The Riskey Business

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"Tears are not a show of weakness but one of strength. A sign of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love"~Unknown


I had gotten a lot of questions on whom Harry is. We'll this chapter hopefully explain. Yes magic is involved.



Harry Potter's POV

"Is it a deal son?" My father asked me. I thought for a moment. I had to go out and find a fake girlfriend and then a wife for at least a couple of months. "Yes" I nod once and shook hands with him. He beamed at me but his face turned cold, "one chance. Don't mess up" he glares at me. I wasn't scared of him much only when he was angry he really was frightening but I never back down. "You won't regret it"I assure him. He muttered an "Okay"

"I best be going I have a meeting with Ace" I said while getting up. "Okay son. Remember our family dinner is this Saturday. Don't think of missing it" he warned. I nod once again and then take out my phone. I text Lennie and by the time I am out of one of my father's hotel's I see Lennie drive up to me. "Sir" he bowed and I gave a nod to him. "Where to?" He asked.
"Cassie's cafe" I ordered and get into the limo.

Lennie drove towards the little cafe. When we arrived there two of my men came to watch out. Lennie parked and stayed. I walked in hand in phone. I saw someone at the counter-- Caroline. "Caroline" I nod. "Harry!" She exclaimed. "Meeting. Where's Ace?" I ask getting straight to the point. She pointed in a direction behind me. I followed her finger's direction where it landed me to indeed a girl standing beside Ace. We'll Ace was sitting. Okay she's pretty. Long red hair, she wore leggings and an over sized jumper. I quickly made my way not looking at anything in particular. "Ace" my emotionless voice great. Ace nodded at nether turned his attention to the red head whom was gawking at both of us. "How can I help you?" She asked first to Ace. Her voice was like an angel. This is her. She will fit the bill. I will ask her to be my fake girlfriend! I watched as Ace glanced at the menu before choosing his usual. "Okay" she nodded while writing it down. My heart started to beat a tad bit fast as her gaze turned towards me-- I looked up and saw she had warm brown eyes. Bloody hell now as I look at her she's like my mum. Ginger hair. But her eyes caught me. Woah. She shifted uncomfortably under my stare in which I found confusing. Is she okay? She opened her mouth to speak but no words formed. She seemed to calm herself-- I was very impatient but for some reason I was memorised by her brown eyes. What is her name? "Can I have an expresso?" I asked my voice husky. She gulped nervously and went away. "Women" Ace muttered making me chuckle. "So what is your reason for your dear visit?" I asked Ace. He smirked at me before speaking- "A party I'm hosting" he said. I nod for him to keep going. "It's for my sister" he rolled his eyes making me chuckle. "Your mum forced you huh?" I said knowing the answer. Let me introduce Ace Knight. A bold, arrogant, rich and powerful CEO. He was about as rich as me- somewhere in between. But both him and I plan on bringing all of our business together to create an empire. "Will you come?" He asked. "What day?" I ask. "Sunday" I breathed out a sigh of relief. "Yes".

"Thanks man" he said. When she came back with our orders I smirked at her making her look away from me. When she left-- I turned to Ace and said "My father is made a deal with me" I stated. Ace nodded for me to continue. "I had to be in a good and steady relationship with all the rules like no cheating and sh*t. I plan on finding fake girlfriend first. Then a wife for three or four months" I clap my hands together waiting for his response. "Is she going to be your "fake" girlfriend/wife?" Ace pointed to the red head who was sitting on the counter top talking. I felt the intense urge to run up there and kiss her but I restrain myself. "Yep"

After i finished with Ace in the cafe I headed towards my limo where I kept thinking of the red head. I didn't get her name. Ugh. I will get it tomorrow one way or another.

The next day I went to the cafe only to find two girls none of them were her so I decided to look around town. I drove in my limo and when I reached the market I remembered April one of my house cleaners stated she needed groceries. Giving a break on finding the girl I went into the grocery store and picked up some ham. As I was about to turn-- she caught my eye. I saw her red hair bouncing from behind her as she jogged towards the cereal. I kept watching her but decided to make myself tabs out. But she moved towards the magazine where she read it. "You know you shouldn't be reading those" I smirked while crossing my arm over. She didn't even glance at me. Her body tensed up. I felt a bit confused when she didn't look at me. What the hell? She eventually faced me but not looking at me, I ran a hand through my hair annoyed she won't look into my eyes. "Am yeah" she said. I smirked at her. But my smirk faded when she didn't talk. I wanted to hear her voice again. I decided to offer her a deal on my girlfriend/wife issue. I would pay her a lump certain of money and hen she can leave me. "I have something to offer you" my voice husky. Her head snapped up her eyes finally meeting mine but they were guarded. "No thank you-- stranger danger" with that she disappeared. I couldn't keep up with her. She went straight to the checkout point and then she vanished. I was fuming in anger. No one leaves me! No one says no to me! But she did. Ugh! I saw her drop something and then roaring of rage. My blood boiled when I saw the shop assistant roar at her. "Finish it and I swear to f*ck I will f*ck you up!" I growled. He realised who I was and back down. Good! She gave me a grateful nod and then she ran out of the shop with me hot on her heels. I stayed a distance behind making sure she didn't get frightened. I got a text message in which I read quick and then replied back. I then saw no trace of her. I saw a group of three men walking I heard them growl at someone. I took my chance and saw them cornering her. F*cken b*stards! "Please leave me alone" she begged her voice was breaking and I knew she was close to tears. I clicked my fingers and two of my men appeared with knifes. "One more move and I swear to f*ck, you better know that the nearest hospital is 16 miles away. Ye can either get out free or I will not be held responsible for my actions!" I spat every word viciously. I was glad to see fear written all over there faces as they backed away. "That's why you don't run away from strangers" I smirked. "Thank you" she said. I dismissed her thank you and asked "what are you doing on your own?" I looked around for any sign of at least her friend. "I needed fresh air" she said looked down. "You owe me" I stated. I kept my smile at bay. She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off when I turned to my men. I gave them the nod. They bowed there heads and left. I glanced at her and saw fear writhing in her face. What the f*ck??? "Hey I won't hurt you" I assured. Her muscles seemed to relax. "You owe me" I repeated the words. She gave me a confused look. "I could of let you get killed" I saw her wince at my words. Is she really okay??! "But I didn't. I saved" I cocked my head to one side to see her intense stare into the distance. Iran another hand through my hair making her gaze snap to my hand. "So I offer you a deal" i soda. She shook her head in a no making my blood start to boil. "You don't have a choice--" she frowned cutely making me leap inside. Aw she's so cute when she frowns! Stop Potter! "Uh I choose not to" and before I could register what she said she was about to go but I caught her hand. Immediately I felt electric shoots wove into my body. My heart skipped a beat and my cold hand felt warm again. I felt a pain in my toe making me Yelp! I saw her groceries bag on my toe. She quickly grabbed um and disappeared without another word. I growled in anger!

I decided to take action immediately-- taking out my phone I called Ace. "Call my secretary. Tell her she's fired." I spat. I cut the call before he could say another word. I then dial the number of my PA. "Hermione. I am buying Cassie's cafe. I want you to fire the red haired girl whoever she is. Thank you. I want you to hand her a job application to apply for my working and then I want a line of fake girls who are going to pretend to apply for me to be there on Wednesday bang on 11. Okay" I said. "Yes of course Harry" she smiled. I cut the call and go straight to Ace's mansion where I discuss more business.


Hope you understand now. I apologise I am not explaining everything but I will throughout the book!

Much love-- Ginny_weasley7

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