Ch.10 Quincy Powers

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Why does everything have to be MY fault?! I never asked for those Quincies to invade Kisuke's shop and have us move out! Hichigo... is just a huge jerk... enough to make me cry...

His words hit me harder than I thought, slicing through me like a jagged piece of iron. I was the mice and he was the snake, his words like venom as he watched me drown and wither from the pain.

Little does he know, I can come twice as stronger than before. That was one simple mistake and it will never happen again. If I focus all my attention onto training, then the Quincies will be a deep trouble.

Ichigo was gone from the house, said he would be gone on a quick patrol around the town. I was scared, now I'm stuck with a psychopath. I didn't know death would have been this early for me in life, but I did ask for it.

Hichigo would take quick glances at me, never really opening his mouth to speak to me. It was both strange and irritating at the same time. If he was a man he would just come over and speak to say what was on his mind.

My stomach growled loudly. I didn't eat lunch today since I didn't feel hungry, and now I regret my choice. Ichigo's family was down there and they would freak out to why a girl was in Ichigo's room in the first place.

Hichigo sighed and kicked his legs against the wall, making a loud thud every now and then. "This is boring..."

"Well stop kicking the wall. You're going to attract attention to Ichigo's room if you don't knock it off."

"Says the girl who stood outside the shop and almost got herself killed."

Rage boiled inside me as I picked up one of Ichigo's pillows and threw it at him. "Shut up! I didn't get myself killed anyways! You albino freak!"

The muscles in the back of his neck twitched, swelling up and down in slow and hidden rage. "What did you just call me?"

"Albino freak. What? Don't like the nickname? It suits you just fine for a person who kills others just for fun."

Suddenly, he jumped up to his legs, the edges of his lips snarling into an ugly sneer. "You're right, I am all those things. But, I won't ever be the source of the problem that started in the first place."

Something snapped inside me. I didn't know what, but it flung Hichigo against the wall. It was reshi formed into a fist and punched him clear across the face. I tried my hardest not to laugh, but I ended up blowing off my lungs with laughter.

Hichigo snarled and grabbed the front of my collar, a vein popping out at the side of his head. "Did you just do that? Tell me, did you?"

"What if I did? Like you said, my powers aren't worth anything special."

"Oh, now we're playing this game huh?! You think you're so smart, don't you? Using your 'powers' to hit me in the face. You're a little bitch."

"Take. That. Back."

The tension was thick around us, almost crushing my lungs as if someone was beating them down with a mallet. Hichigo's smirk never left his face as he leaned against the table, his chest rising effortless without guilt on his shoulders.

"Make me."

I growled and tackled him to the ground, making the table and paintings around us shake with the force of impact. I could hear their voices, Yuzu and Karrin, shouting to keep it down from up there. I didn't care, all I could focus on was beating this punk until he bled.

Hichigo snarled deadlier with each blow and threw me off him, slamming me into the wall. How the others downstairs couldn't hear that I would never know. He summoned his sword into his hand as the evening sun glistened harshly in my eyes.

"You think you're better than me?" He pointed the tip of his blade at my throat. "Just because you were able to summon reshi? Where was that reshi when you needed it back when the Quincies were there? Please, you can barely take care of yourself."

"Shut up!" I forced my leg free and slammed it into his stomach, making him gasp for air. "I can to take care of myself! You albino freak!"

Hichigo regained the oxygen in his lungs and slashed his zanpakuto at me, but I summoned the reshi around me and made a shield. His face flashed with surprise to find he was blocked, but I countered and head bucked each other.

I was dizzy and stumbled for the window, but I forced it open. I could see a trail of blue blood from his forehead, but I didn't want to waste time and dropped down to the ground. I summoned a net and it caught me, before breaking and slamming my butt to the ground.

"Son of a..."

"Hey! Come back here!"

Even the edge of his voice was deadly and harsh. I couldn't waste any more time and ran in the shadows. Why was I running away? Because I can't be stuck with a guy I loathe and loathes me back. We'll kill each other in that tiny room soon enough.

My breath hitched every time I felt his reshi nearby, crawling and lingering over me like the snake he was, waiting to pounce and kill me with his strike of venom. I wouldn't let my knees buckle under me, quiver in my shoes.

I turned around and looked at his speeding figure. He was mocking me, I know he can catch me in one easy swoop, but I couldn't let that happen. Inside me I could feel my soul merging with the reshi around me, the bow forming inside my hand.

He stopped and stared down at me, surprised to see my new weapon.

"See this? This is your death call!"

I released all the energy I had into one single bow. Hichigo's face twisted into fear as he blocked it just in time, but was thrown backwards some long distances away. Deep down, it felt satisfying to see him, a rag doll being thrown around.

The energy disappeared as I cursed and tried summoning it again, but it wouldn't let me. Hichigo flash-stepped in front of me, his hunted yellow eyes lingered on me, before his mouth turned into a smile.

"Not bad. You managed to control your power without needing help from anyone."

"Wait..." I panted and fell to the ground, but he caught me by the elbow. "You mean... you were only teasing with me...? Never angry with me at the start?!"

"Oh, I'm still pissed at you." He helped me up and grabbed my throat, crushing it as I felt helpless. "But I'm proud of you at the same time. If you didn't show some new strength too me I would have killed you on the spot."

I clawed my fingers into his hand, drawing some blood from my own and his, but he seemed to enjoy the pain.

"Keep doing it, I don't mind the pain at all. It sooths me more than anything else."

I didn't know what would happen to me next, but Hichigo suddenly dropped me as he cried out in pain. He was hunched over, sprawled on the ground as blood spread across his chest. No one was around us, but I leaned over him and checked the wound.

"Hichigo! What's wrong?!"

He couldn't speak as he screamed in pain. I touched the wound as my eyes widen in shock. He was dying slowly inside. 

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