Midnight wakings

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WARNING!! Please read at your own risk, contains mild language, and scenes that viewers will find distressing. Bare in mind that this is rated for 14+!

"Experience is a brutal teacher but you learn. My God do you learn"~C.S Lewis.

Ginny's POV

"WHAT?!" His angry voice barked in the phone. This made my heart jump in a bad way... This made me think of Dean all over again..But the voices I heard a voice speaking in the background made me look around awkwardly trying not to listen in to the conversation. "So Kate wants me to go to New York for a business with Ace?" I heard him ask dumbly. He was clearly annoyed as his eyes showed absolutely no interest, his gaze settled on me before looking away. There was a pause as more speaking went on. My gaze turned towards the view in front of me, Harry had a strong build, his chest puffed out. The top of his shirt were undone making me wonder what the view was like-- his tight muscles were on display making me lick my sudden dry lips. Stop Ginny! I scolded myself  as I turn my eyes away from him. "Look I don't care right now! Tell Hermione and she can arrange it. I am busy now!" Harry growled angrily before hanging up. He let out a long sigh before glancing at me. He pinched the bridge of his nose before raising his eye brows at me--"You can have the job. Hermione will help you get sorted in" I was about to ask him about what he wanted but he clearly was angry and I know not to push someone angry. Experience is brutal teacher. But I learned. By God did I learn. "We'll?" His voice cold with clear annoyance, but his green eyes were a darker shade as he raised his eye brows at me. "Get out!" He hissed. I shook myself before I stumbled off the chair before quickly making my way towards the door but before I could even turn the knob of the door I heard him speak again. "You start tomorrow. Nine on the dot. If you are late you are fired! No excuses!" He growled. I mumbled a "thank you" and left. I ran past Hermione and made my way towards the glass elevator. I pushed the number 1 but before it could BING. "Wait hold up" before I could react the door was closing but something weird happened. The door stopped as if someone had forced it. Don't be ridiculous Ginny.... "Phew!" A bushy haired girl emerged and walked in. She seemed to put something in her bag without me seeing. Hmm?? "Hey Ginny. How was it?" Asked the bushy haired girl. "Okay" I answered. Hermione smiled at me before taking out her phone that buzzed repeatedly. "Draco I'll be home in ten minutes!" Hermione hissed into her phone before cutting her call. "Did you get the job?" Hermione questioned her brown eyes dancing. I nodded instead of speaking. "Congrats!" She squealed out before I knew it she had hugged me awkwardly but pulled away within seconds. "Thanks" I nod. Before I knew it the elevator door opened making me dash out and run as far away from the building until it was out of sight. I quickly scanned the area for humans or anything before turning on the spot. I disappeared with a pop and finally found my way back to my apartment. But when I realised I was on my own, Janet was working whereas Jessica said something about a new job she was going for. I grudgingly trudged up to my apartment heading straight for my room. I threw myself down as I breathed in and out. I'll go to sleep for two minutes I said to myself before shutting my eyes. This had been my first mistake----

