Ch.6 InTraining

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"Ugh..." I groaned in pain as I walked with Ichigo to school. "I can't believe you made me sleep in that tiny closet with that weirdo."

Ichigo sighed but didn't sound sorry. "Unless you wanted to sleep on the floor or even on the chair, fine by me. I'm just surprised he let you have room inside that closet."

I flash-backed to last night when Hichigo's healing was completed. Ichigo was ticked off and not sharing his bed with anyone, meaning I was left sleeping on the floor or on the chair. Hichigo offered me the closet as it had some folded blankets inside. It was cramped, but at least I had somewhere to sleep.

"It was weird. I mean... it was sweet of him... but if he's part of those horrible monsters you call Hollows... I thought he would act like one."

Ichigo's eyes darkened just a second behind hiding behind a golden honey color of orange. "Just watch him in battle. He's the opposite of nice when it comes to those kinds of things."

Before I could answer back the gate was starting to close, so Ichigo and I had to pick up the pace and rush in. We made it in time and jogged to our first classroom. Ichigo had it easy, he didn't have a skirt to constantly smooth or hold down.

The gang was in their seats when the bell rang, but we came in time and literately shoved ourselves into our own seats. Why does Japan school start so early? Man, I liked Germany schools a lot better back there.

The others gave us looks, but we would tell Uryu and Chad about everything during lunch.


Uryu took in the new gravely, his eye turned hollow inside. "This is bad... if a Quincy is aiming to take your blood then their tactics are far fouler than I thought."

Ichigo spoke up for me. "What does taking her blood have to do with anything?"

"I don't know... this is the first time I've heard of a Quincy taking blood from another Quincy. In the meantime (y/n) should stay with either the four of us. We can't let this Quincy get what he wants."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Still, I didn't like the thought of being protected by so many people. I've always been independence on my own since I moved from country to country, but now it looks like I do need the protection.

Orihime grabbed my hand abruptly. "How is Hichigo doing? I forgot to ask him last night before I left."

I smiled and gave her hand a little squeeze. "He's doing great! Not a single scratch on him!"

Her face beamed with my praise. "That's great! Glad I could help out!"

The bell rang for us again, but I didn't even get to dig into my lunch yet. Oh well, I'll just take secret bites of it during art class. We all separated to our other classes as I was just switched from gym to art class.

The problem, it was on the other side of the school, meaning I would have to run there every day if we had lunch on top of the roof. While running I crossed into a hallway with windows on either side of the walls.

My ears popped at the crashing of the window, making me scream and stop in my tracks. With shaky legs I walked over and looked up, my heart stopping at the sight of him, Hotaru. The sun made his white hair so bright it was hard to even stare at him.

"Stay right where you are, or I'll shoot another arrow." He spoke, emotionless with a firm tone.

That wasn't a problem as my legs seemed to be frozen in fear. Hotaru gently glided down and grabbed my arm, twisting it over so my veins were visible. I bit my lip from crying out when he cut my skin open with a light blue dagger.

My blood glistened a flash of blue before turning red, but it dripped onto the ground in soft raps. Hotaru narrowed his eyes at my blood, the corner of his eyes hardening at the results. "What the Hell is this? Why didn't your Blut Vene activate?"

'Blut Vene? Is that the weird blue looking patterns that appear on my body?' "I-I don't know what you're talking about...."

His violet eyes grew furious, taking up the little space of what was left of the whites of his eyes. "Don't play dumb, girl. You're hiding your real power against me. You might be more powerful, but his Lord told me you don't have the strength to wield it!"

Before his dagger could strike my other arm, a white leg came from nowhere and kicked him, pushing him and crashing into the other window. I gasped in shock as Hichigo smirked while grabbing onto my waist. "Shows him who's more powerful."

"W-Wait-" My cut my words off as he took off into the air. "H-How did you know I was in danger?!"

"Ichigo sensed the Quincy was around you and used the Chain of Fate to tell me to rescue you. He would if he could, but his teacher wouldn't give him the bathroom break he needs."

A sense lit off inside me as I started to panic. "D-Duck!"


"Just do it!"

Hichigo ducked his head in time before Hotaru could cut his head clean off. If Hichigo could become paler, he could at that moment. He cursed and used one hand to hold onto me with Zangestsu in the other.

Hoatru snarled and weakly lifted up his bloody shoulder. "Damn you... I thought they would be too busy to rescue her..."

Hichigo laughed and charged up his original move. "Maybe you should have healed up first before facing the King!" He released the black wave of energy, crushing into Hotaru, but something deep down told me there was more than that to destroy him.

The wind bit at my face as Hichigo flash-stepped fast he as could, but I didn't recognize this part of town. Fear rose inside me as I was ready to kick this freak if he planned on doing anything to me. "Where are you taking me now?"

"Some shop where Ichigo told me to bring you."

I just kept quiet after that, enjoying the wind in my face. Maybe it wasn't so bad up in the air where all your worries could breeze through you. This is how I felt when I would ride inside an airplane, moving from country to country.

We soon descended near a tiny little shop that looked more than ten years old. A man with a fan fanning himself came along. He looked a bit too shady for my taste. He looked up and nodded. "The training room is open. I'll keep a look out for that Quincy."

Before I could ask Hichigo walked past him, bringing us into a room that was just a land of nothingness. The air in here was a bit thinner... maybe because we were underground. Even the blue sky looked fake.

I turned around and glare holes into him. "Where are we? This isn't a shop, even if we passed through one."

Hichigo ignored me as he touched the middle of his chest, a chain appeared in his hands as he began to speak. "I brought her to the shop... she's fine, only a cut on her arm that can heal on its own..." He growled and began to shout at himself. "I'm not going to do anything to her! I saved her just fine back when I brought her to your house! You know what, carrot? Just shut up and study for the time being."

The chain turned red as Hichigo suddenly gasp, his face in pain as he grabbed onto a nearby rock. I wanted to help... but I didn't know what to do. The chain seemed to be the link to Ichigo and Hichigo, so he was talking to Ichigo...

He gasped in air and growled harshly under his breath. "I'm sorry, King."

He released the chain from his hands as it became invisible again. The air felt awkward around us... I didn't know what to say after seeing that... maybe it was best too not say anything about it.

"It's nothing..." He spoke, coughing slightly, "that was just a tiny chit chat. For now, until the King and his friends are out of school, I'm going to be training you."

"Huh," I felt completely dumbstruck, "how are you going to train me? You'll kill me before I can even learn to properly learn to hold a sword."

"You're not going to use a sword." His own zanpakuto appeared in his hands, clear and huge, along with almost being as tall as him. "I've been thinking all last night while you both were asleep. It seems your Quincy side is the most dominant in your soul, meaning you'll be better fighting with a bow."

"But... I've never learned how to hold a bow! This is impossible and unfair!"

Hichigo laughed, bloodthirsty were inside his eyes as he locked eye contact with me, pointing his zanpakuto at me. "Then I guess you better start learning now. I'm going to attack you without any stop, so if you want to live, call upon your Quincy spirit in time."

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