Chapter 8

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"Are you mad.Why did you run away from him.what made you do that heroine."

She sat on same position from time she came there.They were on train not knowing the exactness of destination rooting for.Saroja's eyes looked weak and they held a strange emotion.

Shakeela looked at the girl who have changed so much.She could not try best to look for old Saroja on her.Change was for good and she prayed and wished to see a happy life for her.

Sh-"Saroja why.why did you do this.tell me.Not many get chance to join the broken pieces of their life together.He is a gem of a person.he loves you wants to marry you and you left him.You did not do right thing."

S-"Then what do you expect me to do?Marry him and stain his life.A damaged life can never be reason for lighting up someone else's house.Shakeela.He deserves.Better.Not a stained girl like me.Whose already damaged."

She broke down into sobs and hugged the only person she knew was there for her.When he proposed marriage to him and confessed love she felt earth shaking beneath her feet.She knew about strong feelings he held for her.

It was enough for her to live on that small happy world where she could wish to be desired by him and loved.Making his house a home and being a part of his life.She can never think of doing that to him.She is not worthy of him.So it was better she leaves him to lead a life which suits her.The decision has broken her badly.

Sh-"I know arent happy with this decision now.If it was months back I wouldnt have been telling you same.You love him."

S-"I respect him.Because he is sole person who showed me mirror.A man who did not lust me.He craves for my soul and not body.He wants his love back.Kavvya."

The last word escaped her mouth in a simple soothing tone.Shakila touched her shoulder and faced her with a strong look.

Sh-"And you know that well whose Kavya.Dont you?"

Saroja failed to meet eye and looked down.Sh wiped her tears and set her eyes outside.Very few people could get the dilemma of hers.What she was going through and why.She begged and prayed no one had to face what she had to.She had a life and that was past.Present is she is ruined.

Shakeela touched her head with affection.

S-"Kavya is dead.Long back Shakeela.Dead people never come back.They dont."


"I need a fucking answer.What have you been doing for more than 24 hours now ?Your damn force cant find a single person."

Arjun threw the phone and kicked every single thing that came on his way.His wounded hand started bleeding as it banged on the glass table breaking it into pieces.

Ar-"Why.why did you do this."

He has been living on hell since came to know about her disappearance.After what followed that night he was back into senses next morning.He realized he should go slow and not force her for something.He promised himself previously he would stick to that.But she makes him weak every time.

He wanted to apologize to her for his behavior.He went to her room and found it empty.She was nowhere.Lost.Or left him.Was that the chance she has been looking for and she played him?

His head burst with hundreds of questions ruining his inner peace.The flashes of those days spent with her started coming back to him.He shut his eyes gulping down his pain.It was difficult and how mean of her to leave him like that.She did not for once gave it a thought.He cannot live without her.He felt a hand on his shoulder.

Ar-"Raju.Iam not interested to talk right now.I"

His voice broke as he stumbled with steps.Raju balanced him and made him sit down.

Ar-"She left.She left me.I.I cant find her.I have been trying but."


The train stopped at some station unknown to them.She felt thirsty and Shakeela offered to bring some water.

Sh-"You wait here.I will be back."

S-"Shakeela.I feel scared.please come back soon."

Shakeela assured her with a look and left.

Half an hour passed and Shakeela wasnt back yet.Saroja panicked and looked around.The bold and strong headed girl in her seemed to fade away.She felt a pang of fear in her heart with unknown faces.

She stepped outside and looked for her friend.With slow and dizzy steps she did manage to find her standing on line.It was crowded place.She turned around and was making her way back to train when her eyes caught someone.

Saroja feared and wished if it was a dream.It wasnt and he was there taking steps towards him.This time he came alone and his eyes looked deadly cold.They looked swollen he cried a lot.She bit her lips and soon was closer to him.

Arjun crossed his arms across his chest and glared at her.Till that time Shakeela was there but stopped seeing him.A sort of relief she felt.She wished if he would be there and take her away.She had faith on him.

Ar-"Come with me.NOW."

He found her not moving an inch.She prayed from heart and after struggling hard managed to fake a smile.She stood with her head and face held high.

S-"Shakeela come.We are getting late train will start off any moment."

Sh-"Saroja.go with him.He is."

Arjun was seething in anger.Still he held himself and spoke greeting his teeth.

Ar-"Didnt you hear me.I said come with me.Right now."

S-"Shakeela tell Mr Reddy Saheb.Saroja has lived on her will all her life and will do so till death.No one can rule over me.If he wants me for a night I can please him or for two nights.He fed me well and spent enough on me.So I can compensate him for that on my way.Or else sarry."

She got much closer to him and an inch away from his face.He felt for a moment this was same Saroja whom he picked up from that dirty and filthy place.

S-"Reddy Saheb.We have a sensation set on our body.and heart.Till our body works we cannot use our mind or heart.And you kept me dysfunctional for quite long.So.I want to give my body what it wants now.We are hungry for lust.Not love.If not you then I can certainly please some other bird.."

Saroja felt a tight slap on her right cheek.She held onto there with her hand.Shakeela stared at with shock.She was about to go to her when felt a ahnd coming on her direction.

Arjun asked her to leave scene right the second and he just moved his hands in motion.

He picked her up and she tried best with her protests.She called for help but he was too quick to shut her mouth and last she found Shakeela giving her a glance.She did not look disturbed but relieved.

He drove in a jet speed and applied brakes once he was inside his territory.She was fighting back with all her strength.He spared a look at her.

S-"Leave me.put me down.You did not do right thing.I will go to police ask for help.You cant force me and keep here.You"

She winced in pain as what came across was not something she imagined.He held her cheeks and gripped with his hands.His fingers almost left imprints there.She shut her eyes to absorb the pain.

A-"What did you want to please your body.Quench your thirst ha."

She felt herself in his arms as the helpers looked on to gaping at them.He dropped her on bed mercilessly and locked the room.She was wounded on her cheeks and too weak emotionally to take what was coming next.

Her eyes looked on to him.He was unbuttoning his shirt and soon pounced on her.He lowered his body and face to hers gripping her mouth.


A-"I wanted to teach you language of love and know only one thing.I was wrong judging you.If you want it this way then.Have it."

He pushed her on the bed making her down on her back.He mounted on top of her and held her hands above her head.Saroja stayed mum.With moistened eyes she faced other way when he breathed on her neck.

A second later she realized he wasnt doing anything.He broke the bangles on her wrist and a tear passed down from her cheek.

A-"I will give you what pleases you.But on my way and my terms.I will have you only after I mark you as mine.I will put an end to this long lost wish of yours.Will cut your wings."

S-"I wont marry you."

Her words ignited him more making him reach peak.He put more pressure on her wrists and blood oozed out from broken pieces of bangle.

A-"It hurts?Huh.Nothing compared to what you have given me.What makes you think I will pay heed to your words.I will marry you now.And have you.See who stops me.If not love.See how I tame you."

He left her numb.He fixed his shirt and reached the door.

A-"If you dont want your loving friend and only support to get killed for no reason.Follow my command.Get ready."

Saroja was scared to death.He left banging the door and the sound was loud to break her ear drums.She covered her ears with her hands and broke down badly.

S-"Why.Why is my fate not letting me drift away from you.I cant.Please understand Arjun.I cant do what you want me to.I cant.I am a malice.and your unstained."


A big thank you.Happy and overwhelmed with the response.New readers welcome and old readers please keep supporting me.Your opinion matters to me.


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