Ch.1 The King Is In Control

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

Ahhh... I wonder what it would have been like to have a family that stayed in the same town for once a year. You see, my parents always liked the idea of traveling, so that's why I never really had friends.

They would always pack in a hurry though, strangely enough as it is. Sometimes I would never plan when we would move as suddenly boxes would be stacked and my father yelling at me to hurry up and pack.

I sighed and unpacked my boxes. I never really had much since I've learned that packing too much stuff you had, the harder it was to lessen the time. At least this room was bigger than the one in the apartment, and this time it was a house. I swear... those kids upstairs would have died a month later by me from there banging.

When unpacking my clothes I noticed a figure, oddly shaped, but it passes my line of vision. Packing late at night would affect my way of thinking mostly. I got to my section of clothes when a huge bang echoed through the house, the dust from my ceiling falling off a bit.

"Mom!" I called out and barely opened up my door. "What's going on?!"

The living room sounded silence without the packing of boxes anymore. I tiptoed my way down and gasped as I saw someone I have never seen before, it gave my heart a race at these strange people. They wore white cloaks and hid their faces in it, to keep their identity a secret.

My parents were bound with some weird blue energy around them. The two cloaked figures held then back while one with the same white clothing as them rummaged through the house.

The man had pure white hair the color of snow, with bits of silver streaks in the side of his head. He slammed each door with a furry and roared in pure anger.

"Where the Hell is she?! Your damn daughter!"

"We'll never tell you!" My mother spat him, but the figure holding her grabbed her throat and started to choke her.

"Hey!" My father lifted his leg and kicked him in the side, "Let her go!"

The cloaked man winced but took my dad's attack. The man with the white hair glared daggers at my father and grabbed a fist full of his hair. "Tell me where your daughter is or your wife is going to die, crushed to tiny pieces by my henchman."

My father's eyes looked pleading, but my mother growled and made him turn to say no. I couldn't take it anymore, so I took off my shoe and threw it at the back of the white-haired guy's head.

"What the-" when he turned to see me, coldness washed over me hard.

I ran back up the stairs as I heard him shout something and ran after me. I remember my room having a lock, so I slammed it shut and quickly locked it, just when the man was twisting on my doorknob.

"You bitch! Open up this door!"

"Don't come near me!"

I grab the chair from my desk and put it under the knob, buying me some time to escape. When I went to open the window it seemed to be stuck. Just my luck in the worst of times! I gripped the edges, but it was clearly too old and the ends of it were rusting with age.

"Damn it!" I whispered to myself as blood began to spill from my fingertips.

The next moment I knew my door was burst open by some blue energy, but it deadlier than the ones holding my mother and father. The man had a craze look on his face as he paces himself towards me.

"Seventeen long years it took to find you... all that damn running around was pissing me off!"

"Stay away from me! You creep!" I grabbed my pillow as a shield.

That did nothing as he tore it away from my hands and pinned me against the wall. I could see the blackest of his eyes, his iris were all black too. The blue around the outer edges of his eyes was being swallowed by the darkness inside him.

"I'm the freak? You should know what you really are, you're nothing the real world and spirit world has ever seen before. You're worth a fortune, but too bad your parents constantly move from country to country, making us run and track them."

"G-Good!" I kenned him down there, but he blocked it with his hand and took out a dagger.

My heart began to race as he put it up against my neck. "Let's see if you're really the girl we're looking for. If not, your sacrifice wasn't worth the while."

The dagger slit my throat as it burned like Hellfire. I screamed in pain and thrashed around while the man just stared at me with wonder, an odd smile curling onto his face.

"I knew it... you really are the one... now my days of tracking are finally over..."

I touched my neck to find a slice mark, but I didn't feel any blood coming out, which made my stomach twist with sick nausea. All I could feel were hard lines at the side of my throat.

"What... did you..."

"I didn't do anything." He lifted me up and tied me together with the blue energy. I was too shocked to even fight back. "It's what you are, and you shall aid us in the war."

My door slammed up like my mother, the side of her head covered in blood, held an arrow of blue energy. She shot it into the man's shoulder as he staggered backward and dropped me, making me land hard on the wooden floor.

"Damn you!" The man quickly fumbled for his knife and threw it at her.

My father came in soon after and caught it in the air, throwing it back at him, into his shoulder. Before the man could wail dad pinned him down so my mother could tie him down. The side of my dad's nose was crooked, maybe from fighting those cloaked figures.

"Mom... dad... what the Hell is going on here?!"

"You'll die... AND I TAKE YOU TO MY MASTER-"

He was cut off as my mother kicked him in the throat, cutting him off as he choked on blood. It was just then I felt dizzy, the world tilting around me. Black stars invaded my world as I gasp for air. "Mom..."

"(y/n)!" My mother cried out, running towards me as the world began to turn black...


Hichigo's P.O.V

"When is this idiot ever going to get up? I need to take over and he's taking forever."

Yes, it is I, the zanpukto who managed to fight control over the fake Zangetus and now is in control. Finally! I awaited this day for so long!

The world wasn't in water anymore, but it was still lifeless and boring, especially with endless rows of skyscraper everywhere. I smirked when the King finally came into his world, glaring at my back like the hothead he is.

"Where is Zangetus?"

"You ARE an idiot! How many times have I need to tell you, I'M Zangetus!"

"I don't buy it. Are you going to try and take over me again?"

"Why of course! The world isn't in blood yet for me to really have fun! HAHAHA!"

The king looked at me with a tired expression. "If you are my zanpakuto, why do you have different goals and try to kill me?"

I remind silence, trying to think of a good enough answer. "It's because I'm the other side of you, the violent side!"

The King smirked at me and crossed his muscular arms over his chest. "I think we're the same and you don't think so."

"Shut it!" I flashed - stepped and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the ground. "I can break you whenever I want, which is today! Remember what I said two years ago? I would take over if you didn't keep your guard up!"

A black substance began to grasp onto him as Ichigo panicked and trashed around. "What the Hell is this?!"

"I'm taking over. Well, only half of it. I'll control time from time, so get ready to experience real Hell!"

The black substances already traveled to the side of his mind. I felt a moment of contention. His body was finally linked to mine. I've waited this moment forever... the dream was real!

"You... bastard..." Ichigo mumbled as he began to disappear and return back to the world.

"It's King now, strawberry horse."

Finally, I would be able to experience the real world. I wonder what it will be like. If I can just keep that other Zangetus down then I'll be in control for a long time...

Look out world, the king has arrived!

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