Ch.7 Zettai kuin

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Please check out my fanfic Bladed Souls!

Now that I think about what Ichigo told me, I believe him with every passing second. At first, I just thought he was just a jerk to Hichigo and exaggerated about his strength. Now, I was witnessing it myself.

Hichigo hacked and slashed at me if I even just once let my guard down. This was hell, truly hell for me. I knew not much longer I would be giving in and die. I had no weapon, so running was my best tactic in battle. Hichigo let lose another Getsuga Tenshou at me, digging into the earth and ripping it apart.

Barley enough with timing I dodge the attack, but got blown away and slammed into a rock. Stars danced on the edge of my vision as the laugh of Hichigo snapped me back to my senses.

"This is only barely ten percent of my power! Are you really this weak? Call on your powers!"

I coughed and stood up straight, glaring at him across the battlefield. "I have no clue what you're talking about!"

"It's simple," He slung his sword over his back and rested it on his shoulders. "I'm Ichigo's real zanpakuto. So the power I'm showing is truly his power, only cut in half immensely for your puny power."

"SHUT UP!" Something snapped inside me, a rage I didn't think I had before. "I'm not puny! You damn bastard!"

"Then show me your power before I kill you!"

Before I knew it, he flash-stepped and sliced his sword across my neck. The blood in my neck suddenly stop and hardened into feeling like iron. Fear took a hold of me, I could have died right there... by the hands of this.... monster...

Hichigo growled in annoyance, clearly ticked off my powers activated. "So you're slowly learning how to activate Blut Vene."

I felt a tingle in my hand, a soft presence around me. "Yeah, I am." It formed in my hand and formed into a sword, the same blue one that Quincy had, only mine was a darker shade of blue, "I'm gonna make you pay."

Hichigo stood there, shocked that I managed to gather energy into my hand. The sword felt warm in my hand, but I could fell it slowly coming apart.

He smirked and pointed his Zangetus at me. "Gathering reishi? Strange, I thought Quincies only could form reishi for arrows."

"Maybe I'm just a different cause."

I braced my stance and let him fly towards me. Our swords clashes as I staggered back slightly, not expecting so much power in one blow.

'Concentrate, don't look focus or it's all over.'

A voice inside my head spoke, rough and ancient sounding. I only had to see over Hichigo's shoulder to see a tall man, towering over six feet. His hands and feet were chained in shackles, his body in long grabs of clothing. Bandages around his face and covered most of his spiky black hair, but only his chocolate covered eyes were left to be seen.

Before I could ask, Hichigo kicked me in the side, throwing me aside. I gasped and braced myself, but the rock never came, instead, a blue net came and covered my crashing.

"What the hell?!" Hichigo roared. "How can you manipulate reishi like that?! Even that old man Zangetus can't even do half of what you can!"

Despite the net covering my fall, blood trickled down out of my mouth. Too fast for my lung to breathe, making blood pour from my mouth. "What... do you mean?"

Hichigo sighed and put his sword behind his back, where it wrapped itself in its white cloth. "As much as I like fighting, the king is here, so your death is delayed."

My life is only saved because Ichigo is here, not because have a bloody nose or I'm exhausted. How wonderful people are these days, like Hichigo.

He grumbled to himself and kicked open the door connecting from this weird training room to the real world. Ichigo dropped down inside and glared at Hichigo when he only took a brief glance at me.

"I told you to train her, not beat her until she almost dies!"

"Hey, it was the only way she could have unlocked her full potential. It worked with you, didn't it?"

Hichigo's smirk was just as evil as his words. Ichigo's face was stone cold, a battle inside his eyes for the emotions he wanted to unleased.

"Fine. You're right, but if you kill her, I'll kill you."

Hichigo roared with laughter, echoing inside his own throat. "Kill me?! I'm a part of you! Half of your powers rely on me alone."

"I have Zangetus."

Hichigo sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "How stupid are you...? I'm Zangetus, not long hair silence man."

"As much as I don't want to interrupt your conversation, I need some test on (y/n)'s powers."

It was hat in clogs who spoke. He came down the ladder and fanned himself while staring at me, eyeing me like I was some rare species. "I hope you don't mind. Miss (y/n), but I would like to run some experiments on you. Not anything like needles, but watching you battle out."

"Ummm... okay." I managed to mumble out.

"Hmp," Hichigo stretched and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, but strangely I didn't tense up. "Looks like we're going to be good training buddies~"

Ichigo growled at his white self. "Don't touch her!"

"What? Jealous~?" Hichigo mocked.

"No, I'm not jealous. I'm worried you'll hurt (y/n) and kill her."

"How many times do I need to say this? I only kill in battle, out of battle, I'm a refined gentleman."

"Kiss. My. Ass." Ichigo growled deeply in his throat. "Nothing about you is a gentleman at all!"

"Knock it off!" I pushed them apart from each other. "I believe Hichigo. He did offer me the blankets too sleep when we slept in the closet."

"You made her sleep in the closet?" Kisuke questioned.

"That's not the point!" Ichigo quickly avoided the question. "He's dangerous and can kill you, (y/n)! Try to understand I'm only trying to protect you!"

It felt like two strings of fate tugging inside me. One on Hichigo's side and the other Ichigo's side. It was breathtaking for me as I felt which had the heavier side of death and destruction. What is this power...?

'Fate has it you shall pick the monster of the white heart, who will soon grow into a hero himself by the guidance of you. Pick the hero of fate, and your destiny shall never be complete.'

Time stopped around me, Hichigo's and Ichigo still glaring at each other, eye never blinking. It was the same bandaged man as before, leaning against a rock across from us. His eyes bore into me, and I knew this twisted feeling of fate was from him.

He stood up and walked towards me, the chains around his hands and feet clinking and swinging every time he stood a step. 'I am the spirit of your powers, Zettai kuin."

"Wait, why are you a male then?"

He chuckled, but the bandages around his mouth never moved when he spoke. It was both eerily and fascinating at the same time. 'It's just how I was created, never mind the name for your powers. Now, you are at the line of fate.'

"What does that mean really?"

'It means this is the crossroads. Will, you chose the true hero of Soul Society or the monster that lurks inside his heart? I won't stop you if you chose the true hero, but if you do, your destiny will never be written out the same way as before.'

There were two different colored strings connecting from the two boys. Ichigo's was red, Hichigo's was white. Both floated in the air as it waited for someone to come and take the string. The red seemed to wave to me the most, but the white seemed afraid.

"Why is the white acting like that?"

'The string deals with the different hearts of the souls. The red is confident in himself, but the white is always seeking a way to beat the power in his confidences. If you join Hichigo he'll become powerful than he already is now.'

"Wouldn't Ichigo become powerful like him as well?"

'You will see him time how fate differs, twisting and turning in its never-ending wave of possibilities."

This was it I guess. Either red or white. My hand started leaning towards the red, but Hichigo was only being a jerk because he wants me to become stronger, to learn from my weakness that I can become stronger than I already am.

I felt Zettai kuin smile when I grabbed onto the white string, pulling it towards me. It wrapped around my wrist and tighten firmly onto it. Before I could ask him more, time continued as Ichigo and Hichigo glared at each other.

"Hey knock it off," Kisuke yelled slightly at them. "Let (y/n) chose for herself for who she wants to believe."

"I chose Hichigo."

Hichigo stopped glaring at Ichigo from shock. He turned towards me with a dumbstruck look. "Really...? Me?"

I nodded, feeling the shock and surprise in the air around me. "I chose Hichigo, I trust him to train me and fight this Quincy."

Zettai kuin= Absolute Queen

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