Ch.2 New Life, How Great

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

Darkness rose inside me as I suddenly gasped awake. My head throbbed in pain as I swung my feet over the edge and let the wooden floor cool them down. How did I get in my bed? I don't even remember falling asleep last night. All I remember... was arriving at our new house last night.

The sound of pots and pans caught my attention as I found my bunny slippers in my boxes, put them on, and walked downstairs. Eggs and rice for breakfast again, I guessed from the smell of my mother's famous cooking.

At the last step, the floorboard creaked under me as it gave attention right away. My mother looked up first and pulled a full smile on her face, coming over and hugging me tightly to her. I blinked in confusion, usually, my mother would be tired after unpacking boxes all night.

"How are you, sweetheart?" I felt her lips press against my forehead.

The headache seemed to go away for a second before I slightly stretched my back. "I have the worst headache... anyways... what happened last night?"

"You fell asleep in bed." My father said first, taking a drink of his coffee.

"That's right," Mother finished for him, "so we tucked you into bed while we unpacked. We knew you had school tomorrow so we didn't want all your energy wasted by the morning."

"School? You mean I have school already?"

Dad turned the page in the newspaper. Yes, he was those type of people. "The mail from last night came with your uniform, along with a letter saying you were to start Monday which is today. So eat up breakfast before heading out."

The smell and taste of breakfast didn't seem too bad to me, especially since it was rice and eggs. They went down my throat wonderfully as I rushed upstairs and grabbed the box with my uniform.

Ugh, they had skirts that weren't even close to the knees. This was a nightmare... putting on the uniform, the shirt was slightly tight and brought out my chest, along with my skirt being too short as it already was.

"Kill me now..." I mumbled as I looked myself in the mirror.

The door to my room opened up as was my mother, dirty from the food she had just made. A smile lit on her face as she looked me up from the top and bottom. "You look cute in it, the skirt could be longer, but still cute."

"Cute? This thing would be banned from America. Why did we move to Japan again?"

My mother sighed and brushed a strand of my hair from my face. "Because of new job opportunities and a new culture to experience. I know it's hard moving from time to time, but I'm so blessed to know you don't mind it at all."

Oh, the guilt my mother gave me. It wasn't meant to be guilt really, but the way hope sparkled inside her eyes was enough to make me swallow the hate deep down inside I had for the traveling.

"Yup!" I flashed her a smile, knowing deep inside it was fake. "I love traveling! It's cool we get to see different styles of life here, even the hours of learning languages paid off!"

The last part wasn't a lie, I was grateful for those hours of learning languages. Traveling from country to country was exciting and wonderful, but with a learning degree, I would never graduate high school from this kind of school jumping from places. I wonder if my parents know about it or don't care at all...

"Well," My mother's voice snapped me back to real life, "just remember to have fun at your new school. I packed a lunch for you in your backpack."

I gave her a smile and kiss on the cheek. "I love you both."

She handed me my backpack and I rushed downstairs, quickly tying up my shoes, and entered into the town called Karakura Town. So far these streets weren't that busy, but then again it was early in the morning.

The roof of the school came into view as I sped up my walking, slightly eager to start a Japanese class. This is the first time living in Japan and going to learn in a Japanese class. Girls and boys around my age filled in the front gate as I noticed they wore all the same clothing, only the girls had skirts and boys had pants.

This place was already confusing as I tapped the shoulder of a rather tall dude, with... orange hair? I know Japan has weird stuff... but they let people in with dye hair colors like this? But when he turned around, my breath stopped short of how handsome he was.

"Yes?" He asked, rather bored slightly.

"O-Oh," I snapped back into reality, forgetting I was staring into his deep, rich brown eyes. "Do you know where the office is?"

He points to it. "Down the hall and take a sharp left, there you'll find the office."

"Thank you!" I dashed off, forgetting if I was supposed to bow after that. But the strange part was... I felt two eyes of the same person on me.


Ichigo's P.O.V

"Ugh... my head feels like it just got ran over by a truck..."

"Oh? Is that how it feels? Sorry! Guess I'll make it worse!"

That voice... Hichigo? I screamed at the pain as I gripped the sides of my head. "What the hell are you doing in there?!"

"Making room! Don't worry, the pain will pass off in a while. How fun is this! You get to speak with me while I get to randomly control the movements of your body! HAHA, I've dreamed of this!"

"Damn you!" Suddenly, my hand smacked me in the face, making me stop in confusion. "Was... that you?"

"Want some more? Or are you going to whine and complain? It'll only be a matter of time before I fully take over your body, so be grateful I'm limited to arms and legs only."

"Ichigo!" Yuzu called from the kitchen. "Hurry up or you'll be late for school!"

"Coming!" I quickly threw on my school shirt, it was hard since Hichigo kept making my arms move in random places, along with me getting a few bruises from him moving my legs, a lot...

I sighed and ran downstairs, grabbed my lunch bag along with my schoolbag. "Thanks for the lunch!"

"Ichigo you haven't had breakfast!"

"I'll be fine!" I slammed the door and ran to school. I felt bad since when I missed breakfast Yuzu would have to throw it away, the rice didn't last very long after a few hours.

"Ooo what's this?" My leg twist and makes my face to turn a poster for kittens. "They're so cute! Let's get one!"

"No!" I protest and forced my way straight. "I have no time for a kitten, especially when I'm gonna be late for school."

"Hmp, have it your way."

The bell was about to ring in two minutes as I dashed my way through, just before the gates closed behind me. Orihime, Chad, and Uryu must be inside the classroom already. Before I could take a step a tiny poke touched my shoulder.

I turned around as the girl was blushing a little bit, but from what? She had (e/c) eyes that gave off much color to her (h/c) that framed around her face. Her hand shook when she looked me in the eyes.

"Yes?" I asked, sounding bored when I didn't mean too.

She jumped, blinking her eyes fast. "O-Oh, do you know where the office is?"

'She must be new here' I thought before pointing to a section of the school. "Down the hall and take a sharp left, there you'll find the office."

"Thank you" She suddenly dashed off towards it. I can't blame her since the class was about to start.

"I don't like her..." Hichigo's voice startled me a bit, "Her energy is unnatural, just like yours."

"What do you-"

The bell rung as I cursed and ran for my classroom. Dodging people in the halls was tough work but I managed to squeeze into the room of the classroom. Orihime and Uryu along with Chad were talking around my desk.

"Hey, guys," I called out.

Orihime heard and looked towards me. "There you are. We thought you were going to be late."

"Seems he dodge a bullet this time," Uryu spoke up, pushing his glasses up on his face.

"Yeah," Chad spoke next.

"Tisk, leave me alone. But first, I need to speak with you guys about something. At lunch on the roof."

They all nodded just when the teacher came in. Everyone rushed to their seats while the teacher started to take attendance. "Everyone in their seats? Yes? Good, now we got a new student in our class. She is from America, but she's traveled all around the world. Luckily she knows Japanese and can understand us. Come on in."

My eyes weren't surprised to see it was the girl from earlier. She bowed down, not too gracefully, but people in America didn't bow so it was understandable.

"My name is (y/l) (y/n), glad to meet you all and I'll be joining you for the last year of high school."

The teacher gave her a pitying look, but maybe it was just my imagination. "Miss (y/l), can you sit in the way back of the room? You don't mind do you?"

"Not at all."

People stared at her until she went over and took her seat, looking straight ahead and ignoring the stares of all of us.

"Hmmm... this is interesting."

'What is?'

"She has spirit energy locked up inside her, just like you before you became a soul reaper."

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