Chapter 17

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Katherine just about tore New York apart looking for Jack, she couldn't find him anywhere. She looked at the Logging House, the roof, Meddas, Newsies square, anywhere and everywhere he might be and she couldn't find him. It made her nervous to think he might have left for Santa Fe but surely he would of told someone where he was going. She talked to the boys trying to find them but they seemed not to know either, it also seemed like Jack hadn't told any one about her and Spencer because everyone was treating her the same. Her heart grew for Jack at the thought, he still cared about her enough to keep her reputation so maybe there was still hope. Spencer had offered to help her look for him (bless his sole) but Katherine insisted that he get to work, the last thing she needed was for Jack to see Spencer waking around New York with her.

It was dusk by the time she gave up and came back to Spencer's apartment. She couldn't go back to her own, not with our Jack there. Luckily Spencer was already back by the time she got there.

"Any luck?" He asked leaning against his kitchen counter.

"No." Katherine said wiping a tear from her eye. Spencer looked like he wanted to hug her but he was hesitating, she'd made it pretty clear earlier that she needed some space. She could tell he felt bad for being one of the reasons she was so upset and she wanted to reassure him that it was okay but she wasn't about to do that until she had Jack back.

"Too bad." He said trying to sound sympathetic but she could see straight through it. The poor guy was probably being pulled in just as many directions as her. First, she'd told him she loved him, then she'd slept with him and then she'd left him cold turkey to go look for his brother. She should of felt worse then she did but she didn't, she was finally starting to distinguish between the feelings in her heart, and the feelings in her head.

"Did you hear anything at the station?" She asked hopefully.

"No, but if I do I'll tell you." He said.


"I Promise."

Feeling a little more reassured she made her way to his couch and sat down. She grabbed the picture of Laura Lay Anderson and studied it in her hands for a moment. The beautiful woman smiled up at her, her bottle cap green eyes seemed to say 'Your a pretty girl, don't let my sons screw you up.' She looked to the young Spencer in Laura Lay's arms and smiled, his gentle giant self shinning forth more than ever in the picture. She thought of Jack who hadn't been born yet, she thought of how in a few months after this picture was taken he would be born and left with a less than worthy father. Katherine thought of the way Jack would work extra late every day just to make sure the younger boys in the logging house had something to eat. She thought of the way he would carry two or three boys on his shoulders at a time and carry them around until they forgot about there hurting stomachs and fell asleep. Jack would be a good father, she just knew it. Katherine had talked with him once or twice about the prospect of having their own children but Jack had ways brushed it off saying things like 'I'd be a lousy father, I ain't got no one ta show me how.' But Jack didn't need someone to show him, he had already learned.

Your learning too her conscience said, and for the first time in a month it was pleased with her.

She thought about Spencer, Ryan Spencer. She didn't want to push him out of her life, she wanted him to be happy and safe. She loved him alright, but the love was more physical than emotional. It was all in her head, she could feel it their in the way the touched her and in the way he kissed her. She had physically wanted more but that had just been her soft head talking. She knew she couldn't always be happy with physical love, she needed the emotional support she got from Jack. He gave her emotional and physical love sometimes even mental (but that was only when his ego got in the way and she had to keep him in check) Jack was everything she needed and she was stupid thinking another man could fill that roll.

She touched Laura Lay's face thinking of how grateful she was to this woman for bringing two wonderful men into this world for her. She defiantly wouldn't be the same with out them.

"Jack would love to see this." Katherine thought aloud as she studied the picture. "I don't think he's ever seen a picture of her."

"Really?" Spencer asked genuinely surprised. "His father didn't have one?"

"He gave him to the sisters remember?" Katherine asked looking up at him. "Did you get this from your father then?"

"Yes, he gave it to me just before... before..." Spencer's hands clenched into fists.

"Before Jacks dad killed him?" She guessed. He looked up at her surprised. "Jack told me... I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"It's not Jacks either."

He stared at her for a moment letting the words sink in.

"Yea... well..." He said looking for the right words.

"Well what? Jack didn't kill your father, his dad did. Don't blame him for the sins of his father. It's the same with your mother, it wasn't his fault Laura Lay died. If anyone's to blame blame Jacks father." Katherine said sternly. "And the same goes for me, don't hate Jack because I'm his. He met me first and I fell in love with him way before I met you. Stop blaming Jack."

Her words rang around the apartment and he was giving her a grudging look, he knew she was right and he didn't want to admit it.

"You know I'm right." She said lifting her chin up stubbornly.

"Yea... your always right." He said running his hands through his hair.

Katherine felt satisfied with her work.

Just then there was a sharp knock on his door. Spencer went to get it. Katherine leaned back on the couch and admired the picture a little more as he opened the door.

"Officer Spencer?" She heard a man ask in a hushed voice.

"Yes sir?"

"There's been prison break, 8 prisoners are missing from the prison." The man said frantically "We need all hands on deck."

Katherine sat forward from hearing this news, the prison? Spencer cursed under his breath but nodded to the other officer.

"Katherine, you stay here okay? Do not leave this apartment." He said sternly. She nodded her pulse quickening. And with another nod in her direction Spencer left the apartment. A prison break?

Katherine didn't like the sound of that.

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