Chapter 7

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Sing a song that my heart wants you to sing.

Saroja came out from shower and started drying her hair.She got busy humming a tune in her sweet voice.She has lately started being extra careful to what she speaks and how she behaves.If it has to be around him then the level of precaution gets too high.

Her brows creased in a sign of worry.She brushed her long hairs and checked herself in the mirror.Putting some kohl on her eye lines, she used her lip balm as a placement on her dry lips.Once upon a time she used to cover them with dark colors.

She is worried.The reason of her worry was not how her life was changing and how she has changed.It was why she did not feel sad over the change.She swore under her breath would never let go of that person she was and from where she has come.What has gone into her she found it difficult to come to terms.

The knock on the door took her attention.

"Sir is waiting downstairs.He is asking for you."


The whole ride has been wasted in complete silence.Saroja kept on taking glances at him while Arjun maintained pin drop silence.

S-"Where are we going.At least now tell me."

He gave a smile and put the small fringe of hair falling on her face.She looked different today and irresistibly beautiful.

A-"You wanted to go out.See the roads and people outside.This is how life is.."

She made a grumpy face and crossed her arms.

S-"you are teasing me.I have seen people and roads before."

A-"From a different view and look.Now.See."

His words carried a weight and different meaning.She knew back of her mind what he referred to despite of that she chose to keep mum.

He parked the car and after coming out opened the door for her.Her eyes looked around the surroundings and she frowned.

S-"Hospital?Yuck.I hate hospitals why are we here.Lets go have enough money can call the doctor at home right."

Arjun rolled his eyes and forcefully tagged her along with him inside.

A-"This is a clinic.A private one and he is one of the best I known.come."

S-"Meet him some nice place.Why here smells so."

A glare from him put an end to her antics.

Dr Pratyush Madhavan is a psychiatrist come counselor.

They opened the door to his cabin and got greeted by a warm smile.

Pr-"Come Mr Reddy I was waiting for you."

Saroja was still unsure and she busied herself on checking out the well furnished and posh interiors of the room.Arjun shaked hands with Pratyush and they got seated.

A-"I guess we already had a talk over the phone and."

Pr-"I do remember.So I suppose she is the beautiful lady you told me about."

Arjun nudged her bringing her back from her land.She gave a sheepish smile and joined her hands to greet the man.

Pr-"Its okay please be relaxed.You want to have something tea or?"

Before she could say anything out of excitement Arjun caught her hand.

A-"No.we are fine.thanks."

Pr-"I see.So young lady may I know your name."

She looked at Arjun and went ahead only after he gave approval through his eyes.


Pratyush gave a look to Arjun who looked side ways.In this one month he couldnt do this much.He made her do everything yet missed out most crucial thing.

Pr-"Hmm.okay.MS Saroja.would you mind sharing your life in brief with in small bits and parts.Be easy.You can take me as a friend."

An hour later they were on way back to home.Arjun had his brows raised and looked not much pleasant with the visit.Saroja on the other hand did not stop shooting one after another trail of questions at him.

S-"You think I am mad thats why you have taken me there.Do I look mad and from which angle tell me."

A-"Shut up.That place is not for mad people."

S-"I know okay.Its for mad people and that doctor he thought I am mad and he treats all mad people.I know."

He stopped the car applying brakes in a way that jolted both of them.She got scared to meet his eye.It carried same blazing look.

A-"Why cant you ever try to understand the position I am in.Why cant you remember damn it."

Like the sky he has hidden thousands of emotions in those eyes.He has been running into death since the time he became impatient to have her back in his life.The sky was mocking at him it looked.

After the small that came from her side that day his heart beamed with lights of hope.He gave it a thought and decided to consult a psychiatrist if he can help her out regaining back her memory.The visit did not gave him much satisfaction as the doctor made clear to him.She has forgotten everything and does not remember a thing how and where did she reach the place.

He had sort of idea she did not live that life willing rather started it off herself.Some one pushed her there and he only wanted to know the name.He would make sure to end the life right there but wait was all in his fate.

His head throbbed with pain and never busted with frustration.Anger was the emotion he felt currently and it was enough to destroy single piece.He kicked the walls and every single thing that came on his way.He wanted answers he has been searching for.He wants her to say his name like she used to.He wants her not to miss the life she lived.

Was it too much he was asking for.She was with him out of compulsion.Physically she has been somewhat transformed herself but on emotional and mental level she was "Saroja".He cannot take that.

He threw the vase straight away and his hand started bleeding.He was short of breath and fell down on the floor sitting with support of wall.He had his eyes closed and could hear the voice he has been yearning for in his mind. 

"Arjun.You always cheat with me.I wont play with you.I will go away and then keep on looking for me."

He didnt knew her word would come true one day and he would be doing same.He whimpered in pain that came from stab on his heart and whispered to himself.

A-"Kavya please.Please.I cant.anymore."

Soon he felt a warm touch on his hand.He shot his eyes open and visioned her sitting in front of him.She blew air on the wound that was deep.He could read her fear stricken face.She panicked.

S-"Its.its bleeding.what did you do."

He took back her hand with eyes showing anger to her.She was confused with sudden change on him.She rushed to other room and came back with first aid box.He shrugged her hand away as she tried to aid him.

S-"Its bleeding let me."

A-"Why do you care tell me?"

He did not pay much attention to his words and started applying medicine on his wound.His eyes did not leave her for a second.With much love and care she bandage his hand and took a breath of relief.

A-"Tell me.who am I to you.Does it matter to you if I live or die."

The words came out of his mouth with difficulty and he clenched his teeth.His eyes were red with anger.She was still giving him a blank look.What would she tell him when she was herself unsure about her mind and feelings.

She was off guarded by his sudden move.He caught her from shoulders and his eyes bore into hers.

A-"Answer me.why cant you feel anything for me?Why is it that you.Please Kavii.I."

A tear brimming eye gave him the answer in a single shot manner.She could not decide what to confront him with.

S-"I.Iam sorry."

With the battle of emotions that has been going on his mind he pulled her in his arms.The solace and warmth he needed.Even if its for his satisfaction he wanted to feel her around him.She belongs to him and only him.She is his possession.

A-"I love you.I do."

Saroja shut her eyes tight in the moment not being able to justify herself.Her hands held on to his shirt from back.He hid his face in traces of her hair and snuggled to her.A sweet and smooth feeling embraced her.The man gave him what she has been seeking for an eternity.

He came out of the hug much to her resistance and cupped her cheeks.Her lips quivered and he traced them with his thumb.She has submitted herself to him long back.For some reason she have given him the place in life no one owned.She was unknown to the reason and her mind battled everytime she seek for the answers.

She touched his cold lips with her soft ones and he moved back.

A-"Marry me."

A second of silence and he wished if her disapproval had not come in this moment.She moved her head side ways and attempted to make an exit.Soon she hissed in pain as he pulled her.

A-"I will marry you.and you cant say no."


Saroja made her way out of his strong grip and run as fast as she could to escape from him.


*Check out new poster made by me ha ha :)

**I am so happy thank you my readers and enjoy happy reading


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