Ch.11 My Own Hichigo?

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You know the times where you can panic and do stupid stuff? That's what I did in this situation. Being a person who's traveled the world many times and seen medical practices, I failed miserably.

I ripped open Hichigo's robes and found the bleeding spot and put pressure on it. Luckily humans who couldn't see spirits can't hear them either, because Hichigo's screams almost made me go deaf on the left side of my ear.

I growled and ripped a piece of my own shirt off. "Can you stop screaming in my ear?!"

Hichigo sweated like a pig and breathed heavily. "I would, if you weren't trying to kill me!"

"Shut up!" I wrapped the wound tightly as I could. Hopefully he couldn't see my bra... since his chest is broader than mine... and muscular. "If you want to die than say it now, or forever hold your peace!"

"You know... I need... to take over... the world... so... I'll... live..."

I nodded and went straight to work. Without reshi I was better at reading soul waves without it. His soul was being torn in half, and if I didn't do anything about it Hichigo would die soon. Ichigo's red ribbon was tied to him... and since Hichigo has been away from Ichigo... the bond was breaking off.

"Hicigo I need your too listen to me," I rested his head on my lap, his eyes were turning hazy and distance. "I need you to let me become your master."

".... Your... what now?"

"You can feel it, Ichigo's soul is too far away from yours and you can't survive without Ichigo near you. If I become your second master, you'll survive without Ichigo being near you."

My senses kicked in, hollows were coming closer as they could sense Hichigo's weak state. Hichigo groaned deeper as the pain swelled inside his body, even contracting his lungs painfully.

"A-Alright..." He breath breathlessly. "I-I'll... Let you..."

Hollow roars came from all around us as I just pushed him upwards. "No time for talk, just stab me with your sword."

A shadow come over us as I could see it from above. A hollow with a face of a bird, peered over us and stalking us. It was waiting to see if we would do anything before devouring us both. I was too weak to make a bow from reshi this area.

Slowly, Hichigo summoned his sword self and pointed it at my chest. He couldn't be paler than he was already, but at least he shiver too show he was in pain. "A-Are you... sure...?"

I smiled and grabbed the sword, stabbing myself in the chest. "Positive."

These were one of the weirdest motions in my life. It was in slow motion, the hollow bird coming down to eat us, and Hichigo entering my soul. All the power inside him I absorbed in a second, the hollow inside him as I craved a moment for survival.

The hollow bird didn't have a chance to turn back as I slashed it with my own Gestsuga Tenshou. Its blinding power exploded in the tiny alleyway we were in as it slashed through the hollow bird cleanly.

Instead of Ichigo's where his Gestusga Tenshou was blue, mine was pure white, even brighter than the color white itself. The hollow roared in pain and disappeared into small specs. I looked down at myself to almost stumble in surprise.

My own clothes changed as I wore what Ichigo did when he turned into a soul reaper. Now I was part Quincy and Shinigami... could this day get any more confusing?

"Not bad," Hichigo's voice rang inside my head, "but your stanch could be better, but at least you saved our asses."

"Shut up!" I shouted at my own Zangestus, only it was the reversed colors of Ichigo's blade. The blade was white and the top part was black. "If it wasn't for me we would have gotten killed!"

"Because your little Quincy butt couldn't produce any arrows. Lame, but at least I got too see that cute (f/c) bra on you~"

My cheeks turned bright red as I covered my chest. "Y-You perv! So, you could see my bra!"

"It wasn't hard too- GAH!!! THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"I am Zettai kuin, nice to meet you."

"Why did you sneak up on me like that?!"

"I didn't. I was simply standing here when you suddenly came into (y/n)'s world."

I gasped and held the side of my head, "Can you two shut up... you're giving me a headache."

"Apologizes," Zettai said.

"Haha! Sucks too be you!"

Great, now two voices inside my head. Is this what Ichigo felt half the time? Hearing voices switch back and forth inside his head? Geez... and I thought I had it hard before knowing Hichigo was Ichigo's zanpakuto.

I ignored their voices and focused on Ichigo's spiritual pressure. It seemed he was in another world, along with Orihime and Chad. No wonder Hichigo started dying, but why didn't it affect Ichigo when it happened?

"Aii... this is going to be terrible... for now, I'm going to look for a way into the world Ichigo is in. You two, be quiet or I'll do something to you both."

After a few moments... silence. That's a peace on earth for me. I sighed on relief and looked all around the grounds. Ichigo seems to be in a place related to that arrancar.

"I wish he would have told us where he went before he left... that jerk... jerk carrot."


Hichigo's P.O.V

"Why should we be quiet?! I can talk inside your mind all day long and torture you with it!"

I waited for her to respond back, but she never did. The inside of her world was cold, extremely cold. (y/n) hated the cold. How did I know? Because she would hog the blankets in the closet when she got too cold.

I shivered and rubbed my arms for warmth. "Why the hell is it so damn cold in here?!"

"It reflects upon her true powers," The creep said. "And she won't be able to hear you. I am the domain power in her inner world, so your voice can't be heard."

"You bastard... your just like the old man! And when I thought I finally got a break from old men who boss me around!"

He didn't smile, nor even laugh at my joke. This place was just as frozen as this guy's sense of humor. Get it?

I ignore the creep and looked around her inner world. Buildings upon rows of buildings were frozen over. It was like a total waste land without the water to make this place a civilization.

"Do you wish to take over this land?"

His voice made me jump, but I didn't show it. "How did you know?"

"We're not connected. I can feel the Instinct of survival radiating off you. You finally gotten freedom and now are placed back inside a Shinigami."

"Ironic isn't?!" I sarcastically yelled. "Makes me wanna go on a killing spree! But I can't because I'm stuck inside another world! I'll break this whole place down-"

An arrow comes from nowhere as I barley have the chance to block it. It grazed my cheek as I was pushed to the ground, forcefully as he toward over me.

"Listen to my words closely, Zangetus. I rule this world alone and won't ever let you take the throne. Ichigo's Quincy powers may have let you taken the throne once, but I will never let (y/n) become lost to insanity."

I breathed hard and slow, gazing into his eyes. "You look like someone I know."

He suddenly stiffened from under me. "Impossible. Surely you must have lost your mind."

"Fat chance!"

I summoned my zanpakuto self and thrusted upwards. This guy might have powerful strength but lacks the reflex to dodge quickly. The bandages around his face were cut away as I gasped in shock, even horror.

He cursed and covered his face with his hand, pushing me away with his spirit energy. "How dare you!"

"You look-"

"Say it and I'll kill you on the spot!" He roared with anger. "(y/n) must never know about this! If you do, I will kill you on the spot!"

"But... how do you look just like him?"

He became silent. Staring at the frozen ground and looking at his reflection. "It is a long story I wish to not dwell into." He turned around and disappeared into thin air.

The cold didn't seem to bother me anymore, the look of what his face looked like...

My mind was blown.

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