"Ginny I will always find you! You are a nobody, no pathetic family to run to because they are all happy enough without you! You see your thick father handed you over to me! Now I own you!" He spat as he pulled on my hair. I let out a cry as he tighten his hold. He pulled me up his big hands gripping my hair while I shutter out a cry of pain once again. I hear him chuckle in success as his next words echo in my brain-- "Your pain brings me joy, your screams are music to my ears and I own you, mind, body and soul" He grinned evilly before throwing me into his cellar. I crashed to the ground making my knees buckle, I felt my hands immediately go out to push myself up but I couldn't. I fell flat on my face leaving a stinging feeling throughout all my body. I rolled over and saw countless bumps, bruises and scars. My eyes started to sting and I knew I was crying so hard that no sound was coming. I heard the door slam shut and boy did I know it. I am left here  for three days until Dean decides he wants something to hit. I curled up in a ball making my body shake with all the cuts. I blinked three times before regaining my senses. But my eyes flew close in a matter of minutes... But as I was about to go into a deep sleep I heard a bang making me jolt up. But now I wish I hadn't done that, I had a thumping headache making me lean down holding my head. "Ginny!!!!" His voice boomed through the cellar. I had learned long ago there was no point in screaming because after all we were living in the middle of nowhere. I didn't answer because he would think I was shouting at him so I sat up pain hitting my legs, I heard him mutter something towards the gate making it open. He grabbed me by my arm then dragged me out of the cellar up the cold stairs and past his work room. I saw another girl over in the corner and couldn't get a chance to get to look at her properly before I was being thrown into the back of a car. "Dean" I whispered. He glared at me but was about to shut the hood of the door when I whispered again. "Dean" i pleaded. I only slept for two hours last night in a week. I was sure my eyes are weak red and my body was dropping lower. "SHUT THE F*CK UP WHORE!" He then slammed the boot of the car making me cry. I was locked in darkness once again. I could feel myself suffocating as the air lessen around me, my eyes blinked furiously to stay awake but couldn't. I was falling into more darkness making my last thought about death. I just wished for it. I heard the engine roar as I felt us move. I moved my body so I touch around me but only felt the shape of the boot. I let out a groan when my headache came back and I let out a scream. I knew it was useless.

I felt like I had been in there for days but when I felt Dean's car slow down. I moved again trying to find a tool, anything but found nothing making me cry more. The boot opened to reveal dim lights and suddenly a bag was over my head. I screamed but nothing came out. Only then could I inch out, Silencing charm. Ugh I hate magic!
I blinked trying to regain where I left my wand. I remembered Dean giving me a potion making
me weak, too weak to disapparate. My brain felt fussy it was probably the smell of the bag that was hung over me. I heard the crunch of leaves as I walked blindly. Dean had a knife trained at my back because he skid it across making me whimper. The woods. Oh no. I was in his old house with the barn. Before I could even think I was push against the wall, Dean pulled the bag off of my head making me scream. I saw the chain I hung on there for hours on end, the music blaring as the radio was placed in the corner and I saw the whip beside it. I shook my head, backing away instantly when I saw Dean loosing the chains. I let out a scream making a smirk so evil firmly place on his face. His dark brown eyes glared at me. "Come here!" He demanded coldly. I shifted my eyes to the black chains hung on by the roof. My tears were practically pouring down my face at this point. "GINNY!" He strode towards me, grabbed me by the neck and shoved me towards the chains. "Dean please" I choked out. Dean just glared at me before taking his wand out. I knew at that point death was upon me but for some odd strange reason Dean just levitated the cuffs of the chains hung around my wrists before I felt the tightness of it. "We are going to have fun!" His meaning of fun wasn't mine and I was frightened to see and most likely feel it. "DEAN!!!" I screamed when I felt the blow to the stomach. I saw him with the whip grinning....

I woke with a start, trying to calm my breathing I saw the clock read midnight. I tried to not remember that nightmare again but it haunts me every once in a while. I looked down to see me covered in sweat making me grunt as I got out of bed. I grumpily walked into my washroom before hurling myself into the shower, taking a quickie I then made my way to grab my tooth brush. I scrubbed until it hurt and I spat out blood making me shrug. I'm use to it. I cleaned my mouth with water again and again before heading into my room. I debated on going to the kitchen to munch crisps but decided against it. I flung myself back into bed trying to sleep but it wouldn't have it, the nightmare I was afraid would come back. I groaned as I push the blankets off of me before getting up and walking to Janet's room. She was most likely home whereas Jessica couldn't be. I entered her room but saw no one on the bed, suddenly a wave of fright washed over me and I bolted into Janet's room searching for her. But within minutes I groan again before heading to Jessica's room. I saw a figure lying on the bed making me sigh. Jessica's brown hair was spilled all over the pillow while she slept. Her chest rising and falling, I tip toed over before climbing into the bed, I lay next to Jessica where she automatically shifted over. I closed my eyes thinking of nothing but my job. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. Then my mind eased on Janet and her whereabouts. If she wasn't back by morning then I should look for her. I heard a soft buzz making my eyes open, I saw Jessica's phone flash making me curious to look. Her business. Not yours! I closed them again before letting the darkness consume me.

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