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Jungwon POV

I aced back and forth around Heeseungs living room as we all waited for the other to arrive. It had been 2 weeks of us all dating, and I was finally ready to tell people. I made Jay and Heeseung swear to secrecy, and the two obliged.

"Calm down Lamb, it will be okay." Heeseung said as he sat on the couch watching me.

"But, but what if it isn't"t! Its just been me, Sunoo, and Jake for as long as I can remember. What if they don't like this." I said as I bounced up and down from anxiety.

Jay stood up and gave me a tight back hug, which my body instantly melted into. "It'll be okay Wonnie. They are your friends, they will support you no matter what." He said, his warm breath hitting my neck.

The ring of the doorbell rang through the room.

I shoved Jay off of me and dived face first into the couch, trying to bury myself away from the world. I heard Heeseung sigh, and soon heard the front door open.

"What's all this about?" I heard someone ask as I whipped my head around. Niki walked inside the dorm, followed by Jake and an annoyed looking Sunoo.

"Niki? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"He won't leave me alone." Sunoo mumbled as he sat on the couch. I then heard footsteps coming down from upstairs. I looked to see Sunghoon, he looked around the room and smiled at someone.

"Sunghoon, what are YOU doing here?"

"Did you forget that I live with Heeseung?" He laughed as he took a seat. "What's the party here for?"

"Jungwon says he has something to tell us, but apparently our dorm wasn't a cool enough place to talk." Sunoo sighed.

"Oh, then this must be some juicy news. Spill!" Niki said excitedly. I say Jay sent him a glare as I looked around at the audience of people.

"Uhhhh, well I wanted to tell you all that..." Oh fuck I can't do this. Who was I to think I would do this! "That....That I'm dropping out. Bye-" I said as I began booking it to the door. However, this annoying ass boy, who also happened to be my boyfriend named Heeseung, grabbed my shirt and pulled me back.

He pulled me onto his lap and sighed. "We are dating." He said as I buried my face into my hands.

"Oh, I thought..." Nikie started as he pointed at Jay. Sunoo immediately grabbed his hand to stop him from pointing.

"Don't say that! Just be happy for the two of them." Sunoo whisper yelled.

I lifted my head to look at Jay and he smiled a bit.

"I think Heeseung should have been a bit more clear." Jay said as he sat down next to Heeseung and I, wrapping his arm around the older. "We are ALL dating."

"Ah, congratulations!" Jake said and Sunoo cheered along with him. Sunghoon even gave a little clap, but Niki looked confused.

"But then, whose the top and whose the-"

His sentence was cut short from Sunoo smacking him in the head. Niki fell off the couch as he grabbed Sunoos wrist and pulled the older along with him.

"You idiot!" Sunoo said, still laying on the floor and smacking Niki. "You can't ask that!"

Niki grabbed Sunoos other wrist and the older climbed on top of him to continue hitting him.

"AH! Sunoo Hyung, stop it!" Niki yelped as the older kept flaring his arms.

Sunghoon reached over and tapped Jake's shoulder. "Is this proof enough for you?" He said as the two continued fighting. Jake looked at his shoes, not saying a word.

"What does he mean?" I asked Heeseung. The older sighed.

"You might as well just put everything out Hoon." Heeseung said and Sunghoon agreed and stood up.

"Sunghoon no-" "No Jake, I can't sit anymore from the side line. Isn't this enough evidence that Sunoo has gotten over his feelings for me? Please Jake, I haven't done anything wrong and I've been waiting, but it's been nearly a month of me asking you. Please Jake, I just want to be with you."

The comotion made Sunoo and Niki stop fighting and sit up. Jake continued staring at the floor as Sunghoon put his hands through his hair.

"Jakey, were you turning down Sunghoon because of me?" Sunoo asked, looking at the older. Jake didn't respond, he just kept looking at his feet. "Jake, I'm your best friend. I was a bit angry at first when Sunghoon kissed your hand, but we talked it out didn't we? I told you that I care more about you being happy than I do about some guy."

"I- I know but..." Jake stopped, unable to finish his sentence.

"Jake, if Sunghoon makes you happy, what's stopping you?" Sunoo said, and Jake looked up at him, tears in his eyes.

"D-do you really mean that?" Jake asked Sunoo. Before he could answer Niki put his arm around Sunoo.

"Of course he does! Plus he's already mine so we are all good!" Niki said as Sunoo punched his shoulder.

"Yeah, in your dreams weirdo. I'd never date a crazy boy like you."

"Just keep telling yourself that~" Niki hummed.

I looked to my left, at Heeseung, then to my right at Jay. A large smile taking over my face.

I am happy.


"Come on Hyungs!" I cheered as I pushed Jay and Heeseung into position.

"How many times have we told you not to call us Hyung, Wonnie?" Jay sighed as he fixed the collar of his shirt.

I stood in front of them as I got my polaroid camera ready.

"Remind me why we are doing this again?" Heeseung asked me.

"It's not every day you have a one year anniversary. We need to be able to remember it!" I said to my boyfriend.

"But didn't we take a million pictures earlier at the party?" Jay asked.

Uhg, men. They never understand.

"This is a polaroid, it's different. Just say cheese!" I said as I angled for a selfie for the three of us.

Instead of saying cheese, my silly boyfriends had a plan in mind.

"We love you!" They said as the light flashed and the photo snapped.

A photo of us, me and my boyfriends.

The loves of my life, all captured in a single polaroid photo.

I turned to them and laughed. I pinched both of their cheeks as I smiled.

"My polaroid loves"


Heyyyy, thank you all for reading!

You guys have supported this story from beginning to end and I seriously wouldn't have had the motivation to continue writing if it weren't for you.

I have plans for future stories and lore and plot I want to add into it. I have grown up while here on wattpad and want my writing to start showing it, so I have big plans.

I am in the works of making a new story so I hope you will all support whatever future endeavors I have.

I love you all!

XOXO ~ Nyla

Story Total - 25,044 words

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