Ace Knight

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Something for Potterheads and lovers of HP. If you get it WELL DONE! Try figure out what this is and the aim. See if you can work out where the words came and what they mean. It's something I found and add more for myself. YOU TOO can add more so please do!!!


Potterheads would understand!!!
(On my bio)

In Hogwarts we solemnly swear
That we are up to no good.
Because we are members of Dumbledore's Army.
As brave as Gryffindor.
As intelligent as Ravenclaw.
As loyal as Hufflepuff.
As cunning as Slytherin.
Together we have something worth fighting for!
We started thinking anything's possible if we got enough nerve
We have become Masters of the Deathly Hallows.
We know the answer can be found on page 394.
We remember that happiness can be found even in the darkness of times because in this house we ALWAYS stay with Harry Potter. Until the end!
We remind ourselves that we have nothing to fear of a name because we were taught it only increases fear of a thing itself.
And if we do loose loved ones-- we learned that the ones that love us never leave us.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world" - Albert Einstein

Ginny Weasley's POV

  "Ginny!" His dark emotionless voice called out. I shut my eyes in hopes of not seeing what he would do to me. I braced myself for the hit that never came. I chanced myself to look. I snapped my eyes open to see Dean smirking down at me. "Yes you should be afraid baby girl" he sniggered. I let the tears well and my heart beat calmed slightly. Okay Gin. Just do what he says-- I assure myself. But the fear of his beating crept in- the pain I felt was as if I had received a thousand Crucio curses. The pain was unbearable-- my legs gave out, my breathing became jagged, my eyes snapped close and every part of me was in agony. I was sure he would beat me more but seemed to stop. "Get my meal!" He growled. I nodded as quick as I could, I ran towards the kitchen. We'll I tried to get there but I wobbled in. One hand on my stomach as I felt a sharp pain. I heard Dean laugh at my attempt to stagger out of his office. I could barely see, the halls only lit dimly making my eyes squint. I wasn't allowed outside, last time I tried one over Dean I had received the belt. I would of preferred his fist instead but the belt was more painful as I was unconscious for a good two days. "WHERE IS MY DAMN DINNER YOU sl*t " I blocked out his vulgar language as best as I could. He kept hissing at me, I tried to speed up the process of cooking but my legs suddenly felt as if the blood circulation stopped. I looked down to see my legs turning a purple making me double over. I hissed in pain as I tried to rub my legs. I heard movement coming and before I knew it Dean had me up against the wall his wand trained on me. I blinked furiously back the tears threatening to spill trying to show him I'm not weak but the pain in my legs were enough to make my tears spill. Dean smirked at and whispered a counter curse. I let out a groan when he suddenly dropped me. I felt a sting of pain in my lower backside but tried to let it sting out. I was not giving him the satisfaction that I was in pain. "Don't. Ever. Try. That. On. Me. Again." Dean said every word with a threatening glare. His eyes bounced to the meal that was only half prepared-- his eyes snapped towards me. His eyes showed anger making me immediately back away, his hand raised---

"Ginny!!!" Bellowed Janet. I shook myself out of my nightmare when I felt the cold water tip over my head. I felt my body tingle and I hurled myself off the bed shaking. "Ginny? Please baby are you okay?" Asked a really concerned Janet. I noticed that I was indeed covered from head to toe in sweat. Plus the water didn't help. "Hey what happened?" Janet asked. The nightmare flashed in my mind making the tears spill. I lunged into Janet's open arms where I broke down completely. She just rubbed my back smoothly as I felt her nod her head. I knew Jessica was in the room I smelt her strawberry shampoo scent. I let all the tears out. But I angrily tried to stop. "Crying is a sign of weakness, and now Ginny I will make you cry in pain!" His voice rang inside of my brain. It replayed and replayed.

"Gin he's not here okay? We're here. Just us. Gin your safe" Janet whispered into my hair. She repeated the words until I calmed. I slowly lifted my head feeling a bit better. "Oh no my nice pj t-shirt is soaked" Janet teased. I let out a laugh but it came out hoarsely. She patted my back making me smile lightly. "Thanks" I murmured. Janet just smiled while motioning over Jessica. "I need a hug" Jessica said. Both Janet and I laughed as we hugged each other. I pulled away and spoke, "sorry I have been waking you guys up" I said looking down. "Ginny it's okay. We're here. What was the nightmare about?" Janet asked. I inhaled and exhaled after a moment. I began to tell them from the first nightmare, they reassured me about Dean being in jail. He wasn't coming out and never will come near me.

