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“Where are we going?!” Sunoo sighed as we walked out of his car through some of the fields near the school.

“Just trust me, I think I’ve figured out the perfect photoshoot to impress my photography teacher.” I said as I kept happily trotting as the sky got a bit cloudy. Some might dislike this weather for photos, but it just adds to the mood.

“I think you are just dragging me out in the middle of no where to murder me.” Sunoo huffed. “At Least I’ll die hot.”

“I’m not going to kill you. I told you we were meeting someone else as well.” I said as I kept walking.

“Well what if they murdr me too!”

“Why would I murder you?” I heard. I turned around just in time to see Sunoo make a scared face and instinctively take his back leg and swing it behind him, hitting the victim in the stomach.

“Ah” Niki said as he flopped to the ground. He looked at Sunoo, confused.

“Niki, what the hell are you doing here!” Sunoo shouted. “I nearly killed you!”

“Jungwon invited me to come.” Niki huffed as he stood up and dusted off his pants. “Danm, you have a good kick.”

“What is he doing here?” Sunoo said as he turned to me.

“He just told you, I invited him. Now come along children.” I said as I ept walking into the field. I could hear Sunoo and Niki bickering behind me, but it just made me smile. It will give this photoshoot atmosphere, the type I’m not yet sure, but it will certanly be there.

“Sunoo, we will start with your individual shots.” I said as the two finally stopped hitting each other. Sunoo nodded as he stood and did one of his normal amazing poses. I hesitated as I looked through the camera lens.

He looks great of course, but it just isn’t what I’m going for. “Niki” I muttered to get the youngers attention. He hummed as I mumbled again. “Make him laugh a bit.”

“Um, are you my appendix? Because I really want to take you out.” Niki said awkwardly. Sunoo and I looked at him, disgusted.

“Out of all the things you could have said- you choose that?” I sighed as Sunoo tried to stifle a laugh. He went back to his normal pose, but his face was a bit different, I could see he was trying to hide a smile. Perfect

After around 30 minutes, I’d taken photos from every single possible angle of Sunoo.

“Now, Niki go join him.” I said as the younger hummed. They stood awkwardly next to each other before I lost it laughing. “You guys can fight all day but not even be next to each other, oh god haha. Sit down, Niki put your arm around him and stop acting so stiff.

Niki sat and slowly put his arm around Sunoo. I couldn’t help but notice the slight smile that appeared on Sunoos face. I knew there would be atmosphere here, but I wasn’t aware of the chemistry.

A few seconds after I took the photos, Niki smiled as he moved his hands down and began violently tickling Sunoo.

“No, stop Niki you bastard ahahah!” Sunoo rolled on the ground as the younger kept tickling him. In some way, seeing them happy made me happy.

“Jungwon, come here and set your camera on a timer! We need a photo with you as well.” Niki said once he stopped tickling Sunoo. I smiled as I joined my two friends and set up my camera.

“We are so hot!” I squealed as I looked down at the photos and laughed.
“Screw proper photoshoots, let’s take some fun ones!” I cheered as the two boys gave a little pose.

“So cute!” “Come here Wonie!”

There was nonstop laughing as Niki then slid the camera out of my hands. “Mind if I try?” He asked as I nodded. I couldn’t help but take my phone camera out to document it.

“One last thing before we leave, I need polaroids of you guys to put on my wall. It’s my way of saving memories.” I said as they nodded and I captured the final photos of the night.

“Adorable.” I muttered as I pack up my camera


“Do you guys want to come inside? I have some leftovers.” Niki said as we walked to his apartment. I paused, hesitant about whether to enter.

He and Jay were roommates, and I’m really not in the room to see Jay.

“Yes! We love food!” Sunoo said as he practically dragged me into the apartment. “I’ll help you prepare everything.” Sunoo then said as he and Niki went to the kitchen.

I stood there awkwardly and looked around. Okay, no Jay. That’s good.

I shuffled over to the couch and sat down as I heard clangs come from the kitchen along with something breaking. “Niki don't!” “Ah shit!” I heard loudly.

I stood up to walk to the kitchen “Jungwon, no!”

As those words left my friends mouth, I felt a sharp pain on my foot. It almost felt like a blae digging into me. I looked on the floor and saw broken glass, along with drops of blood trailing from my foot.

My head felt dizzy as I sat on the floor. I felt a small cut form in my hand from the glass, but right now I can only focus on the pain in my foot. Also dann, feet bleed a lot what the hell.

“What happened?” Someone asked as I turned my head to see Jay walk out of his room.

“I accidentally knocked over a glass, Niki started to pick up the pieces but he cut himself. Jungwon came but it looks like he got glass in his foot.” Sunoo said as he tried to comfort Niki whose hand was bleeding quite a bit.

Jay looked down at me, and I was met with his dark brown eyes. “There is a first aid kit on the second shelf. Take care of Niki, I have another upstairs for Jungwon.” Jay said as he then crouched down next to me.

I looked at him confused as his arm slid under my knees and the other behind my back as he lifted me. I instinctively grabbed his shirt lightly as he carried me up the stairs and entered his bedroom.

He set me down gently on his bed as I looked around starstruck. “You didn’t have to carry me.” I said as he began grabbing his first aid supplies.

“Were you going to walk with a chunk of glass sticking out of your foot? Didn’t think so.” He hummed as he grabbed towels as sat down in front of me. He pulled out a pair of tweezers as he looked up at me with sad eyes.

“I’m sorry Wonie, but this is going to hurt.” Jay said as I took in a deep

Ello loves, I hope everyone had a great Valentines day!!!!

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