Cold Comfort Dreams

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"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I or are the others crazy"- Albert Einstein.

Harry's POV


"Harry?" Her sweet playful voice husked in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine and a smile instantly formed on my lips. "Yes beautiful?" I leaned back a little, I shifted my gaze towards the beautiful dark haired girl. She smirked before pecking my lips lightly. "Harry? I have to tell you something" my smile faded instantly and I stared at Cho. A million bad thoughts whirled but I forced a smile.

"Yeah babe?" I intertwined our fingers together. I heard Cho take a big deep breath before releasing it. Not good.

"I love you" she breathed out. I swore my heart stopped. A smile that appeared grew and I leaned in to kiss her pink lips. My heart ached and I knew I had to go. Once I pulled away I glanced in her dark brown eyes. "I love you too" I kissed her freckled nose. "Really?" She asked unsure. I furrowed my eye brows. "Of course" I hummed back, I pecked her lips gently before getting up. "I have to go meet my father" I sighed. I glanced over to see Cho. She stared back at me. "Okay? Will you be back later? I have to meet up with some old school friends" I picked up my phone and wand. I turned away and then glanced at Cho again, "I won't be back if your meeting up with friends so" I answered. She forgot. She did it last time too huh? I plastered on a fake smile before heading towards the door. "Hey! Aren't I getting a kiss goodbye?" She chuckled. I spun around and pecked her lips before turning on the spot.


"Dude I don't get you" Ace sighed while fixing his stereo.

"What do you mean?" I frowned at the question.

"Do you love her really?" Ace questioned me.

"Yes?" I answered. I gulped deeply.

Ace rolled his eyes still not convinced. I can't blame him, last year Cho held a party and got wasted completely. Apparently some Michael Corner tried to take "advantage of her" but Ace saw it all and said she was taking advantage of him. I didn't know who to believe at the time but confronted Cho at once. She told me that she was drunk and that she couldn't remember. I decided to let it go because I loved her.

"If you say so dude" Ace nodded.

"ANDREW!" Ace shouted. Few minutes later I heard knocking.

"Boss. Mister Potter" Andrew bowed at Ace. He bowed at me too and I nodded slightly back. My eyes glared at the wallpaper, it was of Cho and I.

"Get me the files on Charlie" without hesitation he left.  My thoughts pulled from me when I heard Ace demand. His cold voice could make you want to run. I smirked. I thought him well.

"Whose Charlie?" I asked.

"Charlie is a man I've been tracking because he's doing illegal human trafficking", Ace answered his voice laced with disgust. "He's a pig and I need your help" I nodded.

Andrew came back and held a green file. I took it off of him and read the details. "A Mafia huh?" I snickered.

"Harry he isn't someone you mess with. His father is Russian and they alone are a big family. He is a billionaire and a fucker. Bastard been trying to marry a thirteen year old" Yuck! FUCKEN sicko!

"I'll help. What do I have to do?" I asked folding my arms.

"Become a Mafia i suppose? I don't know but you'll need a crew. How about we join? All under you?" I considered the idea. I trusted Ace with my life. "Okay" I answered.

I received a message as I felt my phone buzz. "That your girl?" Ace asked.

My eyes skimmed over the text and saw it was from her but for different reasons. "She's gone out for two days" I huffed.

"You'll get over it. What happened to cold hearted player Potter?" Ace teased. I glared at him before walking towards the door.

"Hmm. We will talk later about our settlement"

I left and made my way home. Lennie greeted me before tearing off down the quiet roads of Miami. I loosened my tie and texted Ace to come over again since Cho would be out.

I got home around 7 and entered my kitchen. "Hmmm keep going" what the fuck? Does Andrew have someone over? Is that moaning?

I slowly made my way towards the noises, I began to notice coming from my ROOM! My fist rolled into balls and I clenched my jaw. Before I could turn the handle I heard my phone buzz. "Cho!!!" I heard a guy moan? What the fuck?!

I texted Ace to come now and quietly. Not a moment or later I saw Ace. I put silencing charms so they won't hear me. "I hear Cho" I sighed. My shoulders sagged. Ace looked at me sympathetically. "You don't know mate.. they might be watching Charlie Rose or something?" I glared at him before kicking the door down. To my horror Cho and some junk were in my bed naked. He was nearly pounding into her. I glared at them as they stared back in shock. The guy shrieked away before realising who I was. "SHIT!" He screamed before scurrying off my FUCKEN BED! I don't know which hurt more, the fact she cheated on our anniversary or that she forgot who I FUCKEN was! "Get. THE. FUCK. OUT!"  I looked at Ace and he understood immediately.

I disappeared on the spot and went to my hotel in Cuba. I drank the night away, ignoring messages from Cho. Fucken---

I heard a buzz sound again, again I ignored it. I felt a bit light headed so I called for three of my men. They took me to my room where I stripped off and fell onto my bed. The thoughts of Cho running through my head. How could she? She told me she loved me! How FUCKEN dare she! I gave her my all!--

**Knock **

I immediately got up and answered the door.  I was surprised to see a woman outside my door. She licked her lips at me before showing off her dazzling smile. I eyed her slim body and I didn't even need words. I grabbed her forcefully and pushed her against the door. "Mister Potter" she panted out.

