The Office

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"Monsters are real and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win" - Stephan King

Ginny's POV

I was finally home after a long week of being with Harry. Nothing new, same old same old.  At times it was intense because Harry had his moments of pure Hulk mode and I did my very best to avoid it. Gee he's such a child! Throwing tantrums!!!

I rolled over in my bed to see Janet's sleeping face. She was in a coma and I couldn't help but feel happy that I was home. It was good to be home and I was at peace for once. I felt a vibrate and I glanced over at my nightstand to see my phone light up. I reached for it and saw that it was a message from Jessica.

Hey GinGin. Just finishing work. Be home soon. Don't eat the last piece of chocolate cake. I'm warning you!!!

I smiled because it wasn't me who did. Janet had saw it in the fridge and got super excited. She ate it in one gulp and I tried my best not to laugh. I had told her it was for Jessica but she didn't listen. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was pretty late. Jessica must be doing overtime I thought. Seeing as i wasn't getting sleep I sat up in my bed. I pushed away the covers from me and got up. I stretched out my arms feeling a loud yawn coming. I glanced over at the sleepless form laying in my bed, hoping I didn't wake her. Hearing the soft snores I sighed in relief. She's such a deep sleeper. I got my wand from behind me and used it to search for my slippers, "Accio slippers" I murmured.  In an instant I saw the blue slippers flow towards me. I put them on and made my way towards the kitchen. Heading straight to the fridge I found myself taking the juice bottle, pouring myself some liquid I then headed towards the window. The sky was clear, the moonlight glistened and the stars listened. I sighed as my gaze fell to the lamp pole outside. Miami. Such a beautiful place. I let my thoughts wonder to Harry, what are you up to Potter? Probably with  some girls I thought bitterly. I rolled my eyes. Lately I'm growing more comfortable around him? It's really odd.  I can't help that his presence is somewhat soothing? I shook the thought off and watched the stars.  I must compliment myself for being such a wonderful "fake girlfriend". It's kinda nice to have his attention. God I'm so lonely...


Harry's POV

I stared at the ceiling as I laid in my king sized bed alone. I had just sold my mansion to live in an apartment complex. Why would I want to live in a frickin' mansion on my own, I'm not the Great Gatsby. I sighed for what seemed the hundredth time that night. Downtown Miami was something else. It wasn't quiet but it wasn't too loud. I got up off my bed and walked towards my balcony. My thoughts took its own toll and I kept thinking of a certain red head. She had finally cracked. She laughs now and I can see that she's a little feisty, an absolute savage at times and she's beautiful. Of course. I felt bad that I kept her for a full week traveling, she didn't mind of course but nonetheless I still felt somewhat bad for dragging her away. Sighing again I wondered what she was doing? Probably with some boys. I rolled my eyes. I trudged towards my bed and fell down onto it before closing my eyes tightly, letting the darkness fill me.


The next morning I got into my car and drove to Potters' NET industry. It was 7AM and I am exhausted. I saw that Ginny's desk was empty and she was late. I didn't care this morning because I was going to let it slip since it was a long week. I started filling out documents for the next half hour or so. "Good morning Mr Potter, apologizes for being late" I heard Ginny's beautiful voice say. I glanced up and saw that she looked absolutely breathtaking. My mouth gaped open as I examined the red head from head to toe. She wore a pink pencil skirt with a white blouse and black heels to match. I smirked at her. I basically eye-raped her and she saw everything. I wet my lips before choosing my words carefully.

"Morning Miss Weasley, what is on my schedule for today?" I asked politely. Ginny's eye brows raised at my gentle tone but didn't say anything. I watched as her cheeks went a slight pink and my smirk grew.

The beautiful red head looked down and scrolled down on her tablet. "You have a meeting with the board of directors at 9am, after that you have another meeting with Mr Malfoy at 11 and a lunch meeting with a Mr Chang", Ginny said as her eyes met mine and I smiled.

"Perfect. Cancel the meeting with Malfoy. I don't want to talk to him" I smirked. Ginny raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything only scribbled on her notepad.

"Anything else Sir?" She asked politely while adjusting her square framed glasses. Did I forget to mention she looked delicious and so sexy with her glasses? Can you imagine? Ginny Weasley standing in front of you with her sexy office clothes, and those GLASSES!!!!

Ginny cleared her throat awaiting a response and I realized I was taking too long to answer.

"No Miss Weasley you can go to your desk, I'll call you if I need you" I smiled. Ginny only nodded and turned on her heels. I turned my attention back to the documents. Darn paperwork!

Awhile must of gone by because I found myself sitting in another bored meeting with the Board of Directors, they were talking about sales and some BS that I wasn't paying any attention to. What I was paying attention to was my secretary. She was a sight. Maybe it's the day that's in it but god. I couldn't help my myself. She looked so focus on writing notes that it made her look so adorable. She scrunched up her nose and her eyes fixated on the task at hand.

"Is that alright Mr Potter?" I heard Larry say. I cleared my throat and just nodded giving him a rather serious look. Can't I just go home and drink? Drown my sorrows.... "Very well, this meeting is an end" all of us stood up and nodded at one another before leaving. I  basically ran out of that room as fast as lightning, with Ginny hot on my heels.

"Here is the Treasurer's report" Ginny said shyly while handing over a document.  I took a hold of the iPad and walked towards my office.
Everything looked about right, profits were high everywhere however my eyes saw that there was a problem with France and a frown grew on my face.

"Miss Weasley? " I asked without taking my eyes off the report.

"Yes sir?" Ginny responded.

I pointed to the figure of France.  "The profits here are going down?" I frowned.

"Why is that? Will I call Mr Del?" She asked.

I nodded and she went away and called the French Branch office. I frowned deeply. That shouldn't be happening as I had just appointed Del Donovan. He's an Irish guy, owner of transportation system that runs in Ireland— Bus Éireann. I sat back in my chair and thought of my next move....

"He's on like two Harry" I heard Ginny say. My eye brows raised and I stared at Ginny shocked. She called me by my name. She must of noticed how shocked I was because she was winced and her mouth opened to speak but I waved her off.

"It's okay Gin" I whispered. Ginny stares at me with her mouth opened. She backs away slowly and nods before turning on her heels.

It takes me a few moments to regain my composure and I pick up the phone.

"Mr Del..."


It was four o'clock and I saw Ginny gather her things. I got up off my chair and walked towards my door.

"Oh hi... I was coming to see if you needed anything" Ginny whispered as we came face to face. I smirked as she looked me up and down. She noticed the closeness and took a step back.

"Would you..." suddenly my mouth went dry and I started to sweat. Fuck... her eyes... I cleared my throat. Ginny looked somewhat confused. Jesus stop looking at me like that Ginny Weasley.


Ginny folded her arms across her chest and her face said it all. What the fuck Harry???

I swallowed again and this time I spoke clearer,
"Would you go for dinner?" I shut my eyes.

I peaked one eye opened and saw her face soften.

"Why would I?" She scoffed.

My heart sank and I felt my fist roll into a ball. I hung my head and was about to turn around completely humiliated.

"Oh my god!!!" Ginny's laughter shook the room and I turned around to see her clutching her stomach. Her head was thrown back as she was laughed. I frowned. This isn't funny!

"What!" I barked angrily.

Ginny eventually straighten up and she looked at me.

"I'm kidding Harry. Of course" she smiled.

My heart took a dip and suddenly my face broke out in a huge smile.

"Really??" I smiled happily.

Ginny smirked. Finally she's loosening up.

Heart. Stop jumping like that"!

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