After our talk I headed into the shower thinking of the guy in the cafe. Oh his messy black hair. His smirk was so sexy. He flashed me a smile once but he turned cold when Ace passed a comment. He was so handsome. What the f*ck? Gin your not dating remember how well that turned out?! I angrily finished my hair and got out eventually. I took longer than I should of but got out nevertheless. I quickly grabbed a pair of white jeans and a jumper. "Hey guys I'm heading to the store want anything?" I called out. I needed to walk to clear my head. Janet came running towards me with a list. "Oh don't hold back" I joked making Janet shake her head. I skimmed the list and nodded. "Enough?" I asked wiggling my eye brows. "Yep thanks baby" she said. "Want company?" She asked. Shaking my head in a no she nodded. Jessica came jogging in. "Want anything I'm heading to the store" I asked my question directly to Jessica who thought hard. "Hmm... Tampons. I need um. Oh and ice cream. I'm craving" she chuckled. With that in mind I walked outside into the sun that started to pier it's way through the puffy clouds. The sky was a bright blue lighting up, the gently breeze lingered and the smell of freshly cooked bread came from around the corner. A baker owned by Ethan's uncle. Ethan Connell. Oh where to begin on that git. He was Janet's ex but he still hung around. It's kind of cute though because he tries to get on with Janet instead of being a total jerk to her. He has brown wavy hair, brown eyes and he was hot. I would lie if I was ever asked.

The town was about a half a mile from our apartment block. I strode towards the traffic lights, I stood waiting patiently for the sign to walk. When the green man came on I walked swiftly towards the store that was at the top of the street. I entered the modern market getting a sniff of freshly cooked ham. I sniffed in more but felt stupid as I saw people staring. I would admit I looked like I was sniffing hash or something oh gee! I walked bristly passed a group of teenagers whom were gawking. I took no notice of the world around me where I picked up some groceries. I was examining the label of tinned fruit when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I felt my heart skip a beat. But no. Not in a good way. I did not chance looking up as I hurriedly rushed grabbing things here and there. Now I wished Janet or Jessica or even both were with me. Don't panic! I turned towards the magazines, I saw something that caught my eye.


I saw the familiar face. Ace. He was the guy in the cafe just yesterday. I examined the article carefully. I felt weird reading one since I was no one to take a hipe into celebrities. "You know you shouldn't be reading those. They are rubbish" a voice spoke. I froze. My legs to glued together, my heart racing, my eyes wide and my breathing hitched. Turning to face the messy black haired boy. He combed his hair with his finger tips showing a scar. Wow. "Am yeah" I seemed to found my voice. He smirked at me. I kept my eyes away from his green ones. I was scared to speak again so I shut my lips. "I have to offer you something" his voice husky. I snap my eyes to his. He had no emotion on his face. The smirk was completely wiped off. "No thank you. Stranger danger" I turned away towards him as I advanced towards the checkout. I never looked behind me or anywhere but my hands. I paid quickly and foolishly dropped the tin of fruits that poured all over the marble floor. The shop assistant growled at me and I whispered an apology. "You stupid---" he started to say but someone cut him off. "Finish it and I swear to f*ck I will f*ck you up!" An angry voice threatened. The shop assistant looked terrified and backed off immediately. I looked to see him again. I gave him a nod leaving without another word. I arrived the groceries in the bag I charmed to fit things. Even though I promised to not use much magic I still need it. I heard growls and angry voices from behind. "Hey baby girl where you going?" I quicken my pace only to find three big tower men standing in my way. I immediately stepped back looking for an escape. They kept chanting these words towards me as they kept closing the gap in between me and them. Just as they stood close enough to grab me I kept pacing back my breathing hallow. "Please leave me alone" I pleaded my eyes filling with tears. "One more move and I swear to f*ck you better know that the nearest hospital is about 16 miles away. Ye can either get out free or I will not be held responsible for my actions" the voice growled. I saw him again and I was grateful at this point. Is he following me? Why? I saw him clench his fists and two men behind him stood knifes in hand. The three men instantly backed away without another word leaving me with him. He smirked at me. "That's why you don't run away from 'stranger's ' " he emphasised the word strangers aiming at me. "Thank you" I said. He nodded his green eyes staring at me. "What are you doing here on your own?" He asked looking to see if there was any other people around. "I needed fresh air" I answered. He nod his head once before speaking--"you owe me" he stated. His smirk was back again as he took a step towards me. Before I could open my mouth to protest or at least say something-- he had turned to the two men and nodded at them once. They bowed and then left. A wave of fear past over me and he spoke- "I won't hurt you. I promise" he gave me a nod. I only could nod back before letting my tense muscles relax. "You owe me" he repeated. I gave him a confused look. "I could of let you get killed" I winced at that word. If I were back with Dean I would of. "But I didn't. I saved you" he continued. He coolly ran a hand through his tousled hair again. "So I offer you a deal" he said. I shook my head in a no thank you matter. "You don't have a choice--" this made me frown. "Uh I choose not okay" I was about to go but before I could take another step his hand gripped my arm. It didn't hurt surprisingly. Instead I felt my whole body ignite, the electricity wove into me. I felt unfamiliar tingles erupt throughout my whole body from head to toe. I dropped my groceries on his foot making him yelp. I took my chance to shove him, grab my groceries and run. I ran around the corner before I looked for a deserted place. I had no choice, I turned on the spot and before I knew it I was back at home. Safely. Thankfully. I let out a sigh as I heard Janet and Jessica's footsteps nearing. "GINNY?" They roared.


Another chapter up as promised. I will update more because I have to. I will be busy towards Friday on but Sunday maybe another update! But if not Wednesday.

Yours truly Ginny_weasley7 🇮🇪

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