Nice Harry?

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I know I know!! It's been God knows how long but I'm officially back! I'm sorry but I needed a long ass break but I'm back. So don't kill me! *hides!--------is it safe to come out?"        Anyways... Enjoy and hope you had a fantastic Xmas and what are your(ye) thoughts on Trump? America? Should we all hide? *sighs*

I also have something to say so please take time to read this, I'll make it short (kinda) so I've notice recently that a lot of people have struggles. Teens, kids, adults, and more, we all do. We all have our own battles. But remember if your alone at home or at work reading this I want to thank YOU, yes notice the YOU! Because you are taking time out to read this and also you are here. I want to take time out to tell those struggling that it's okay to struggle. It's ok to not feel ok. It's ok for those suffering that they turn to the blade. It's ok to want to scream. It's ok to be in pain emotionally. But remember you ARE NOT ON YOUR OWN! I repeat this! Each and every human being has gone through struggling. But if you have scars and your here on this earth then you are truly AMAZING! For those girls who think pain is an escape it's not. For those guys who think it's okay to cut its not. You are beautiful! You are AMAZING! You are WORTH IT! And if someone tells you other wise we'll that's there reflection! We are human beings with FEELINGS! And I know life may be difficult and your in a dark place right now but remember if you want to shine you need darkness. Why blend in GUYS and GIRLS? When YOU are born to stand out! By the way the scars just show how brave you are! Talk to me or anyone you trust don't lock it up inside. Please? You are AMAZING!! WONDERFUL! INCREDIBLE! and no one! And i mean this NO one can be YOU better than YOU!

"AHHHH!!" I bolted upwards. What the fuck? "AHHHH HELLPPPP PLEASSSEEE!!" I frantically looked around. "HELP MEEE!!! DEAN GET THE FUCK AWAY!! Pleaseee!!!" I heard loud sobs coming from down the hall. I hauled my ass out the door and sprinted down the hall. I kicked the door open and my jaw clenched searching for the intruder. To my horror Ginny was screaming, she was thrashing around in the bed. I grew slightly worried but pushed it down. I slowly made my way towards Ginny's bed, my eyes lurking over her small frame. "Ginny?" I poked her arm but that made her scream even louder. My ear drums ached. I held my hands over my eyes to cover her screams.. She immediately backed away. Next thing I know three of my men are standing at the door with their guns in hand pointing. They saw me. "Boss?" Reid raised his eye brows. I was about to answer when Ginny so kindly screamed even louder. I covered my ears again wincing slightly. "Do something!" I snapped at all my men but they gave me a confused look. Idiots! I wasn't thinking at this point, pulling Ginny out I made sure to wrap my arms protectively around her while I settled in her bed. I huffed in response to Ginny as her screams turned into loud sobs. She started shaking uncontrollably and I started to panic. Thinking of what to do I whispered into her ear, "Hey it's me"

I felt Ginny's body relax slightly but her grip around my neck wasn't going unnoticed. I made eye contact with my men and gave them a slight nod. They bowed their heads before getting the message. They all turned on their heels before shutting the door behind them.

I kept whispering sound things into Ginny's ear. Wow I should get a pat on the back! I felt my eye lids grow heavy with every pasting minute. Soon enough I drifted off into sleep letting Ginny cuddle more into me.


Ginny Weasley's POV

BEEP BEEP BEEP!! I grew irritated by the sound. What the heck is that??? I blindly reached for the noise. My hands came in contact with an unfamiliar surface. Human skin.Warmth. What the heck??  I slowly moved it away towards something that made my heart stop. Abs? Shit I don't have if that's not me.. Who is this?!!!! I felt my heart beat pace pick up. I couldn't move. I was paralysed. Who is this?---Not that I'm complaining that I'm touching abs but who the FUCK is it? I fluttered my eyes opened my pupils dilated with getting use to the dim light. The curtains were drawn but the sun still manage to penetrate it's way through. Hot dayum! My eyes landing on Harry's sleeping form. My body froze once again and I started to panic. My breath hitched in the back of my throat. Thoughts invaded me. I removed the comforter off of me and let out a sigh of relief. At least I'm wearing clothes. But I couldn't help it. What was he doing here? Why is my legs entangled with his? Not complaining once again...

My thoughts were interrupted by Harry. "Morning" I heard him say his morning voice raspy making my legs go weak. Luckily I was laying in bed or else I would of have fallen right there. But my eyes grew wide when realisation kicked in. I scrambled off of Harry and almost my whole body was begging for his warmth but I shoved it down. Don't! Ginny! He is your BOSS!!! "Are you okay?" Harry asked his voice lanced with concern. My cheeks warmed slightly when I saw him slide off the bed, his chest on display and I could see his abs flexing with every step he took. I backed off straight away and nodded my head. "Y-yeah"stuttering
Don't stutter fool!

