Hermione Granger

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It has been a while eh? I would like to apologise for such a extremely slow update but I'm BACK officially:) and guys for all my American friends out there, Ireland welcome you ;) anyway how is your week? School? I have good news though, CHRISTMAS IS IN SIX WEEKS!!! Yahhh 😍 so HAPPY CHRISTMAS IN SIX WEEKS 😂

"Some wounds never heal, they just stop bleeding"~Unknown


"Ginny! Ginny! Wake up!" Hissed Jessica. I felt my body groan in response, I refused to open my eyes but Jessica kept shaking me. I pushed her hand away before burying my face deeper into the pillow groaning in response to every shake, "You have work come on Gin" Jessica sighed before I heard silence. "I don't have to do this" I heard Jessica say, I gulped nervously but I regret not doing what she told. I felt the wetness of water as it latched itself onto my body before pouring away. I screamed in response before I bolted upwards, the water was heavily dripping off of my skin. "Good morning babe now GET UP!" She hissed before marching out of my room. I groaned again when my eyes met the clock, 7:30. I shivered in response to the cold water, I felt a gush of wind make its way into my room, I blindly reached for my wand. I murmured a spell to warm me up and instantly I warmed making me let out a lazy yawn. I trudged into my bathroom, thankfully my nightmares stayed at bay, all thanks to the sleeping pills Janet gave to me the night before. Speaking of Janet, I was curious on her whereabouts, walking out of the bathroom I went to put on my work clothes and then I whizzed downstairs past Jessica and into the kitchen to get my schedule.

"Not so fast!" Jessica hollered after me. Freezing on the spot I turned around to face Jessica, arms crossed, "Breakfast". I was about to protest but my stomach made an angry growl making Jessica snigger. She pushed a bowl of strawberries and corn flakes towards me her piercing eyes watching my every move. I mumbled a 'thank you' before digging in. "Did Janet come back last night?" Jessica suddenly asked. I froze, my eyes moved upwards towards Jessica, whose head was stuck reading her phone.

"Did she not come back?" I hushed out.

Jessica shrugged at me and I frowned in response. Where is she?

"I am ringing her now" Jessica said. I nodded my head before shoving the last piece of breakfast down my throat, I grabbed my schedule and bolted upstairs to gather my notebook and pen. After I gather my things I saw Jessica was still on the phone, checking my watch it was 8. That left me an hour to get there. I huffed before running out the door, "Bye" I hollered after me.

I quickly moved looking frantically for a quiet place to disapparate. It was nearly about three blocks until I saw a quiet place. I turned on the spot making me feel all suffocated and uncomfortable. The air left my lungs while I was being squeezed-- Determination, Deliberation and D--? Think Ginny! --- Oh yeah Destination!


"Ginny Weasley" I answered for the third time while I patiently waited for the buzz to respond but it didn't. I tapped my foot impatiently while I heard silence-- I waited--now that I thought the silence was good, but not now! Ugh!! I gnawed the inside of my gums from loosing patience. Finally what felt like forever I heard a sound, "Hi, good morning", the voice of Hermione greeted.

"Hey, it's Ginny" I said. I immediately made my way upstairs, I clearly wasn't in the mood for fancy ass elevators. I stole a glance at the clock above on Hermione's wall and practically ran towards Harry's office. Shit! I was a tiny bit late--I knew I shouldn't have worn those bloody flats! God I'm such a fool! "Worthless" His words reminded me what I was really, an unpleasant shiver went down my spine and I chucked back the thoughts again. Not now!

Knocking on the door, and walking in I saw an empty room. Inhaling, exhaling I breathed in the cologne that lingered in the air around me, I glanced down, his files scattered on the floor. I looked around me before picking them up and neatly placing them on his desk--"Your late" I heard him growl. I immediately froze, I turn around to be greeted by Harry standing there. His arms folded but he is only wearing his shirt that isn't fully buttoned, my mouth fell opened as I eyed his muscles and across his chest that was covered--my eyes then fell upon his face to see a smirk plastered there-- "no need to eye rape my body  Miss Weasley" he smirked. My eyes widened before I put on a rather pissed off face--Idiot. I frowned at him while crossing my arms too. He quickly walked past me and threw his briefcase on the couch, sat himself down and without looking up he began working on his laptop. I stood their uncomfortably staring around the round-- "Get me coffee" he spat. I opened and closed my mouth---Rude little--- "NOW!" He roared.

I bolted out his door and headed far away from him, I turned two corners before running into something-- or someone! I tripped over what seems to be a leg , "Ahh!" I cried out before---nothing! Wait what? Snapping my eyes opened I saw blue-ish eyes.

"You know you should watch where your going Miss" he smirked. My eyes widened-- no words formed in my mouth-- oh I must look like a complete fool! Sh-- "ah hello?" I quickly stood up straight looking at him-- "err thanks" my voice a barely a whisper. The next thing I heard was laughter and it was actually sweet-- NO!!! Ginny!!!

"It's okay" he whispered back before giving me a wink and turning away. I flushed red before I too turned around, but before I could even reach such a meter, "Name's Collin" he waved before disappearing.

I stared open mouthed before my senses kicked in COFFEE! I quickly rushed towards Hermione's desk where I saw a note. Picking it up I read;

Coffee machine needs repairing.

I quickly rushed back to Harry's office, upon entering I heard giggles. What the heck? Knocking on the door I waited for a response--- Who the heck is there? I kept hearing gigging and laughs. "Come in" barked Harry. I opened the door, walking in I came face to face with a little girl, a woman and Ace? Ace Knight? "Miss Weasley" Harry nodded to stand over near him. I followed his instructions and stood by him. Ace winked at me, "Hello there beautiful" he greeted. I heard a growl, looking to my left Harry was glaring at Ace. What's his problem?

"Sophia meet Ginny Weasley" Harry introduced breaking eye contact with Ace. I turned my attention to the woman who m was smiling towards me. I nodded at her politely and extended my hand out slowly, she took it and shaking it once she let my hand go. "Sophia my hotel in Chicago is more than happy to welcome you. I will ring Stuart" Harry nodded. No expressions upon his face? I listened as they discussed more matters. Harry then turned to me, "Write down Sophia's contact details and send them to Hermione". He pointed to his laptop and I started typing..


When Sophia and her daughter left I glanced to see Ace and Harry having a whispering confrontation. I debated on telling them I could hear them or just shutting my mouth.

"You found her" I heard Ace whisper while he gave Harry a pat on the back.

Found her?

What the heck?

Harry glared at Ace and angrily hit him across the head. Ouch.

"Shut it! Now get out Ace! Get Ava I am going to New York" Harry hissed and then grabbed Ace by the collar. "Bye!" And then slammed the door.

"Pack your bags your coming" was all he said before leaving. My eyes widened. What the f!

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