All Girls are the same

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"Here's a riddle of love; Everything it gives to you, it takes away"- UNKNOWN

Ginny's POV

My eyes scanned the spreadsheets quickly before fixing some minor mistakes that Ace had made.

Investors- Ace Knight
Draco Malfoy
James Potter

My eyes squinted at the initials, "CC" , who on earth is CC? I thought for a moment, thinking of all the possibilities. I had met most of Harry's business partners, we'll with the exception of Mr James Potter. As I knew full well who Mr Potter was. He was THE JAMES POTTER!!! The man that supplied weapons to the muggles. He decided to live a muggle life after the war, he destroyed Voldemort, you know and so on.  I slammed the laptop down and closed my eyes. As sad as it's to say.. I can't sleep. I'm getting worse nightmares each night. Oh great. I get up off my bed and go to the balcony. I stare out at the moon and think, I'm in a beautiful place, but even he can ruin it.

I sigh deeply.


"How am I suppose to even do this?" I asked Ace desperately. Ginny wasn't making it easy for me. Her walls were as high as the Great Wall of China, I swear Trump can't even build that one that great. I rolled my eyes before staring at Ace intensely.

Ace let out a long sigh. He ran a hand through his messy hair before leaning on the wall.

"Har, you need to give her time. Have you spent much time with her outside the office?" Ace asked while flicking through my reports.

I thought for a brief moment before picking my words carefully. Ginny and I, we have spent a lot of work and office hours together rather than alone time outside the office. My firm has been crazy busy and meetings are being held left, right and center. That's because of the new investment with the shareholders in Japan, Potter's NET industry was expanding rapidly, just like my father wished. The big meeting with the shareholders in Japan made my stomach dip and my heart throbbed loudly at the thought of going to Japan. Maybe I should delegate? Hmmm I pondered on the idea but realized it was no use.

"I think if you find out what she likes, you'll have no problem? How about taking her out on a casual date?"  Ace suggested.

I thought for a moment on that idea and wondered maybe it could be possible? But I did that before and it didn't go well...

*Flashback!! 4 years previously*

I stepped out of that steamy shower. I felt a sense of freshness about today. I couldn't wait. I took a clean towel from above me and circled it around my waist. I trudged into my hotel room and saw that my clothes were scattered across the room. "HENRY!!!" I shouted.
A few moments later I heard the click of the door and a sweating Henry.

"Sir you called?" I heard him utter out.

"I have a date tonight.." I whispered. My heart was pounding so loud in my ears that I couldn't hear Henry's response.

"Sir? What can I do?"  My mind finally registered what he was saying and I stared at him open mouthed.

"I...don't..know.." I stuttered. I felt an immense pain in my head. Oh boy this dates going to be the end of me. I started pacing. I heard Henry dial a number but ignored who he was speaking to. "Ace is coming over to sort it" I heard Henry say before he left. I sank to my knees. Wow. I've really got to get a grip. Cho. She and I dated a couple of times but she cheated. I still love her because she and I grew up together. I felt pathetic rocking back and forth because I didn't know what to do. She was leaving for Boston for summer work. And I was leaving for New York to run Potter's NET industry. I was suppose to be as he was retiring. But Dad's plea was marry, he told me I had to propose to her. HER. I love her, she's my life. But she hurt me. Little did he know about her and her antics. I never told him about her cheating on me because I knew he would cut the deal with her family. And her family need my father. Cho's mother is very sick and my father is fighting a court case for her to be prescribed an illegal drug. I love her mum, she helped my mom when my mom fell ill and i made it a deal between her father and me. I would help him if he helped us. Family first. Mr Chang owned a company, it was just as powerful as Potter's NET but my father sold the wrong shares and now we faced bankruptcy. I marry his daughter and the debt would be paid.

"Harry?" I heard Ace bellow.

I didn't respond because I knew he knew I was here.

"Hey mate" I heard him. He put his hand on my back, squeezing lightly before pulling back. "Come on Harry" he said.

I only nodded a bit before getting up. I sat on my bed and stared. I felt my towel slip off my waist.

"Ew Harry put some clothes on!!!" Ace recoiled in horror. I snorted a bit and grabbed a pair of jeans in the corner.

"No boxers? Ew uncomfortable!" I heard Ace snort. I flashed my middle finger at him and he did it back.

"Come on brother, lets go!" Ace threw me a shirt and I managed to put it on with shaky hands.

I practically ran out of the house and threw myself in the back of my Limo.

"Are you ready Sir?" Henry asked me. He started the engine and drove towards Cho's flat. I only nodded in response and gulped down a glass of Whiskey. The coldness of my drink made me ease a little, now i knew why my father was addicted to Whiskey. God Bless you Whiskey!


