The interview

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"We aspire to inspire before we expire"

Hey guys I want to thank CuteGirlGinnyPotter  for this amazing cover and the other two! THANK YOU!!! This chapter goes to you!

"You have a place in my heart that no one else has" - F. Scott Fitzgerald


Ginny's POV

Wednesday came by in a blink of an eye. My encounter with Flora rang in my ears. She was very tranquil, hilarious and lovely to talk to. She reminded me so much of Luna Loveagood. Oh gosh I miss Luna so much! "Ginny are you going to take your hand out of the butter?" Asked an amused Janet. I snapped my head down and saw my hand covered in butter. I swore something that I shouldn't-- all the while flushed a bright red before running my hands under the water. "So what time you leaving for the interview?", Jessica chimed in once she entered.

"Ah about an hour" , I murmured glancing at the clock while drying my hands. When Janet wasn't looking I took out my wand and flicked it over the pile of dishes. I saw out of the corner of my brown eyes Jessica smirking at me and nodding away as if to ponder if she would tell Janet or not but before she could hush out a single word Janet exited the kitchen leaving Jessica humming "Little mix" whereas I myself took the liberty on gazing at the calendar. I saw my name scribbled on the date 13th. "Doctor's appointment" Janet's voice boomed. I glowered at the calendar before darting out of the kitchen and gliding upstairs to my room. I hated doctor's appointments, mostly because I hated going to talk about him. I curse the day I meet him. Damn my stupid emotions thinking he was the one! I tore myself away from those thoughts and concentrated on my interview. I saw a note attached to my bedside locker--- I sped over to it and read over it. Good luck - love from J,J . I smiled at the note Jessica and Janet left and lifted the note to see my work clothes folded neatly. Without wasting time I bolted towards the washroom to change. As I was dressing I recalled the nightmare I had last night. It wasn't as horrendous as the other few I still managed to get some sleep. I don't know how but I was glad I got more than five hours. I stole a glance in mirror to see how I looked, I gave a disappointed look. My brown eyes were darker than ever, I had heavy bags under my eyes showing my sleeping hours weren't so nice to me. My hair--- don't even start on it. It's a mess.

I glared at my outfit. The black pencil skirt hugging my body and showing off the curves I used to be grateful for. Now that all remain on my body are scars. Some old and some new. A tear formed but I blinked it back angrily. I used to be confident, happy and brave. But no, he succeeded in breaking me---every part of me. I huffed angry at myself for being thick. I was ashamed. Ashamed at myself for thinking I loved him, ashamed for not telling my family. But it was too late the damage is done. He won. "Ginny hurry" hollered Janet. "Don't want to be late" interjected Jessica. "Alright don't get your wand in a knot" I retorted back. I heard Janet snigger and Jessica huff in response. I combed my hair hurriedly and barged downstairs. Both girls gave me the big thumps up, Janet handed me my bag with my stuff in it. Jessica was beaming from ear to ear. "Oh I'm a proud Momma" Janet sang. I rolled my eyes at how weird she can be. "I'll drop you. You ready?" Janet roared happily. I nodded and we sped towards her car.


I walked in, my hand nearly touching the door until I realised what I was doing. I was going into something I hadn't a clue about. My palms started to sweat. The butterflies in my stomach were not a big help, I could feel my breakfast slowly moving its way up my throat as I doubled over. I clenched my fists, squeezing my eyes shut-- "Hello Ms? Are you okay?" A voice from behind me. I swallowed the sick that rammed itself in my throat making me cough a few times. I looked over a saw a lanky guy towering over me. "Yeah" I whispered. Why are you whispering???? "Okay are you sure?" He questioned eyeing me up and down. I nodded not wanting to speak. I couldn't. "Okay then. I err I'm Liam" he held out his hand for me to take but I didn't take it. He frowned at me giving me a confused look-- "Ah excuse me Sir but could you please come Mr Potter would want a word" a voice of woman interrupted. "Yes of course." He glanced at me one more time before leaving. I let out a breath I hadn't realised I held. Mr Potter. Oh gee I have no chance getting this job. I straighten my clothes, got out a piece of chewing gum and chewed away as I entered the big tall building. It was breathtaking, all stone marble, red carpet, fancy ass fountain in the middle. I gasped as I saw nothing but stairs and a glass elevator. My eyes squinted as the room was very bright comparing to outside. I heard the pleasant splashes of the water dripping. "Ah excuse me how can I help you?" I heard speaking but couldn't find the source. She kept saying "ah excuse me how can I help you" over and over until I saw a red light near the fountain flicker. Nervous I pressed it and a big screen behind me turned on--  Wow. A girl, brown bushy hair was staring at me with a smile. "Hello I'm Hermione. How can I help you?" She asked. "I'm here for the interview" I mumbled. She grinned at me before choosing to speak again-- "Oh Dandy! That's wonderful!  What is you name?" She asked cheerfully. "Ginny Weasley" I hushed out. Her smile even brighten if that's possible. She clapped her hands-- "oh Hello Ginny. The interview is on the 7th floor where I am" she then pointed to the elevator in which I took before mumbling a thank you. I hate that I have no confidence to talk. Pressing the button 7 I heard a BING! Soft music played in the background making me clutch my bag tighter. I just wanted this to be over with.

