Human traffic

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So it's been a really long time... oops? Anyway enjoy xox

P.S I want you to comment where you are in the globe!!! GO IRELAND!


"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy" - F.  Scott Fitzgerald.

Charlie Mason's POV

"Chris is delivering your package tomorrow sir" I heard one of my men say to me. I turned to face him. I glare at him before asking in a rude tone.

"How much?" I snapped.

"15 hundred" I nod my head before taking a sip of whiskey. I felt the cool thick liquid slide down my throat burning my throat in the process. Hmm I moaned involuntarily.

"Sir the girls are here for you" he pointed to the strippers that entered the room.

My eyes flew to what he was pointing at. Whores. A smirk slapped my face at that instant and I got up off my chair. Trudging over to the filthy whores I saw them quiver. Not one of them looked up to catch my gaze.  They knew exactly who I was and how exactly this was going to end. I gave my men a nod, four of them approached before grabbing each whore by the hair. Albert one of my right hand men stood up and placed five thick blind folds  on them. The girls didn't fight. This is what happened every night until they couldn't take it. I run a strict cooperation.

My business is based globally, with its HQ in Moscow Russia. I am a Russian like my father before me, but my mother wasn't. She was Polish. I have three brothers, fucking cunts. One of them is in prison in America for beating his wife to death, Bryce (13 reasons why)
Another is somewhere along the Mexican coast hiding from the Mafia which is Viktor. Lastly the other one is a Cop. Of fucking course he is. Fucking ass hole. He's such a goodie good. Always did the right things. Finally there's me, a fat motherfucking with power and money thanks to my father.

I also run a strip club that fucking Harry Potter's hotel is in. I have a stupid meeting with him later tonight. Little does he know though that I'm not willing to offer shit. I've spies in his so called "Daddy Mafia". I know he's planning to shut down my program, sure I had him convinced that it was done. But no, I handed it over to Arthur. Arthur is my left hand man. He's just as powerful as Harry is. His stupid of a side hoe, Ace though is giving me issues. Did I mention that Karla is my sister? Harry saved her a couple of weeks ago. She escaped. What a fucking slut, I wasn't finished with her. I know where's she's based and I know what I'm going to do. That bitch is dead when I get my hands on her.

A whimpering sound came from one of the whores. My attention glided towards her. She had brown curly hair. I couldn't tell what colour her eyes were. But the colour of her complexion wow.  Her tan skin was perfectly in contrast with the dimly lit office room. I lifted her head a little. She resisted at first but I heard a smacking sound. I looked beyond her and saw one of my men. At that same time you could see her body tremble. "Ssh I won't hurt you sweetheart" that didn't seem to calm her.

"Ah Sir" I glared towards the voice.

"What!" I barked.

"She's pregnant" I felt a roar erupt from the my stomach. My laughter booming off the walls. I heard her sniffle which made my smile widen.

"It worked?" I asked baffled. My men nodded.

"Mister Gill will be happy" I smiled.

I was about to turn my direction back to the woman but I saw out of the corner of my eye the security gates opening. Lovely a visitor

I turned to my men and they took the women away to there's "homes". I walked out of my building towards the car. I get into the car and down where the gate was. I saw a black citron parked. A man stood impatiently.


I got out and rushed over.

"I have a new place" he stated his cold demeanor imposed a frightening vibe. I stood up, stroking my beard. "Where?" I snapped.

"China" he answered. "Asian chicks are hot and people pay a lot for women. But I want a new project on children." I felt my stomach turn. Children trafficking..

"Okay" I nodded before getting back into my car. My car sped off back to my mansion. I stormed into the women's "houses" and grabbed one of them.

I tightened my grip my I felt her pull away. Her screams were music and I let them be heard down the corridor and into another block room. I threw her across the room . I started to unbuckle my belt while I watched her with hunger. She kept crawling away from me but I took my giant step and I had her right where I wanted her. She screeched. Begged. Bargained. But it was no use. I slapped her harshly across her face before grabbing her aggressively. I took a hold of her, my legs parting her legs. She knew what's to come. Even my men outside the door knew. I whistled for a chair to be placed. A few moments later a chair was placed behind me and I placed her on the seat with great difficulty. I kept whispering into her ear how much she will suffer..

The next few moments came by like a blur. I beat her. Her screams and yells echoed along the room. I didn't stop though.  I saw her falling under unconsciousness. That didn't even stop me. Once I was finished i stormed out to my men and told them to clean her up. I wasn't raping her tonight.

I felt my blood pumping in my ears. My heart accelerated but slowed a little. My mind replaying what happened. I smirked before sitting down. Not too long after I hear a knock and my butler says Mister Potter would like to see me. I smirk before accepting the request.

As I get into my black limo my thinks are wild. But then they settle on Harry's beauty... Ginny? Hmm the things I would do to her. Wait what if my next project is to get her? Hmm she would be pleasured. I order my guard beside me to ring Viktor. "Find me everything about GINNY WEASLEY!" I demanded before hanging up. I closed my eyes and let the darkness suffocate me.

So here's an update. The next update will Be next week sometime. Thank you for waiting patiently but it will make sense soon so pay deadly attention! Happy summer to all!!!


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