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Heeseung POV

'Im outside' My phone read as the message from Jay popped up. I smiled to myself as I hopped off of my bed and ran to the door. I opened it to see the cute boy, he might think he's all tough, but I know his nerves spiked up when I was around.

"Welcome Jay" I said as I opened the door for him. He rolled his eyes and mumbled a small 'hi' as he walked into my dorm.

He took a seat on the table chair and adjusted his collar, still putting on his cool boy act. I laughed to myself and put my finger under his chin.

"The tough boy act looks good on you." I mumbled, looking into his eyes. His face turned red as he stammered a bit. I began to lean into him as my doorbell rang.

Jay let out a small sigh of disappointment, but my smile grew even more knowing who was at the door.

Jungwon walked in as I opened the door, giving me a hug. "Hi Hyungs!" The young boy chimed, making me smile.

"Hi Wonnie, let's go talk upstairs in case Sunghoon comes home?" I suggested as the two younger boys followed me.

"Wow hyung, your room is very clean!" Jungwon mentioned as we walked into my bedroom. "Definitely not as clean as Jay-Hyungs room would be."

"Hey, my room is clean..." Jay mumbled as Jungwon and I laughed at him.

The three of us sat on my bed and a moment of awkward silence passed. It was obvious these two get nervous easily.


I let out a sigh as I laid down. "So I'm gonna address the elephant in the room" I said boldly. "Jungwon" I said as the young boy looked at me. "I want to be your boyfriend." As I said the words, his face turned cherry red. He looked down and fidgeted with his sweater.

"And Jay" I continued. "I think I've made my advances to you quite clear, I'd also like to be your boyfriend." Jay scoffed a bit.

"You must be some hot shot if you think you can get both of us." He said, but I noticed the light shade of pink on his cheeks.

I smiled as I sat up, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Oh trust me, I am a hot shot." I leaned in to whisper into his ear. "And I can get both of you."

I turned away from Jay and shot Jungwon a wink. I scooted up to the head of my bed and sat there with my hands behind my head. Now it was time for the two cuties to confess their feelings.

Jungwons face was red, and hot, but mostly red hot. He couldn't stop fidgeting with his fingers, obviously at a loss for words.

Jay coughed a bit and moved closer to Jungwon, putting his hand in the youngers. "Well, Wonnie, I uh..." He trailed as he mustered up the courage. "I'd also like to be with you, of course if that's something you are comfortable with."

Jungwon played with Jays fingers and looked up at me. "What would this make us then? I've never really done this before."

I pursed my lips and looked at the two boys, my boys. "I belive its called a Polyamours relationship. Where we are all each others boyfriends."

Jay looked at me, his face relaxing into a smile as we met eyes. "That would be a dream come true." However, little Jungwon still looks a little nervous.

I frowned at the young boy as I pulled him onto my lap. Jay sat next to me and rubbed circles on the youngests arm. "What's wrong, little lamb?"

"What if...." He began and took a long sigh. "What if you both hurt me?" He continued playing with his sweater paws.

I took a second to think as I pulled the younger into me. "Well, I can't promise what the future will hold, but I can promise right now. Right now I have no intentions of hurting you. Right now I have very strong feelings for you, and right now I want to make you mine."

The younger turned around, straddling my lap and gave me a deep kiss. His soft lips fit so perfectly in mine, it felt like a miracle. When we pulled away, he turned to Jay and the two of them shared a kiss.

The look of my two boys kissing was enough to turn me on.

They are beautiful. 

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