Intro: The Pilot

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This book contains strong language not suitable for younger readers so read at your own risk. I will put up warnings if things go south.). I recommend you to be at least 14+ maybe more. This book will deal with a lot so please no hate. If you do, have a go at me in private. Thanks. This book I want to enter a competition (hopefully) enjoy XD

"It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but not trusting them not to"~ Unknown Author

Ginny Weasley is 23 years of age and we'll lets just say she lives far-far away from home--along with her two best friends, Jessica and Janet.  But she hides away from her past-- Dean, the wizarding world, everything. Ginny's life is turned around when she crosses paths with billionaire Harry Potter. But is her secrets safe?

Hot. Arrogant. Cocky. Possessive. Ignorant. Rich. He has it all-- fame, ladies and a life of luxury.  Harry Potter is a play boy and you could say persuasive. He is cold hearted, he likes playing with girls hearts, he rarely spends time with his family, only work. Harry had a bad case of love so he hates it, love disgusts him. 

But what happens when his father walks in on him with a model, he had warned Harry to remain in a faithful relationship but he had broken it. Harry had plead with father not to hand over their business to Draco Malfoy--a close friend to the Potter's and the Blacks.  Eventually his father agreed that if Harry settled down he would hand his business over. Harry was forced upon his ex- Cho Chang but Harry had refused and  sets out to find any girl just not his ex, that girl turns out to be young and innocent Ginny Weasley. Can Ginny change a cold, arrogant billionaire, and show him love? After all Harry strikes a deal with her, one she could NOT refuse.  Who will fall in love first?

"My Possessive Potter"



Ginny's POV

"Come on Gin..." His voice sending unpleasant tingles down my body. My mouth gasped open in an attempt to scream but his big hand covered my mouth. The tears prickled as they threatened to spill. I blinked them furiously back as I reached for my wand behind me. "Say you love me!" His voice growled demanding as he roughly pulled me towards his slim body. I let out a cry as I tried to push him back. He laughs in my attempts to push him away but effortlessly he dug his nails into me making me whimper. "Dean please!" I plea with him once he removed his hand then slapped my mouth as he cover. I shutter a cry but it was silence as he backed us into a wall. My body was aching, the pain unbearable, my legs were going to give out any minute and my body was shutting down due to exhaustion. "Oh Ginny you really aren't thick. What were you thinking you silly b*tch. Trying to lie to me eh?" His cold demented voice questioned me. There was a pause of silence as Dean removed his hand. I knew there was no escape. Of course no. He will find me. He did last time. And I was lucky to see another day. But I have been chained in his cellar for three days. My stomach hissed making me double over. But unfortunately Dean caught me smirking his evil eyes danced in triumph--"I finally broke you" he grinned wickedly----

"Ginny!! Ginevra!" Jessica swotted me painfully as I could feel the sting on my lower arm. My eyes snapped open to see Jessica and Janet staring with worried expressions. "Ginny? Ginny honey are you okay?" Janet's soft voice asked me as she dabbed my forehead. I glanced down at myself to see sweat covering all over my body and the covers gone. "What happened?" Jessica asked as she sat herself down beside me. It took me a few moments to register where I was. I could see the yellow clock that barely hung onto the wall. The time showed 8:30, I let out a breath that I didn't realise I held in- I exhaled out. "Just a nightmare" I said.  Both of them nodded understandingly as I tried to calm my breathing.

Dean. It's been three years. Three years after what happened. Dean had tortured me. He used to chain me up and lock me in his cell for days on end. I was hospitalised for four straight days when his beating got out of hand. I never ran back to my family, I couldn't. My father would think so less of me, after all the war, losing my brother and two best friends it hit me quite hard. My brothers separated into mainland Europe, all you could guess Ron. Ron had gotten a job as an Auror and decided to continue his ambition. Much to my dismay I haven't seen or heard from him since his last mission which was in Lithuania somewhere. "Come on Gin. Let's get you something to eat and clean you up?" Janet said smiling at me. I nodded trying to not think about him. Dean. He haunted me. I curse the day I met him. Jessica left the room while I rubbed my temple.

After the battle something changed in Dean, he changed sides and heart. He wasn't sweet, loving or respectable person that he used to be. He changed to a cold, dark and cruel man, he acted like he loved me when he asked me out. I took full advantage of it as I thought he was my escape to a better world, but he wasn't. A month or so in our relationship his mood shifted every hour, every time they changed I wasn't allowed leave the house. I first got my beating off of him when I didn't cook his right meal. I got a swollen lip and a bruised forehead due to him throwing something at me. My torture didn't end there, it went on for 90 days. My friends Jessica and Janet eventually helped, Ava was my lawyer which was Jessica's cousin she helped me. Now Dean was behind bars, apparently for 25 years but I was disappointed it was only 25.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Jessica came back into the room with a concerned look. "You don't have to work today Gin. I will tell Caroline you can't come in"

"No it's okay. I need to go to work"  I tried reassuring her. Jessica, Janet and I lived in an apartment outside the city. It wasn't the best condition but all three of us had no option, Janet's parents were murdered and unfortunately for her they did not leave a will--this was due to the war happening so quick they reacted too late. As for Jessica she hadn't heard from her parents since the battle--she hadn't tried it this was because she was scared to find out the worse possible news. I for one hadn't seen my mum or father since last Christmas.
We try not to use magic as much, as we have muggles  next door and across the hall. I felt a pang of guilt as my two best friends gave up their life to let me escape him.

