New York

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Lookie Lookie here's a hottie😍^^^ isn't he just mouth watering?😆😜 hold your drools ladies😏 anyways read and enjoy, WARNING; mild language and mention of human trafficking, recommended 14+ Thanking you.

AJ Cook once said, "Yes, there are monsters, and it's okay to be afraid of them. But it's not okay to let them win and it's not okay to be one".

Harry Potter's POV

"So what do I do now?" I barked into the phone. I must get Ginny to be my fake girlfriend by the end of this week!

"I don't know man, maybe try not barking like a mad bastard that might help, you're only scaring her" Ace shot back. I scratched my head thinking hard--- Am I being mean to her? Too hard?--- nah!

"We'll if she spoke up maybe I wouldn't have to bark at her!" I argued.

"Look Har, you can't treat a woman like that. She's sensitive" He reasoned. I thought for a moment- maybe I am being harsh?

"Okay so what will I do?" I asked unsure.

"Talk to her, get to know her, or why not blackmail her into it? You tried that, you're gonna need a better threat mate"

Blackmail? I did try before but she dropped that bloody heavy bag on my leg.. hmmm

"Yeah I'll think of something, I will see you in New York and Chicago" I replied before hanging up.

I threw my phone on the bed before taking off my shirt, slacks and tie. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face-- Blackmail huh? I could threaten her, her job? Hmmm

Walking out of the bathroom I set off to sleep.


My alarm woke me at 5. I had texted Ginny to be at my office at six. Running around I grabbed a pair of clothes for one day and then my laptop. I threw on my suit and ran a hand through my hair. Gliding down the stairs I ran into Lennie-- "Lennie get the car ready and tell Peter to have my jet ready" Lennie nodded and stalked off.

I quickly walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a slice of toast. I ran then ran towards the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put cologne on. I then got into the car and told Lennie to get me to the airport. "Lennie get me on the phone to Ace" I barked. Lennie nodded and pressed it onto the screen of the car which was above his head. "Done boss, will I call Collins sir?" He asked.

"Yes call Collins and tell him to pick Ginny up. I want her picked up and to meet me at the airport now"

At the airport

I glared at the clock that ticked! Ginny was late and what was worse was the fact that my jet had some disfunction I was going to go by car, even though it was slower I had no choice. Besides it's like 3 and a half hours away.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I heard a panting Ginny come from behind me. I spun around only to glare in response making Ginny immediately back off in fear. Good! She should fear me! I crossed my arms across my chest while I only intensely glared at her. I should fire her! But I need her, hmm what to do?! "I am sorry boss" I heard Ginny mumble.

For some strange reason I had the intense urge to walk to Ginny and hug her, she looked so broken. Her head bowed, I could tell her eyes were watering and her hands started to twitch. What the hell? "It's fine." I surprised myself with that reply. I stepped towards Ginny and without thinking I raised my hand. I could see Ginny snapping her eyes closed and her whole frame becoming guarded. She stayed immobilised. My fingers danced towards her jaw to raise it, and I gently lifted her chin. Her big brown eyes came in contact with mine and for that spilt second I felt my heart stop. What the heck? No! Snap out of it Potter!!! Ginny's eyes widened and she snapped her eyes downwards. I glared and realised I preferred her eyes on me,

"Hey, eyes on me beautiful" I whispered.

I could see a tingle of red appear and I was inwardly grinning but couldn't force a smile. Ginny's eyes slowly made their way towards me and I smirked. "Good---"

"Excuse me..." Lennie cleared his throat. My eyes torn away from Ginny to look at Lennie, "Yes?" I snapped. I dropped my hand down near my side. "Sir your car is ready". I nodded and gestured towards Lennie to grab Ginny's bags. "You don't have to sir" I heard Ginny whisper and strangely I heard it. I glanced at her direction and saw that she was looking down. Why is she like this? Something in her teeth or something?

An hour went by and Ginny had been silent throughout the whole hour. She had not spoken once which made me feel weird? Usually girls would never shut up? "So--" I began. Smooth Potter.

Ginny's head slowly turned towards me, she glanced at my eyes and then she turned them back to the window. "You don't talk much huh?" I asked before I could stop. Idiot! "No" I heard her mumble. I frowned in response. "Tell me about yourself Miss Weasley" I smirked.

"What is there to tell? You already know me. You've seen my document file" Ginny answered back.

"We'll yes but that's on paper doll face" I winked when her eyes snapped towards my direction. I could tell her guard was up. "So tell me Miss" I touched her shoulder and pulled back to see her tense again. Ugh!

"My name is Ginny--"

I chuckled. "Really? I didn't know" I replied sarcastically. Ginny rolled her eyes and I smirked. "I'm Harry" I winked.

"I know that too" she said in a duh tone. I chuckled low and nodded my head. "Okay then, tell me something about yourself Ginny?"

"I don't know" she replied.

I could tell this was going to be the longest car journey ever!


When we got there I took Ginny's hand and she gave me a weird look. She opened her mouth to say something but I interrupted. "Trust me?" I asked. After a few minutes she nodded slowly and we got out. We were greeted by a tall but rather plump man, behind him his follower; all Polish and German men staring at Ginny. I felt Ginny tense up and I immediately rubbed her hand gently. She relaxed and I glanced up at Charlie Mason. He was the owner of the club but I owned the hotel his club was in. Charlie was a disgusting human being who dated young (teenage) girls for sex. He use to do human trafficking but I have been working to shut it down. I have spies in there monitoring everything. "Mister Mason" I gave a nod to him and his men. "Potter!" He grinned evilly. I could smell the vile drink off of him. "Is this one beautiful woman yours?" His eyes danced hungrily off my Ginny. I glared at him. "Yes. Now I am here to set the deal. I will have that meeting tomorrow morning" I nodded and without a moment I left dragging Ginny with me.

Once out of sight Ginny and I headed up towards the elevator and I punched in 30. "Who is he?" Ginny asked.

"Charlie Mason. He's a disgusting person who likes young girls for sex" I spat angrily. Ginny froze. "Yuck!" I heard Ginny say. I nodded in agreement. "So that's why you asked me to trust you?" She asked. "Yes. Charlie was accused of rape years ago.." I saw Ginny flinch and I could she pain flash her eyes. I frowned before continuing. "He got off because he's rich. A rich son of a bitch that I'm out to get"  I cursed out.

When the ding hit I reached for Ginny's hand, but she pulled away shaking her head while walking out. Hurt filled me but I angrily pushed it down. Striding towards the pen house I entered my code and went inside. Ginny followed not too long. "You hungry?" I asked.

Ginny nodded. "Okay then. You can have the master, it's down the hall. I'll call you when dinners there." I walked away without a reply.  

I threw my bag on my bed and stripped off. I just threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt. Walking into the kitchen I was surprised to see Ginny sitting down on the chair. "We'll you were fast" I said. Ginny only nodded.

"So what are we doing in New York?" Ginny asked.

"I have a lot of meetings I want you to attend with me now that your my PA. I won't be bringing you tomorrow though, I don't want you coming to the place I'm going.."

"Why where as you going?"

"I am going to see Charlie. I have to check on the clubs and the girls.." Ginny made a face and her eyes flared. I then explained my situation stating what I was going to do but left out bits that were too important I can't trust her...


After dinner, Ginny turned in late as did I. For som odd reason I couldn't sleep. Finally after sometime I did.

I know you are ready to have your wands out and Cruico me into the next century I would gladly be happy... SCHOOLL IS DRIVING INSANE!!! But anyway I did update but a crap one. It wasn't as but anyway this is for you all!!! And especially for @sanieleo

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