First time for everything

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"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" - Confucius

Ginny's POV

"On today's news..." I heard the radio playing in the background. I sat on the bed in my hotel room, my thumbs occupied by me madly typing on my laptop. My eyes flew to the grandfather's clock in the corner of the room. 23:30. I let out a long sigh. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. For just this few minutes I let my mind wonder, I am currently in LA because of Harry. He had some opportunity with the shareholders looking for investment. My phone buzzed but I decided to ignore it. Most nights I hardly sleep when I am alone. I've been dragged all across the US. The other day I went to Chicago and it had been my first time. The muggle world is another dimension, I swear, if only they knew. My eyes ripped out. I looked out of the triples glazed glass. I could hear the distant noises of the traffic in downtown LA. The lights were like angels guiding people home as they drove. I glanced back down at my spreadsheets. These figures and numbers ticked and crossed out. I pinched the bridge of my nose before deciding to leave my work for another night.

I grabbed the television remote and put some random channel on. Pushing myself off the bed I got up and stripped off my office attire and slipping into something much more comfortable- a long T-shirt and shorts. I headed towards the bathroom. It was magically bright, the tiles covering the entire room, a relatively large bathtub was attached to the corner while the sink was hung beside it. The shower was just a glass box and it was beautiful. The perks of working for Potter was how nice the hotel I stay in. My room was simple. With a king sized bed made of mahogany wood, the finest sheets placed and the decorations was just breathtaking. The room itself smelt delicious because of the scattered scent of rose. I brushed my teeth and then grabbed my wand. With a flick I put the fire on. It was truly a beautiful the room.

Harry's been acting more kind to me which is odd. I receive more days off and find myself getting comfortable with holding a conversation and not a one word responses. But I do still find myself struggling at making eye contact. Because how could I stare at his eyes. They're simply the best. The most emerald green eyes I've ever stared at in a magazine cover. Okay yeah I haven't looked at them directly. But I'll get there. What if I find myself getting attacked by them? I mean. It's not fair to have such an attractive smile and to have those enchanting eyes. No wonder he has millions of women falling at his feet. But not me, however being his fake girlfriend is so strange. Yet calming?

Come to think of it. The other day Harry was in his office, and two men I never seen before asked to speak with him. One was a tall, buff guy. I sensed something cruel about him? His eyes were filled with arrogance and his demeanor was a little off. He spoke in a rough accent. His questions were more demands then anything I ever heard of and when I spoke to him, he eyed me like I was candy. I never felt so much exposed. I even stepped closer to Harry. Harry's presence calmed me? Why? I never know. I often find myself staring at him when he isn't  paying any attention. He's kinda cute when he's sitting at his desk and looks agitated. It's not cute when he takes it out on me though. Boy it's very frightening.

I swear men are bipolar. One minute they're  in the best of moods and the next it's like a switch and he's like a girl on his period. Like the other day, for example, when we were about to head to dinner he was in such a good mood that he talked to me and joked. Then after dinner he turned into hulk and roared, slammed doors and yelled at his bodyguards.  It was only then did Ace come along and wave his magical wand,  did Harry turn into human again.  I had spent that whole day busy with reports to make sure I avoided him. I had achieved thankfully.

"Ginny?" I heard a deep voice knock me from my daze.

I turned my attention towards the voice. Harry stood rooted at the door. His hands shoved into his pockets. I only realized that he was wearing a suit and tie. He looked delicious. Grrr. Darn him. I subconsciously felt my mouth dry, and I felt the urge to lick my lips. Harry's eyes were intensely staring at mine while mine shot down towards his lofts. Ooh nice shoes.

"So am, I just wanted to ask could I come in?"
Harry asked in a polite tone.

I felt myself internally snort but held it in. He's asking for my permission?  He's already standing in the room. I found myself nod in response. Suddenly my face became red from embarrassment. I looked down at my clothes and realized I was wearing the worse pjs ever.

"Nice pjs by the way" I heard the smirk. I felt it too.

I also heard his footsteps coming increasingly closer to me.

"I see you finished the reports", Harry said as he sat down on the other end of my bed. I felt the bed dip and that's not the only thing that did. My diaphragm heaved upwards and I felt a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I cleared my throat before answering, "yeah. Took me ages" I replied. My eyes glanced at his for a mili-second before looking at his messy hair. Dang.

"Same. Are you hungry? I could order room service?" Harry insisted.

At the mention of food. I felt my stomach growl. We'll it could of been my heart because i was really enjoying my view. GINNY! STOP! HE IS YOUR BOSS. FAKE BOYFRIEND! NO ATTRACTION! MEN ARE BAD!

I heard laughter erupt from the end of my bed and I couldn't help but smile a little. He has such a cute laugh. Absolutely adorable!

"Someone's hungry", Harry said while smirking. He got up, and walked towards the hotel telephone. I felt my heart rate increase.

"Yeah. I want food... yes I'm Harry... leave it on my card... yes room 790" i didn't have time to react. What food is he ordering because he never asked? Gee thanks for asking Potter. I felt my eyes roll.

"I got the lot" he said. He must have read my mind.

"Thank you" I heard myself saying before getting up. I grabbed my wallet and handed him money.

"I don't really know how much it will cost but here" I handed him a fifty dollar note.

Harry snorted in reply and raised his hand.

"No thank you. I got this. Besides it's my hotel" he smirked. His billion dollars smirk is going to be the death of me.  "I want to thank you for your work you've been doing for me lately".

I only nod in response. I was hoping he would get the hint that I wasn't much of a talker.

"You don't talk much but when you do, you're sassy" I felt a hint of amusement but couldn't quite catch it. I felt my eyes shooting down towards my hands. My knee was bobbing up and down, I felt my teeth crush together and something in the atmosphere was making me nervous. Was it him? I couldn't tell you. But what I can say was that I could feel my heartbeat beating through my ears blocking out unnecessary things.

"Ginny?" I heard him whisper.

I hummed in response wishing he would get the hint that i wasn't in the mood.

"Are you alright?" He asked his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, just tired" I lied.

Harry didn't seem pleased with my response because next hung I know is I felt his ghostly hands on my shoulder.

"I am not going to ask. But if you need to talk to someone. I am here" Harry said. I felt him give me a gentle shoulder squeeze and I was surprised to see that I didn't flinch. Guess it's true what they say. There's a first time for everything..

CONTINUING WITH THE BOOK!!! Finally updated!!! YAYYY!!! BTW HAPPY 2019(late) been super busy but I really want to finish this book because I enjoy it!

Lemme know what you think!!!!


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