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Yall I love your comments I swear. You guys are the funniest people in the world.


“Jeez man, you look rough.” Niki said. It was the morning we had to be model for some art classes and I couldn’t sleep at all, not even a wink.

“I didn’t sleep.” I huffed. Niki opened his mouth as I cut him off. “And no, I don’t want to talk about it.”

Soobin walked into our practice room. “Hello future models, where is Yeonjun and Sunghoon?” He asked, and then he looked at me. “Holy cheese, sit down, let me help you.”

“Wait what-” I began as Soobin grabbed my arm and made me sit down. He took something out of his bag. “Oh hell no, no makeup!”

“Just trust me, I’ll make it look natural.” Soobin huffed as the older put makeup under my eyes to hid the dark spots.

“Good morn-”Yeonjun began as he walked in the room with Sunghoon. He stopped once he saw how close Soobin and I were. He stood there, studded, misunderstanding the situation.

“Whats going on?” Sunghoon asked for him.

“Ah, good morning you guys. Jay didn't sleep so I’m making him not look like a mess.” Soobin laughed as Yeonju visibly relaxed. He is so whipped.

He touched up a few parts of my eyes as he stood up. “Alrighty, Sunghoon and Niki I’ll have you guys go to the main painting class. Yeonjun you can come to my sculpture class, and Jay I’ll bring you to the photography class.” Soobin said.

I could see Yeonjun smile, he would get to model for Soobins class. I bet he is excited.

“Let's go!” 

Jungwon POV

“Alright class, like I said we have different models coming in today to try and broaden your artistic lends.” The teacher said as she opened the door. 

The models filed in, I looked at them all happily. Well, until stupid Jay walked in.

“Are you shitting me.” I whispered to myself as I kept my eyes on him. He still hasn't seemed to notice me, thank god.

“Alright everyone, partner up with a model. In one hour I want you guys to have some beautiful pictures, and try to make them unique.” The teacher smiled. That's when the internal panic happened.

I need to find a partner that isn't Jay!

I ran up to a male who was standing close and gave him a smile. “Hi, I’m Jungwon. Would you be interested in working with me?”

“I’m sorry, my friend is actually in this class…” The boy stuttered as he pointed across the room. DANG IT!

I ran up to a girl standing in the corner with light pink hair. “Hey, would you want to be my model?” I asked in a panic.

“Jungwon, I’m literally one of your photography classmates.” The girl sighed, only then did I notice the camera she was holding.

Stupid stupid stupid Jungwon!

I started walking backwards to find a new partner, only to run into something. However this something let out a grunt, and by now I know that voice all too well. I turned around to see Jay standing there as he looked a bit pissed off.

As I was about to say something, the teacher cut me off. “Looks like we are all in pairs! Meet back here in one hour!” She cheered.

“Wait, I don’t have a partner?” I said as I looked around, she was right, everyone was standing in pairs. But then who was my partner?

“I didn’t sign up for this.” I heard Jay sigh. Well shit, he must be the only one left. I slowly turned to look at him and tried to give him a cheeky smile. “Look, you don’t want to work with me either, how about you just skip this assignment.” Jay suggested.

“Dude, do you have any idea what that would do to my grade? There is no way I am failing.” I said as I grabbed Jays wrist and my camera bag and walked out of the classroom.

“Where are we going?” He complained.

“To the greenhouse. Most of my classmates will use one of the studios, but I need my photos to stand out. I need every opportunity I can get.” I sang.



“So, why here?” I asked him as we entered the large greenroom. I looked at him as he pulled something out of the bag he was carrying.

A large flower crown.

Fuck no.

“You think I came here without a plan in mind? Impossible. Now put this on, the blue of your sweater will really compliment it.” “There is no way in hell I am wearing that!” I complained.

He gave me a shocked, and then sassy expression. “Oh yeah? Well if you don’t do what I say this will end up turning into a murder photoshoot. Flowers on head, now!” He demanded. This Jungwon guy is kinda scary. 

I put on the flowers as I turned to the camera. He quickly took a few photos.

“No, too basic.” He said as he looked at them. “Come here and sit on the floor like this.” The photographer model.

I decided not to complain as I sat on the floor and did what he said. I heard the camera snapping away as I held the pose.

“Yes, that's perfect! Try looking up to that wall.” Jungwon said as I complied. His camera kept snapping as I heard the boy giggling.

“These are looking really good.” He said as he sat next to me and showed the photos. “I really like that one, you have a nice jawline.” He complimented as he admired his work.

“You are a whole different person when you are taking photos.” I said as I tried not to laugh. He looked up at me, and I looked into his eyes. Wait, was he always sitting this close to me?

“Yeah, it makes me happy.” The boy said with a smile, it took everything in me not to smile back. “Back to work.” Jungwon said as I hummed. “I’ll position you and you just hold the pose, alright?”

I nodded as the boy took my arm and lifted it so I held one of the leafs on the flower crowns. He has quite soft skin. Wait, why the hell am I thinking this?

“Now look at me, there you go!” Jungwon complimented

“Okay, I had one more I was thinking of. You just stand up and stay there.” Jungwon said as I agreed. He slowly crept closer and closer to me as he positioned the camera perfectly.

He seems to have this little habit of biting his lip when he concentrates. It’s very youthful.

Jay snap out of it, what the hell. These flowers must have put a curse on me, maybe they are changing my thoughts!!!

I almost forgot Jungwon was there until the camera began snapping. 

“Oh Jay hyung, these are perfect!” Jungwon cheered as he spun in a circle. “They do look good, nice job.” I complimented.

“Well I’m lucky to have a good looking model, you should work with me more often. If I can get photos half as good as these, I’ll be set for any photography career.” Jungwon said without a thought. He seemed unaffected, but I was caught off guard by him calling me good looking.

His passion is to take photos of people, he’s not REALLY complimenting you, it's just his job.

It strange seeing him be nice to me. I’m used to the angry and sassy Jungwon, not that I’m complaining.

“Now lets go, we have to show the teacher my work!”

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