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After wandering around for a few minutes, I finally stumbles upon the senior dorms. Not only were these the senior dorms, but these are the fancy senior dorms. These dorms are private, but the size of shared dorms. How much money does this dude have?

I walked up the stairs and found the address Heeseung had texted me. I hesitantly raised my hand and knocked on the door.

I didn’t hear a response as I gave a sigh of relief. “He must have forgot-” I began as the door then opened, revealing Heeseung.

Compared to his teacher's assistant attire, he was dressed casually in gray sweatpants and a light blue t-shirt. “Welcome.” Heeseung smiled as he invited me inside.

His dorm was nice, except for the piles of books scattered everywhere. This dude must be a nerd.

“Would you like anything to drink?” Heeseung asked me as I shot him a glare.

“Can we just get this over with?” I sighed as I plopped down on his couch. He just giggled as he followed me.


“Now, if we replace one nucleotide in a DNA strand that causes a different protein to be built, it is called a…..?” Heeseung asked.

I sat there for a minute as I tried to make sence of the words he was saying. It had been almost two hours and I still barley understand anything about biology. “......a frameshift?” I guessed at one of the words I had heard him say previously.

“Good guess but incorrect, it's called a Missense.” Heeseung said as I put my hands over my eyes and leaned backwards on the couch.

“I can't do this!” I huffed as I pulled at my hair. I heard the textbooks shutting as I felt Heeseung gently grab my wrists. 

“Hey, don’t get mad. This is just the first study time.” Heeseung said softly as he removed my hands from my hair.

“I can’t do this. In fact, I don’t want to do this. I should just drop out now.” I sighed as I laid back on the couch.

“Oh come on, this is not the stubborn guy I know. Let’s make a deal.” Heeseung said as he sat up. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. “If you pass the test next week, I’ll take you out for dinner. But, if you fail, you have to buy me dinner.” Heeseung smiled.

“This seems like a lose-lose situation. Either way, I’m being forced to hang out with you.” 

“HEY! I’m not that bad!” Heeseung yelled.

“Whatever makes you sleep at night, Heeseung.” I began as I tried standing up. Heeseung still held a firm grip on my wrists, and the change in weight made me loose balance.

I fell back on the floor and accidently pulled Heeseung along with me. We landed with a thud ans Heeseung laid on top of me.

“Jeez, and you call Jungwon a cluts. You really are the walking disaster.” Heeseung gave a cheeky smile, which pissed me off. 

I’m not sure why it made me so angry, maybe the previous anger from studying, or perhapes the fact he was making fun of me. Whatever the case, my instincts reacted.

I grabbed Heeseungs waist and flipped us over so I was now on top of him. “Maybe you are just saying that since you are jealous it’s not me running into you.” I smirked at the older.

Heeseung looked immediately caught off guard at our position. Me on top of him, with his arms lightly pinned to the ground. This face got really red as he looked up at me.

“What….” Heeseung tried but he couldn’t get any words out. Seeing him like this was entertaining, completely shocked and thrown off guard.

I leaned close to his face as I whispered in his ear. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Heeseung.” I winked as I stood up and grabbed my stuff. He stayed on the floor for a second, still shocked.

I opened the front door as I heard him call. “Hey, wait!” But I ignored Heeseung and left his dorm with a smirk on my face.


The next day~

Jungwon POV

“Uhg, Jake hyung why are you so distracted? You’ve never been this off while modeling.” I said to my friend as he shook back into reality.

“Sorry wonie.” Jake said as he began his pose again and I started taking photos. We were outside in one of the school's courtyards, Sunoo stood next to us painting a beautiful landscape.

“Sunoo has had a lot more inspiration lately, don’t you think.” Jake said as I looked at my other friend. He was right, he’s basically been humming a happy little tune all day. I’m glad for him, but it is definitely strange.

“Yeah, I guess. Can you try a pose like this?” I said as I demonstrated it for him. He followed perfectly as I continued to take photos.

“Aye, period king. Work it gurlllll!” I hyped my best friend as he gave a soft smile. “Let’s try one more pose.”

“Oh get em!” I cheered. “Jake, Sunoo, come look at these photos!” I said as my two friends stood next to me. We looked through the photos on my camera, and were too distracted to hear steps approaching us.

“What are you guys doing?”

I screamed. And when I say screamed I mean the highest possible girly scream in the world. I jump up in fear and felt my camera fly out of my hands.

The world felt like it moved in slow motion. My $3,000 flying through the air right in front of me, and I couldn’t grab it. Shit, I don’t have money to replace this.

I watched it get closer and closer to the floor, about to smash, as the world became a normal speed again. A boy slid on the floor and his hand grabbed the camera just before disaster. He panted a bit, but sat up and looked at me.

I was starstruck to say the least. This angel, the sunlight, but most importantly this boy. I think I truly have found a new muse.

“Heeseung?” Jake asked from next to me which snapped me out of my daze. Heeseung, the boy that caught my camera, stood up and handed it to me.

“Sorry to scare you, I didn’t think you were so jumpy.” He giggled as Sunghoon came up behind him. Sunoo seemed to blush a bit at Sunghoon, but Sunghoon didn’t seem to notice. He kept looking at Jake.

“Ah, it’s okay. T-Thanks for saving my camera Hyung.” I thanked with a small bow. He just smiled. It seemed like Sunghoon and Heeseung were about to leave, but I grabbed Heeseungs shirt. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.

As embarrassing as this was, I think I’ve found some inspiration. I can’t let it walk away. “Are you busy right now?” I asked as my face became more red.

He looked a bit shocked but responded. “No, why?”

“W-would you…. would you mind modeling for me?” I asked. He looked a bit disappointed at the request, but soon smiled and nodded.

“Sure, I have nothing better to do. Sunghoon, will you be okay here?” He asked his friend.

“Yeah, Sunghoon Hyung can stay with us!” Sunoo spoke for him, and Sunghoon kept trying to steal Jake's gaze.

“Then, I have the perfect place to go.” I skipped as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind me lightly. We started running a bit as he moved his hand to lace his fingers with mine. We ran as I took him to the perfect place.


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