Chapter 13

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"This is wrong Spencer." Katherine found herself saying as he pressed her up against his apartment door. This was the third time she had snuck into his apartment since that first time she'd come to visit him.

"You say that every time." He says running a hand up her stomach.

"I know." Katherine says with a sigh as he kisses her neck.

She was broken.

She couldn't help herself either. Every morning after Jack left and before she had to go to work she would stop by and see Spencer. It was wrong, it was so wrong. Yet she couldn't stop herself from stoping by, she wanted Spencer to be happy and Katherine was drunk on the smile Spencer gave her when he saw her face. Just like she was in that very moment.

"Just promise me your doing this because you love me and not because you want something else." She said wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"I promise that I love you." He said as he kissed her shoulders. She knew he left out the last part on purpose and she wasn't sure how that made her feel. He wanted her to give in but she wasn't going to, not yet anyway. She still belonged to Jack.

About an hour later she had to push him away, she always hated this part. The look on his face as she made him stop broke her heart, it was stupid but he looked just like Jack. It was the way his mouth turned down at the corners and the way his eyes seemed to say 'I love you Katherine, please come back to me' That made it the hardest part.

"Come back tomorrow?" He asked tracing her featured with his thumb.

It made her want to sob but she nodded and kissed him good bye. As soon as she was around the corner and Spencer couldn't watch her go anymore she felt the guilt.

You love him, you love Jack. You are stupid. her conscious told her.

I am stupid she told herself. She decided to pick up her pace a little considering she was already late for work when she suddenly slammed head long into someone.

"Ooooo I'm so sorry!" She heard a voice say. Katherine was laying sprawled on the ground with piles of... clothes? All around her.

"What the-" She muttered pulling a sock off her head. She was a little dazed from the sudden impact, she thought she was hallucinating.

"Sorry! Thats mine." The voice said behind her. Katherine twisted to see a brown haired girl in a similar position as Katherine stretching out her hand for the sock.

"Oh!" Katherine said and handed her the sock "I didn't see you there..." she trailed off trying to remember running into her. She'd been so focused on her guilt that she hadn't been watching where she was going. She wasn't really a girl actually, he was more like a woman she could of been 22 or 23, not much older than Katherine.

"It's fine I'm in no hurry." The girl said reaching over and picking up her straw basket that must of held all the clothes that were now around them. "You sure looked like you were in a hurry. Are you late for something?"

"Er... yea." Katherine said sitting up.

"If your late then don't worry about me. Go ahead and go!" She girl said and started to pick up the pile of clothes. Something about this girl reminded Katherine of something, or someone. Her hair was long like Katherine's but it looked frizzy and windswept. It was almost like the girl had tried to make it look good but to no avail.

"No, I'm good. The least I can do is help you pick up these clothes." Katherine said helping her pick them up off the side walk.

"Thanks." The girl said appreciatively.

"Um, I'm Katherine by the way. Katherine Plumber." Katherine said a little awkwardly. She didn't necessarily want to give her name out to just anyone but this girl seemed nice enough.

"Your... Katherine Plumber? I know you! You helped with the strike a few years ago right?" The girl asked looking excited.

"Right I-"

"My brothers are David and Les Jacobs, I'm their older sister Sara!" The girl said reaching out her hand.

"Oh... oh, oh!" Katherine said the pieces falling into place. She shook her hand. "It's good to finally meet you." Katherine said forcing herself to smile. She remembered David talking about her and Jack had mentioned her once or twice...

"And I you, your all Les talks about... well, you and Jack Kelly of course." Sara said and Katherine did not miss the way her cheeks darkened at the name. Katherine instantly didn't like this Sara very much.

"Oh, yea, yea... Jacks a good guy." She said feeling very awkward.

"Mmhm." Sara agreed her eyes sparking.

There was a awkward pause between the girls, Katherine shook her head and scrambled the rest of the clothes into the basket. Sara helped her and they both got to their feet, Katherine brushed the dirt off her red dress and stood there awkwardly.

"Well... thanks for helping me." Sara said at last.

"Er... yea, sorry I ran into you." Katherine said.

"See you around?" Sara said holding out her hand again.