"Come on what's wrong?" He asked softly. Okay who is this and what have they done with Harry??? My eye brows furrowed slightly. Why does he care? "N--not-hing" I responded before running the heck out of there. But soon I felt a presence following me, "You can run but you can't hide Gin" my eyes grew wide at the nickname and I scrunched my nose up at him. He smirked at me before opening the fridge. "What were you doing in my bed?" I blurted out after a minute. I heard a low chuckle before Harry's eyes were staring at mine. I shifted my gaze towards the ground. Never have I ever since such gorgeous Green eyes!!!

"You were screaming" was all he said.

I felt my heart clench at his words.  I didn't know what to feel.. Too many emotions took over-- embrassessment, anger and confusion. Why you may ask? We'll for starters it Harry standing right a foot away his arms across his exposed chest and I feel my heat cheeks warm as I basically eye raping him, embrassessed that he heard me screaming God knows what! And confuse as to why he cared--we'll I would care if suddenly in the middle of the night he was screaming. But still why show concern for me? Does he have a heart? I didn't know what to say so I mumbled a 'sorry' before exiting the kitchen heading towards my room. Shutting the door I slammed my body down onto the bed. Breathing in the air around me. A small smile tugging at my lips as Harry's scent lingered on my bed sheets. Hmm...


I froze. Knocking? The Dude knocks? "Err Gin room service is here so um come out when your ready". On cue my stomach growled in response and I huffed. Seriously tummy! "Coming" I howled back before sliding off the bed.

Unlocking the door and I whipped off into the kitchen to be greeted by the deliciously scent of pancakes and waffles. Yummy. Harry is some view his hair messier than ever making him more attractive. I licked my sudden dry lips as I gawked at the sexy human being standing in front of me. He smirked at me making me drop my gaze. "So am.. I have to nip out for a bit. I will be hack later. If you need anything text Lennie. He will help. Oh and Eric, Reid and Hunt are going to be just outside the door if you need anything too." Harry nodded before I had a minute to have an input on asking where he was going but bit my tongue. Harry waved at me before departing.

Harry's POV

I walked out towards a black SUV, Jessica opened it for me and I nodded at her. "Boss"  slamming the door shut the engine roared and we sped off. I had four meetings, one with Ace, two with management of the new hotel and one with my father. I had postponed the meeting with Charlie until tomorrow just to piss him off.

"Are you okay sir?" I heard Jessica asking me.

"Yeah" I replied my voice emotionless. I acted like this as my father told me to be serious and never show weakness. Jessica gave me a slight nod. Jessica was an under-cover Auror for me, she used her magic only when I told her. I had gave her and my men strict rules to follow. If they weren't followed we'll you could guess what happens... I destroy them is all I can say. Bastards! I'm Harry MOTHERFUCKING Potter!

"Ace wants to meet you at Dizz strip club"

I only gave a nod before my thoughts went to a certain red head back at my hotel. She was screaming someones name? Dean? I quickly took out my phone and punched in Vinny my private Agent. "Boss?" His cold voice greeted. "I have a job for you Vin" my voice low.

"Yes Boss" he muttered.

"Research Ginny Weasley in the USA and UK data base and call me on what you find and also see if the name Dean, comes up" I hung up once I saw the strip club in view.

"Here Boss" Jessica nodded.

I got out and was greeted by five men, Russian and German. Charlie Mason is here. Ugh.

"Boss, Miss Weasley is seeking for you" Eric said once I entered the hotel. I nodded once before heading towards the kitchen.

"Ginny?" I called out. I know I've decided to take Ace's advice and try to be nice. Ugh it's exhausting!

"In here" I heard from the lounge.
Entering the lounge I saw Ginny sitting, a book in her lap and a mug beside her. I didn't think twice as I sat down next to her. When I glanced up I saw how alarmed at my bold move. Okay?

"So um would you like dinner tonight? Jeff the chief could serve us?" I suddenly had this overdrive of sweat balling at my fists, the heat is the room suddenly grew. Feck is it a billion degrees in here or is it just me? I caught a glimpse of Ginny's hip exposing her stomach a tiny bit making me feel nervous? What the fuck!!!??? "Am I guess" I heard Ginny mumble.

"Great! So get ready and we go" I said before hurrying to get changed. Dress to impress I recited what Ace said to me.

"Eric!" I bellowed. Eric one of my men turned and bowed his head. "Sir?"

"Call Jeff and make sure the restaurant looks presentable" I gave him more orders before turning to run to my room.

Guess I've to play nice eh?

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