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"Everybody makes mistakes from time to time. Unfortunately being me was mine" - Unknown

Ginny Weasley's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this Gin?" Janet asked.

I heaved out a long sigh before answering. "Honestly I don't have a choice"

There was silence for a couple of seconds until I heard rustling noises in the background. "Okay Gin" Janet spoke through the phone. "When are you coming home?" I gulped not knowing the answer. Harry had mentioned a week to me. But I was unsure.

"I'm still not certain. It could be in a week?" I sounded way too uncomfortable with unknowing when I might return home.

"Okay we'll get home safely. He won't hurt you Gin," Janet assured me.

"I know but he's scary!" My face grim. Tall. Imitating. A bit like him but he was much taller and always wore a cold face.

Janet chuckled pulling me out of my thoughts. "He's actually a decent guy from what i hear. " There was a pause before I heard, "hey I have news!!" Janet squealed out excitedly.

"Yes what is it?" I asked curiously.

"I got a job at the same headquarters as yours!!" Janet said excitedly. A smile immediately smacked onto my freckled face.

"That's amazing!" I said excitedly.

"I know but I'll be on the floor below you with a team" she explained her job. Talking about a team of seven where they had to go around and ensure all the construction is completed within the deadline. Janet told me that Harry's building a new estate. I frowned when she mentioned a new estate.

"Where is he building this?" I asked.

"New York" she answered.

"Why? Do you know?"

"Something to do with his father actually."

I hummed a reply.

"Listen Gin I best be going, I have an interview tomorrow so I will ring you with my results" she said cheerfully. With our goodbyes said I hung up and turned around. I wasn't expecting Harry to be standing patiently near the wall next to the door.

"God! How long have you been there?!" I clutched hand over my chest. "What?!" I asked staring at him.

Harry smirked at me. "Hi Harry how are you this morning?" He said mimicking my voice. I scrunched my nose up at his tone and he let out a light chuckle.

"To answer your non question Miss Weasley I am good thank you, but I have to ask you what's on my calendar today?" His voice firm. I glanced at him to see his black and white suit on him. I could smell his cologne from here once again and I found myself sniffing it in. Weirdo--

"Earth to Miss Weasley?" Harry smirked at me.  That damn smirk!

My eyes flew to the schedule. Okay he had three meetings. One with Bill Weasley? And the other two with the company.

"You have three meetings Sir" I said as I skimmed down the notebook.

"With whom?" His eye brows raised. His nose scrunched up adorably. Aw that's kinda cute....

"A Mr Bill Weasley Sir and two with the company" I answered while prying those stupid thoughts about my Boss. Bill Weasley? My brother his name is Bill. Maybe it's not the same person right?

Harry only mumbled an "okay" before turning on his heels. Before he reached the door he faces me, "go find Hermione and Ace in my office to work on the balance sheets" he then turned on his heels.

I walked in the opposite direction towards his office. Upon my arrivals Hermione greeted me cheerfully.

"Hey Gin", Hermione and I had gotten extremely close these past few days.

"Hey Mione" I smiled. "So how are the balance sheets working out?" I eyed the sheets in Hermione's hand.

"They seem to be on track. Could you re-check them?" She asked. I nodded while taking a glance.

The next thing I heard were many footsteps. Is there a herd of cows outside the office?--

"What the merlin!" Hermione looked at me. I glanced back. But before any of us could react Ace had burst through the door with four men. All four men wore a black suit with a white shirt. They kind of reminded me of the Men in Black. They bowed at Ace before straightening back up again. My eyebrows furrowed in complete confusion.

"Mister Knight" they're cold husky voices sent unpleasant shivers down my spine. I took a discreet step towards Hermione. This didn't go unnoticed by Ace as he stared at me.

"Ladies these bodyguards belong to you guys" Ace smirked. I glanced at Hermione who nodded.

"Cole. Killan" two tall dark haired men stepped forward, bowed their heads before staring at Ace. "You both are in charge of securities of Miss Granger" they bowed once again. I stood staring not knowing what to do or say.

"Turns. Hunt" Both belong to Miss Weasley, girlfriend of Harry Potter" my eyes flew to the mention of "girlfriend". What the heck?