The limo stopped just outside Cho's flat. I looked out and saw that her windows were opened meaning that she was home. I took a deep breath and made sure that i had the small object in my pocket. I let myself think of what my father wanted. No father needed. The company was everything to him. Just like his family and he wouldn't let it go without a fight. A joint partnership would make Potters NET a phenomenon.

I adjusted sleeves and walked quickly inside. I was met with open arms by Mrs Chang. "HARRY DEAR!" She screeched. I winced a little but recovered quickly.

"Hello Mrs Chang" I smiled politely. She had a broad smile as she welcomed me in. "Oh Harry! You look dashing!!" She complimented.

"Not as dashing as you" I smiled back. I looked around the room and my gaze fell on the closed door. "Is Mr Chang here?" I asked.

"Yes dear, he is in there but he's with some clients at the moment. He should be finished in a few moments. Would you like something to drink?"

I only nodded as I followed her into the other side of the apartment. She handed me a glass of wine and I took a seat.

"Where is Cho?" I asked, my eyes squinting. Mrs Chang looked nervous but pointed to upstairs.

"Oh dear, she's getting ready. You know women. Always late" she joked.

The room fell silent. I could hear the hushed voices of the people in the next room and I felt uncomfortable being here. Mrs Chang left the room without a word and went upstairs. My guess was to get Cho. I sighed before taking out the small object and looking at it.

It's not what I want but it's what I have to do. It's the right thing to do. For my family. Or else the business will be handed over to Draco and no way will I ever let that happen. He's not even a Potter! I cussed him.

I looked at the silver ring and shrugged. It was simple. Simply beautiful, just like Cho. But I'm not ready for something like this. She's a whore. But I love her. I was willing to leave the past behind. Of course I would. She didn't mean it. Right? I did things I'm not proud of and so did she. I can do it. I drank the remaining of my wine and stood up. I placed the glass on the table before shoving the ring back into my jacket.

"Hey babe" I felt arms around my waist and I smiled involuntary. She gave me a light squeeze and I turned in her arms.

"Hello beautiful" I said with a smile. I pecked her lips lightly before being engulfed in a hug. She smelt divine.

"Thanks for coming to collect me" she said graciously. I only smiled in response before taking her hand in mine. Mrs Chang smiled in triumph and waved at us.

"See you at 7" was all we heard before we got into the car and sped off.


"Are you sure you want to face them Har?" I heard Cho ask. I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. I didn't want to but I knew I had to. I smiled at her and just took her hand.

"Of course love" I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me.

We were just pulled up outside Plaza Daza and it was where I was to propose to her. To close the deal. She wanted it but I don't know if I should. I shook those crazy thoughts as we entered the fancy restaurant. The silver and gold marble covered the entire floor. Walls decorated from floor to ceiling and the smell of Thai food filled my nostrils. Hmm lovely. I felt my stomach growl and I knew that I was hungry. Once again. I'm always hungry.

"Harry Potter" Mr Chang greeted me with a hand shake. I took his extended hand and shook. I smiled at him and he gestured me to follow. "Hey Daddy" Cho smiled as she engulfed her father in a hug. We continued on our way until we reached massive doors. They opened and a big table was placed in the middle of the room with dimly light lanterns surrounding the room. My green eyes fell on my parents sitting at the bar. My fathers smile ripped his face when he saw me. "HARRY!" He yelled happily as he ran over to me. He hugged me and my mother soon followed. I kissed her cheek and smiled at her. "Hey mom"

I was just about to ask how she was when we were interrupted by the butler.

"Feast is about to begin" and so it did. I found a seat next to Cho and she took my hand in hers. I felt my nerves. I kept thinking about another way of how the heck to get out of this but I knew that I wanted this but I didn't. Oh well. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. I stood up and the room fell silent. I let my eyes stare intensely at her.

"Cho..." I began to say. I locked eyes with Mr Chang and he knew what was coming, as did everyone else.

"Will you do the honor of becoming a Potter?" I said. Cho, whose eyes were wide open. She stared at me in complete disbelief. My heart stopped in that moment. Oh no...

"I would love to!" She screamed and got up to kiss me. And boy was I happy. We pulled away when we heard the applauses. My father looked at me proudly and so did Mr and Mrs Chang. My mother on the other hand, I couldn't explain her emotion. She forced a smile and I knew. She knew. We all knew.


"Harry! Earth to Harry?!" Ace hit me across the head and I turned to stare at him. "WHAT!" I glared.

"You went on another planet. Come back to earth" he rolled his eyes.

I glared at him.

"I was just thinking about her" I said through gritted teeth. Ace nodded understandably.

"All girls are the same" I said with my head in my hands.

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