Ch.12 Pride Over Glory

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"What the heck?! Why can't I open up that gate thingy and travel to the Soul Society?!"

'Ha!' Hichigo's voice mocked inside your head. 'Can't even figure out how to work a simple thing? I'm curious to see how badly you'll die to a Quincy in battle.'

"Hey! It's harder than it seems! I just though a soul gate would just pop out of nowhere at the flick of a finger!"

What was going on was you couldn't open the soul gate that linked the Soul Society and the world of the living together. Figuring you were a soul reaper now you thought you could summon one.

Right now, you just wanted to rip someone's head off at this point. Hichigo's head to be pointing names out here.

Zettai spoke up amongst the rage clouded inside your mind. 'Focus on the tip of the blade, feel it connect with a solid object in the way and twist it to open the gate way to another world.'

'What?!' Hichigo howled with laughter. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard to open a soul gate door! Just face it, we're both screwed along with King and his friends.'

"I won't let them die!"

You held out your sword in front of you, tip gleaming a hue of red from the sunset in the town. You imagined a door right in front of you, and twisting a knob. Inside you felt the twist and opened your eyes to see a soul gate in front of you, motioning to the other world.

'Holy crap,' Hichigo mumbled, 'that worked.'

"Yes!" You jumped up in the air for victory. "Now time to save my friends!"

You dashed inside the endless tunnel and looked around the walls. They were craggy and worn down over time. From the looks of it something was tearing this place down and rebuilding it in a lazily way.

The run down the other side was on going, but another door was down on the other side. You smirked and dashed faster and faster towards the door until it opened. What was on the other side... was death.

Soul Society's streets were already running with blood and bodies. You gasped and covered your mouth, trying not to stare at the whites of the dead's eyes.

'Oh no...' Zettai whispered in defeat. 'We're was already too late...'

'Soul society...' Hichigo just plainly said, wanting to put emotion in his voice but couldn't. 'It's... like Hell broke loose in only a matter of hours.'

The smell of the iron coming the blood was strong and forced you to go to high grounds. "Dang it... I can't stay up on the roofs where I can be spotted... plus Ichigo isn't even here yet..."

"Hey!" A voice came from the other side of the field. "Put down your zanpakuto or we will shoot!"

You didn't need to see who it was. It was the Quincies. Dressed head to toe in white that would be the morning plead of the dead now. There were a group of them, surrounding you.

(y/n)'s P.O.V

Sensing their spirit energy these guys were just a bit stronger than me. That was a huge problem if these guys weren't even the real big threat to be dealt with.

They started firing their arrows at me as I dodged, flash-stepping out of the way in time as the group try to kill me or hold me down. Sweat gathered at the base of my neck as their arrows weren't letting up soon.

'What the hell are you doing?! Just kill one already!'

"But I don't want to kill anyone! I'm not a killer like you!"

At the corner of my eye one of them released a brighter arrow and shot it toward me. I could barely dodge in time as it grazes past my cheek. Blood dripped down evenly and splattered onto the ground, only a dead body underneath me. If I didn't start fighting back, then I would end up like them on the ground... lifeless and hollow eyes filled with fear of the enemy.

I pulled out my own zanpakuto and dashed towards the one in front of me. His face grew surprised as I sliced his throat easily. If he was expecting it he wouldn't have shown the look of fear and distress upon his face.

Everything in my mind relied on one thought alone. Killer.

'Snap out of it!' Hichigo hollered inside. 'This isn't the time to be thinking of something like this!'

I gasped and blocked the arrow almost lodging itself into my neck. My panted heavily as I closed my eyes to feel the reshi around me... but my senses were overwhelmed with body bodies...

"I can't... there's some much death around me..."

One of the Quincies rammed straight towards me and locked me around his arms. I struggled as he breathed heavily near my ear. "Yeah, the death of you little girl."

The others just laughed as he took out a dagger with the same blue lighting as their arrows. They must be connected in a way since everything they use have a light hue to their powers.

'(y/n)!' Zettai roared inside you. 'Now's the time to manipulate his reshi and use it as your own!'

Could I even do that? He struck his dagger deep into my neck, but my blut vein activated and barley even landed a scratch on my throat. I coughed and hacked as the blood inside stopped inside, weighting me down my iron. The others gasped and stopped at the sight.

"Could it be...? But I thought Ichigo Kurosaki only the one soul reaper we had to be worried about!"

'Now! Take advantage while they're distracted!'

I closed my eyes and focused my mind on the reshi next to me. Killer rang inside my mind as I let the reshi slice open his own throat.

His grip became dead weight as I was dragged down with his lifeless body. I screamed and wailed as we landed in the pile of dead bodies. The smell of death wanted to make me gage so badly...

"Quick!" The Quincies told each other. "Grab her and take her to his majesty!"

Is this how I would really go out? Face in a pile of dead bodies and gagging loudly from trying to not puck.

'What are you doing?! Charge me up and let out a powerful Gestuaga Tensho! It's the only way you're going to survive is to fight!'

"But..." I puck a tiny bit in my mouth, forcing me to swallow it back down. "I can't..."

'Look here, if you want to live then you need to fight back! These guys are going to take you away and all that effort of wanting to save King and everyone else will be a waste of nothing!'

Damn it... he's right... I can't just sit back and let myself be taken away. "But I don't want to kill anyone... even if it's the only way to survive..."

'I'm sorry,' for a moment he truly did sound regretful, 'but you need to kill them (y/n). I'm lending my power to let you kill these bastards.'

I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me up. Looking closer at them they were lanky and scrawny for that white coat. "Come on." His raspy voice growled at me. "If you don't want to be restrained then come with me."

"You're right," I smirked and rose my sword at his chest, "but I want some freedom before being taken away by the likes of you."

A bright flash came from my zanpakuto as all I could feel was dead bodies flying from the power and the screams of the other Quincies.

The other shots their arrows towards me, but I flashed-stepped and slashed them down each across the chest. It might not be killing them but it's at least injuring the opponent.

'Yas!' Hichigo shouted inside. 'You kicked their asses!'

Through all this death and chaos, I managed to smile. "Yeah... we won."

My knees started to buckle as I leaned on my zanpakuto for support. My vision started to blur as I panted and walked out of the pile of bodies. More death and destruction was soon waiting for me up ahead. The cut from my cheek healed quickly as I patched it with the strange bandages around my zanpakuto.

"Ichigo!" A young voice called out.

I turned around to see a short kid with white hair next to a woman with the biggest blossom I have seen in my entire life. And I thought Orihime had the biggest boobs in my life...

"Wait, you're not Ichigo. Then why are you holding his sword?"

"Excuse me," I bowed towards him. "You must be a captain due to your coat. I'm looking for Ichigo Kurosaki myself and would like to help in the battle between the Quinces."

"I've never seen you around here before." The woman said, eyeing you up and down. "But you are cute, which means you're a strong one."

A blaze of fire came from the distances as they both turned to see the cause of the damage. The captain cursed under his breath and reached for the hilt of his sword. "We can talk about this late. Right now, we're going into battle between a Quincy."

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