"Okay, Janet said "we leave in an hour okay?" I nod my head in answer as I lazily walk towards the bathroom to freshen up. After I did my business, I scrubbed my teeth and washed my face. I changed into an over sized jumped and leggings. I combed my long red blazing hair and looked in the mirror. I then turned away and ran down the stairs to our decant side kitchen. Janet was on her phone and Jessica was flipping her pancake. "Hey good looking" Janet hummed towards me making me chuckle. "Here" Jessica pushed the pancake towards me making me beam back at her. "Thanks" I smiled. I took the pancake and ate it. Within minutes I had it ate and then I trudged upstairs grabbing my bag, phone and keys. I met Jessica half way, "Janet is in the car" Jessica smiled. This is how we went, if I had a nightmare I would talk to them in time. They were brilliant. I quickly ran out the door and jumped in the front seat beside Janet who smirked at me. "I'm sitting in the front-- Jessica can---"

"Jessica can what?" I froze my words getting lost as I saw Jessica standing arms folded and a smirk plastered on her face. She pushed her brown hair as she steadied her green eyes. Jessica was older than Janet and I but Janet has her licence whereas Jessica didn't and I didn't bother learning to drive seeing as there wasn't a point. "Please?" I pleaded giving the puppy eyes. Jessica sighed and threw her bag at the back. "Only today red" she smirked. Janet chuckled making me giddy. I rarely sat in the front as me being the youngest out of the two. It was unfair because it was only two months between us. Janet rolled her eyes and put the keys in making the engine roar. We set off down the road, the drive was filled with us blaring Spin South West. Little mix. The three of us looked at one another before screaming. We sang along with Jessica recording Janet singing. I laughed loud when we pulled up due to the lights red.

"Because he was a ---- and I knew it" Janet sang making me stare at her with admiration. She was such a good singer unlike me I sounded like a crow. We pulled up in front of Cassie's cafe where we immediately got our work cards--slit in our cards and put on our aprons. Cassie's Cafe was owned by Caroline a dear friend of mine whom was brilliant, she offered a job to all three of us and we took full advantage of it. We have been working here since six months now and it's been great. It is around the corner from the book shop owned by Flora Bookfriend whom is Luna Lovegood's cousin.

"Table seven it's waiting to be served Gin" Janet pointed out. I looked over and saw a guy. He looked about my age, blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a suit. Let me add an expensive one. I could smell his cologne from him making me sniff in a bit more. Sighing I walked over towards his table, notebook in hand and a smile on my face. "Hi I'm Ginny and I'll be your waiter for today. How can I help you?" I asked as politely as I could. His blue eyes lifted staring coldly into mine. I took a step back shocked--why is he glaring at me?  His mood change when we heard the door open behind. I lurked behind me for a moment but that moment felt like eternity--- a guy with a suit came walking in, his glasses crooked, his green eyes staring in the distance, he held his phone firmly and the other hung loosely. His black messy hair stood out making my mouth dry. I licked my sudden dry lips watching in full view as the sexy beast made his way up towards the counter. He talked for a brief moment before making his way towards me. I started to panic. My heart racing, my palms started to sweat and I took a gulp. He didn't even look at me before sitting down. "Ace" his emotionless voice. The "Ace" guy nodded as he smirked at me. I shook myself out of my daze--clearing my throat I spoke--"How can I help you?" I asked towards Ace. Ace glanced at the menu before choosing. "I want my special" his voice was snappy making me wince slightly. A voice rang in my head making me shutter-- "I broke you" I furiously tried to ignore it. "Okay--" I turned towards the hot beast beside him who was already staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably under his intense glare making the words not form. I opened my mouth but couldn't speak. Stupid! Calm Gin. Calm. "Could I have just expresso?" His smooth sexy voice asked making me look at him. How can he be cold one minute and the next his voice is smooth? I nodded my head before leaving.

"Women" I heard Ace murmur.

Who are they?


Hello guys! New book! This book is replacing "One year" I profusely apologise for my way with my books, this book is ten times better trust me! I got the idea from my friend in which I would like to thank deeply! I want to thank those who have supported me "until the end" guys! I will "Always" write books! By the way the character that you guys sent me are coming in so please bear with me! I will update as much as I can!

This is going into a competition which I don't set out to win. I just want to compete :) *smiles* so if there is a competition around for this kind of book could ye mention me? *puppy eyes* thank you!!!!


Dedicated to------

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