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Jungwon POV

“Wow Jungwon, your work is exquisite!” My teacher said as she looked through my camera's photos. “After a bit of editing, these will be some of your best work. Keep pushing your limits!”

She handed me back my camera as she moved on to the next student. I smiled as I turned to Jay, he gave me a thumbs up. I walked out of class as Jay followed me.

“Well I have to go home and edit these, but thank you for modeling. You did quite well.” I said as Jay hummed.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in bio class?” Jay said as more of a question. I gave him a thumbs up as we parted our separate ways.


“I need a drink.” I said the second I walked into my apartment. Jake looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

“It’s 4pm.” He laughed, but I ignored him as I made my way to the kitchen and poured one of the liquids into a cup. “Jungwon what happened?” Jake asked, he could tell I was upset.

“I just had to spend a whole hour with a guy that I hate.” I began as I turned to my friend. “Even worse, I thought he was cute.” I nearly gagged as I took another sip as the alcohol burnt my throat.

“Aren't you like 4 years old? No alcohol.” Jake said as he took the cup away from me. I made a pouty face when our apartment door opened.

“Hey besties!” Sunoo said as he walked in and looked at how stressed I was. “Whaaat did I miss?”

“Jungwon is becoming an alcoholic.” “I am not! I just needed to relax!” I fought back.

“What even happened?” Sunoo asked me as Jake took a sip of the iquore he stole from me.

“Hey Hyung, how come you can drink and I can’t! And unless I can have alcohol, I don’t want to talk about it.” I whined as Jake kept drinking my drink.

“I'm older, meaning I can drink.” Jake laughed as he walked in our living room. “Since Jungwon is being emo, Sunoo, how was painting the models today in class?”

“It was great! There were two of them posing for my group and they were quite pretty. You could tell they definitely weren't models though, they were looking around uncomfortably the whole time.” Sunoo giggled. “I wish you were an art major Jakey, we could all be in similar departments.”

“I don’t have a single artistic bone in my body. I only understand formulas, everything else just doesn't make sense.” Jake laughed as I sat next to him.

“Have you calmed down enough to talk about how your model was Jungwon?”

“I mean, the photos were great and they turned out amazing, but my mind is so confused. The guy that I keep running into, Jay, was my model. He did really well but now he is being nice and it’s strange, why are people so complicated?”

“Preach, like either be an asshole or an angel to me, I don’t care.” Sunoo joked. “No swearing, you are too young!” Jake cut in.

“Do you guys want to work on homework together? I have loads.”

“That’s what you get for being a mathematics major, Jake. But yes, yes I do.” I teased.


“Alright class, get into pairs to work on the lab. Today we will be running DNA gel electrophoresis. (A/N sorry I’m too nerdy to not include electrophoresis-)  Heeseung and I will stop by your stations to check on your work.” The teacher said as the students began finding their partners.

I made this mistake once before, and there is no way I’m doing it again. I’m finding a partner and NOT getting saddled with Jay.

“Do you want to be partners?”

“Wanna be partners?”

Both me and the boy next to me said at the same time. We burst out into a fit of giggles as he offered me a hand shake. “I’m Huening Kai, what’s your name?”

“I’m Jungwon, it’s nice to meet you.” I said as we walked to one of the lab stations. 

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Jay giving me a strange look, but he shrugged it off. Oh well,  I’m not partnered with him.

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