"Yea, see ya around." Katherine agreed shaking her hand. She left quickly after that to spare herself any more awkwardness, she wasn't sure if she really liked Sara. She seemed nice enough.... maybe it was the way she'd said Jacks name. Katherine shuttered at the thought and sprinted off to work. If she was late again her editor would kill her, and she didn't need to be anymore broken.

"Cuttin' it a little close there Miss Plumber." She heard a voice say to her as she finally sat at her desk. He instantly knew who that voice belonged to.

Jack Kelly.

"Youse had exactly 30 more seconds until you were late. What's dat about? Is da great Katherine becoming lazy?" He said. Katherine spotted him leaning against the door frame a few feet away, she was surprised she hadn't noticed him when she walked in.

"What? Oh... no, I just lost track of time." She said in a rush feeling terrible for lying. "What are you doing here any way? Shouldn't you be selling papers?"

"What? Are you not happy to see me?" He asked putting a hand to his chest. She smiled at his fake hurtfulness.

"Of course I'm happy to see you you dork, I was just wondering what your doing." She said spinning her chair to face him. Jack shrugged and pulled something from his pocket, it was a flower, the most beautiful flower she'd ever seen. It was purple with gold tips, it had six petals that all connected to a yellow center which was attached to a long green stem. He handed it to her and she had to gasp out loud at the beauty.

"Jack... wha- where did you get this? It's amazing!" She said taking a sniff, it smelt like sunshine and everything else nice.

"I picked it from some rich guys garden." Jack said with a wave of his hand "It reminded me of you so I jut had to take it."

"You know thats illegal right?" She asked laughing despite herself.

"Oh gee I'm scared now, better go tell Officer Spencer so he can come throw me in jail." Jack said sarcastically. Katherine forced herself to laugh at that even though it made her sick to her stomach.

"Its beautiful Jack." She said holding it against her chest.

"Just like you." He said cheekily and came over to her and kissed her cheek. He knelt down on the floor so he was level with her.

"Thank you." She said sounding rather flattered.

"Hey... so I was thinking..." Jack said putting an arm around her. "You know how we're always taking about our future together? Well I was jus' wonderin' if youse was being serious about that."

"Oh Jack..." Katherine said feeling her chest fill up with emotion. "Are you saying what I think your saying?"

"I ain't sure yet..." he said scratching the back of his head. Her face broke into a grin and she threw her arms around him. Then she thought of how she'd been making out with Spencer only minutes before and she drew away her smile fading. "But don't get to stressed out I ain't in no rush." Jack said patting her knee. She smiled again but felt the guilt seep into her face. "Youse okay Ace? You don't look like yourself."

"I'm fine." She said swallowing her guilt. She looked at the flower Jack had given her, it was so beautiful, it reminded her of her own garden when she was little.

"Maybe you should go home and get some sleep you look..." he couldn't find the right words to say but Katherine knew what he should use.




"I'll be okay." She lied kissing his cheek. "Don't worry about me."

"Alrighty then, I'll see ya when I get back tonight. David's ma and sister are making all da boys some lunch today so I'm gonna go join them if that's okay." Jack said rubbing her leg affectionately. Katherine's face darkened at the mention of David's sister but she decided not to say anything about it. She didn't particularly want her around Jack but what could she say? He was being a hypocrite. She needed to stop. Sara should know her and Jack are together, if she had the least bit if decency then she would stay away from Jack. She then felt bad for thinking that because if Katherine had some decency then she wouldn't run around making out with Jacks brother. She shuttered at the thought.

"Y-yea that's fine." She said forcing a smile.

"Thanks Ace, love you." He said and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

"Love you too." She said as he got up to leave. He flashed her a smile and left, she laid her head on her desk and willed herself not to bang her head against it.

Your gonna go find Spencer aren't you? Her conscience asked her. She was pretty sure it was giving up on her. Just like she was giving up on herself.

Yep she told it.


Authors Note- So I'm sick and that's why I can update in record time, I'm sure you guys don't mind one bit. I love reading all your comments! It encourages me to go on! Thank you all so much! So tell me what you thinks gonna happen!

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