"Mila don't" before I kissed her.

She sighed into it before reciprocating the kiss. She melted instantly and my hands went around her waist. Fuck you Cho!  Things got heated way too quickly before I knew it she was naked and straddling my lap.

I was so occupied with her body that I didn't hear the door opening.

"HARRY!" I heard a familiar voice roar. Shit.

I pulled away, Mila shrieked loudly before scurrying off under the covers.

"FATHER!" I roared. My fist balled immediately and I clenched my jaw. My blood boiled as I saw the man in front of me.

"HOW COULD YOU CHEAT! YOU MAN WHORE! You FUCKEN idiot! I am disowning you! How could you! Cho loves you! " my father raged on and on. I looked at Mila and saw she was pissed off. Well shit.

"DONT THINK YOUR GETTING MY BUSINESS. I will hand it over to Draco!" My father continued his lecture until I stood frozen.  Before I could get a word in he stormed off. I glanced at Mila who was gathering her things.

"I--" her voice trailed off.

"It's fine" I nodded at her and she got the message.

I'll kill Ace for that booty call but oh well. I raked a hand threw my hair before collapsing onto my bed.

Another knock came to my door and honestly I'm pissed off. "Lennie answer it!" I decided to call my butler. Why i didn't call him the first time is beyond me. I huffed before grabbing my wand. Before I could do anything the one person I didn't want came.

"How did you find me!" I barked. I saw Cho flinch and take a step back.

"I wanted to apologise" my head snapped up glaring at her.

"Sorry for getting caught?" I spat.

Cho flinched again under my intense glare.

"I didn't mean to hurt you" she choked back a sob. I could see the tears glistening in her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her tactic. Not working.

"You know the fact that you got caught on our anniversary, lied to me, I still believed you. What's worse? You lying to me, cheating and now you think you can say sorry?" I felt the mood shift in the air. The tension was mounting. Cho said nothing as she hung her head ashamed.

"He loves me" I felt a stab, a bullet, an elephant sit on top of my heart. My eyes bulged out, my heart ached and I completely stood paralysed.

"Get.Out!" I snapped before pressing my button in my pocket. Within seconds three of my men had grabbed Cho and flung her out the door.

"Harry! I love you! Not him" I heard her sob and release echoes of whining, whaling and crying. Honestly I turned towards my phone and texted Ace to get over here...


I woke with a start. My forehead covered in a layer of sweat. My breathing deep and shallow, I could feel my heart pound in my ears. My pulse was going through the roof and my body shook. For a minute I didn't recognise where I was. My eyes came in contact with the familiar curtains. The dark grey curtains that hung proudly. I shifted in the bed before rolling out. I threw myself into the shower to relax and reply my dream. Years and years went by she's gone. I heard my phone go off. Sighing I let it ring out. My mind wondered to Ginny. The day before yesterday, I left her room that morning before she woke up. I felt a tingle and I couldn't help it effect me. It shouldn't but it did. Her small hand in laced with mine I couldn't help it, it felt right. But what if I'm wrong?

I finally got out of the shower and did my morning routine, then I headed to the kitchen. I saw no one, I frowned trying to listen for any movement. Where are you Ginny? I approached her room and knocked softly. After about a minute I heard shuffling, the door swung open and Ginny's brown eyes gazed into my green ones.

"Hey I just wanted to tell you that we've dinner with my parents..."

Ginny's face fell but I could see her trying to suppress a smile. "We have it tonight" I smirked. Ginny only gave me a slight nod.

She turned her back towards me moving around the room. "When are we heading back?" I thought for a moment.

"You can head back tomorrow I'm not sure? Do you need to go back?" I asked.

"No it's up to you" I heard her mutter.

"I'm going to call my friends and tell them.." she whispered before throwing herself out of the room. I sighed before dialling Ace's number.

"Yo yo yo dawg" I heard Ace greet. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Shrek" I greeted. I heard Ace groan into the phone.

"I thought we dropped that?" I heard him whine.

"Nope. Never Maurice" I grinned.

"Ugh James!" He whined.

"Ace Maurice..."

"Don't!" He said in an angry playful voice.

"Fine fine fine. Anyways did you get more bodyguards?" I asked while tapping my finger impatiently.

"Yeah. I have 300 who signed." I breathed out a sigh.

"Wow" I heard Ace chuckle.

"Where are we going to put them all?" I asked.

"Build an estate?" Ace suggested. "After all you own what? Over 50 hotels and three international companies Dude" I hummed in response.

"So where will I have that estate?"

"New York? Near the upper east side? Or how about Miami?" I thought for a moment before deciding.

"Get Andrew, Jessica and Ava so. Contact Hermione and tell her I need the Best of the best to build my estate? Or I could just buy property?" I hummed.

"Yeah buy it instead it'll be quicker and than get your girl to move in. After all you guys are "married" right?"

"Right" I hummed.

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