soot for lunch so she decided to come looking for him.

"Who's they?" Katherine asked suspiciously.

"David, Les, an there smokin' sister Sara." Romeo said which earned a snigger from the rest of the boys.

"Oh." Katherine said "Nice of him to tell me."

She winced at that because there were a lot of things she should probably tell Jack herself but she wasn't about to say anything around the boys.

"Hey don't be so blue Plumber, you can by lunch for all of us!" Race suggested earning a shout of joy in response from the boys Katherine chuckled at the boys, how could she say no to that?

"Alright boys, where do you wanna eat?"


Katherine lay on her couch as she waited for Jack to come home. She thought back to through her day. She'd gotten Jack off to work, she'd gone to Spencer's, shed ran into Sara (she hated that part) shed gone back to work. She'd gone to meet Jack for lunch only to find out he'd already made plans with out telling her. She'd then taken the boys to Jacobi's and bought them each a sandwich and made them all promise they'd give her a kiss on the cheek in payment. Some boys (mostly the older ones) were thrilled by the idea, especially Romeo, Race, and Crutchie, but Buttons and Little ole' Sprint were beet red as they kissed her cheek. Katherine had mostly been in a good mood that day, her usually guilt had lightened up a but. Maybe it was the way the boys were so good to her, or maybe it was the way the sun had been so bright. She wasn't sure she was just glad, she wanted to savior every second of it before it was drowned by the guilt she knew was coming.

Katherine dosed off once or twice before she realized what time it was. The sun had set long ago and Jack still wasn't back yet, she couldn't think of a reason he wasn't back by now. The only other time he'd been this late was when he'd gotten in a fight with...


Oh no, is that where he was? Had Sara told Jack and he was now somewhere out there confronting Spencer?

Better go find them she thought, but where could they be? Spencer's apartment? Did Jack even know where he lived?

She wasn't sure but that was her best bet. In a flash she was on her feet and heading to the door. She was nervous and sick to her stomach, she had a bad feeling about tonight.


Authors Note- Three times in one day? AGAIN?!? You guys are soooooo lucky. So don't ever say I don't give you nothin'... just ask a fish in de desert. :) Crushed it. Tell me what you think! I own nothing!

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