Minutes went by and I only saw the small hand reached 6. It stopped making me frown. I saw no one out there and when I was about to press the 7 again it instantly shut. I heave a relaxed sigh. The minute the door opened I stood rooted to the spot. I saw Hermione and some blonde bloke. "Draco I have work!" She said sounding annoyed but smirked at him. He let out a sigh as his hands wondered south. I didn't dare look but I could hear a moan escape her lips making me look around awkwardly-- "Later!" She hissed. Draco sighed and kisses Hermione on the cheek. "Now?" I watched as he kissed her neck making Hermione sigh. "Please your torturing me!"

"HERMIONE! I pay you as a secretary not a whore!" A voice growled angrily. I saw her tap a button before going scarlet as she shoved Draco away and apologised constantly. "Shut up! Do what I told you!" He roared through a phone. My ears rang with his angry voice and I took three steps back. Looking at the elevator I cringed as I saw it close. I wanted to go. I have to. But I can't. Dragging my feet across the room I saw Hermione-- "Ginny?" She said. "Yes" I mumbled. "Well hey-- my name is Draco. Draco Malfoy" The blonde haired bloke butt in before Hermione spoke. "Leave Draco. Harry's busy with new recruits" Hermione smiled. "Yes babe. I'll chat you later. Meeting with the board. Tell Harry I must have a chat with him okay dear?" Hermione nodded and blew him a kiss. "Sorry about him" Draco stalked off in the direction of the elevator. "Okay so your here for Potter's PA. Okay. Room four" she pointed behind her. "Thanks" I hushed out before following her directions. Once I made it to room four, with shaky hands I opened it. To my horror fifteen girls not even including me were all sitting down. All of them gazed up snarled at me and some of them even looked at me in a are you kidding? Kind of way. I felt uncomfortable, head down I walked to the seat on its own near the window.

Over the half hour one by one they were called in. I looked at the time to see 11:36. I heard girls come in and out with tear stain cheeks and angry looks. Some even had smirks while others looked fit to cry. "Ginny Weasley?" Hermione called. Getting up and following the bushy head girl I noted she seemed to look familiar. But couldn't put where I've see her. "Good luck Ginny. " she smiled. "Thank you" I nodded before she stopped in front of a big oak door. "Here we are" she said. She bade me a good bye and left. I saw Draco and her before they turned the corner. My attention went back to the big oak door. I breathed in and breathed out before turning the door.

Inside it was dark, candles lit and an old fashioned lamp was spread across. The smell of oak and a strong scent of cologne intoxicated the air I breathed. I got a whiff of a breeze sending a shiver down my spine. I tighten my grip on my bag as I gazed around the room. A couch to my left and a big library to my right. Finally I saw a big deal planted firmly spot on in the middle of the room, a big chair behind it and a chair in front. Letters were scattered across his table and his laptop was on the floor as if he had thrown it. I gulped nervously as I saw no sign of him. The boss. But suddenly the silence was gone, I heard a big roar and then nothing. But the stomping of feet as it neared towards me. The door flung opened to reveal the stranger I met at the cafe, outside the market and inside the market. Him! He was the Harry Potter??!!  His messy black hair was even messier, he wore no glasses this time making his green eyes stand out, he wore a black suit and held a phone in his hand. "Sit!" He barked at me making me wince. "SIT DOWN YOU STUPID B*tch" Dean's voice rang in my ears.  I took a seat quickly without looking at him. "Name?" He growled. "Ginny" I whispered. "What?" I could feel his strong glare at me as it pierced three invisible holes on my head. I shifted uncomfortably-- "Repeat!" He barked.

"Ginny" I said a tad bit louder. I heard silence I chanced my arm to look to see him smirking. Why is he smirking??

"Surname?" He asked.

"Weasley sir" I answered. 

"CV?" I took out the file and handed it to him-- my hand brushed his but he didn't seem affected by it but me? Bloody hell I felt my heart leap. "Okay um---" he kept reading through everything and before I could utter a word he threw it back at me. "Okay. Miss Weasley."

I scrunched my nose as he called me by my surname I felt really old but decided to keep my mouth shut. "What makes you think you can work here?" His voice was rough making me slouch down more into the chair. "Look into my eyes" he growled. My eyes flew to his and I saw him smirk. "I er--" I started to stutter.

"I--" he mimicked me making me look down. "I need this job. I have experience" I whispered. I heard shuffling and then I felt a hand under my chin. "Look into my eyes Ginny" he demanded his eyes dancing. His gaze fell to my lips. For that moment, some odd reason I didn't wince at his touch instead I leaned a little in.


"I have a deal to offer you" His eyes moved to my lips making me bite you lower lip in anticipation.

"You can have the job but--" he stopped. "But what?" I asked.


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