Harry James Potter's POV

"Are you sure you want this sir?" I heard Bill point to a picture of a construction site. A classic but modern model home surrounded by a gigantic estate. That alone should inhabit my house workers. I glanced at the blueprints searching for anything I didn't want.

"A model home, yes I want it" my voice cold. Bill stepped back at the sound of my unpleasant voice.

"When will it be done by?" Ace piped up.

"Six months" Bill answered his head down. His ginger hair reminded me of a certain red head back at the hotel.

"That's the deadline?!" Ace's voice snapped. I glanced at Ace to see that his fist were balled. He glared maliciously at Bill.

"Mr Weasley I want it done in four months!" I spat.

Bill's eyes widened. "I--" he stuttered out.

I rolled my eyes at him before checking my watch. Where is she?!

"Can it be done? Or will I have to hire somebody else?!" Ace shot towards Bill.

"We will" I nodded before exiting the construction building.  Ace followed not far behind with three sets of blueprints.

"Will you not buy the property in Cali?" I shook my head.

"I need to be in New York" I replied.

"She's not coming back you know" I sighed knowing he's right. "Last time I heard of Cho was when she--"

"I know!"

Ace nodded before fixing his tie. There was a knock on the door that drew me out of my thoughts. "Sir it's your father" before I could react my father barged in.

"Well my son!" He greeted.

"Father" I nodded. Ace took that as a queue to go.

"So I've heard news" my father took out a magazine and threw it. I caught it and saw the big bold writing. But that wasn't what caught my eye, a picture of Ginny and I at a restaurant in New York.


"Yes?" I stole a glance at the older Potter. He stared intently back at me.

"Who is she?" He demanded.

"My girlfriend" I answered as I put the magazine down. I poured myself a drink and I saw my father sitting down.

"Want any?" My father nodded and I took a glass out of the cabinet.

"How long?" I passed him his whiskey and sat down.

"Two months" I answered.  My father frowned at me.

"What happened to Karla?"

I pushed my crooked glasses up farther on my nose before replying,
"She was just a booty call that Ace called for me"

My father nodded. "Your mother wants to see her". I only gave him a nod. "Why weren't you at the dinner?" He was clearly upset. I could tell he was trying to be calm about it.

"I couldn't make it" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "What can I help you with father?" I asked blankly.

My father sighed deeply before taking a few sips of his whiskey. "It's Sirius"

I felt my heart stop. All the blood drain from my entire body. My eyes flew towards him as I stared in disbelief. "What?!" I demanded.

"Sirius is dying son" he whispered it this time. I felt the wind have been knocked out of me. I turned away from my father before grabbing the whiskey jar and pouring more. I put the glass to my lips before taking a massive gulp of whiskey down my throat. It's burning sensation aided the pain I was feeling. I could feel my heart ache at his words.

"Harry, you need to take over his company and businesses. This is very important son." His tone serious and cold. I couldn't believe it. My godfather is dying?

All I could do is nod as he told me what I had to do.  "Son you can't show weakness. Protect what's yours. I heard you are building an estate?"

"Yes. Its a big model home surrounded by mini apartments for my workers. I also am hiring new bodyguards and setting up new branches in Rio and basically everywhere" i said while handing him a whiskey. He smiled at me and I nodded back.

We spent the next few hours talking before my father left. Once I finished contracts and the meetings with the company branch I headed towards the elevator. In which a very particular scene caught my eye. Ginny Weasley.

She stood waiting on her phone to someone. Her tight pencil skirt curved her body in all the right places. My eyes drifted upwards towards the sight of her blouse, in which a few buttons were undone. I subconsciously licked my lips at the sight of her cleavage and as my eyes wondered even higher I caught sight of her Adam's apple. She's beautiful. My palms started to sweat. I felt my heart pound against my chest at the sight of Ginny Weasley. I then stared at her face, her stunning brown eyes, her perfect jawline, her cute ass cheek bones---

"Who you staring at?" A playful voice interrupted.

I turned faster than lighting to face the mood killer. "Ace!" I snapped.

Ace laughed out loud before winking at me.

"Have fun Potts" he smirked. I flipped him off harshly before glancing back at Ginny.

"She's beautiful" I whispered.

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