Ch.8 Hiding

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Make sure to check out my Bleach Fanfic Bladed Souls if you're interested

It's been two weeks since I've trained with Hichigo. I was missing school because of training, but I knew I wasn't going to graduate due to moving around so much. Hichigo was devastatingly hard as a teacher, even brutal. But after learning how to dodge and attack with his sword, it was much easier to defend me.

Ichigo told me the school had posters of me, even around the town. It pained me but I couldn't go back to them. I could if I wanted to, but the day I moved here, I remembered it all. I'm not even sure if I really know my parents anymore... just because of one incident and it's because of my power.

Kisuke told me my powers, so far with what he's gathered, is gathering reshi and using it to protect myself. Most of the time it happens when I'm in danger, but I don't know how to bend it too my will. That must wait another day when Uryu isn't busy to teach me reshi.

Hichigo right now was training me, sweat dripping down his forehead as he dodged my attacks. He was stronger, but I was faster than he was. So much so I managed one time to slash across his chest with a decent sized cut.

He was clashing swords with me again, this time I had a real sword, but only the decent sized ones. He growled and tried pushing me back. "Maybe I should stop giving you lessons. You're just getting too damn good at this."

I smirked and pressed my heels into the ground, giving me space to push back. "Ha, then next time don't slack off on Sundays. I train early in the morning since you're such a good teacher."

Hichigo laughed. "Just wait, you haven't seen all of my tricks yet."

He managed to push me back, but when he did, he rose his leg up and locked it under my knee, holding me in place as the tip of his sword pressed into my back. If I even let go and lean back, I'll stab into my death.

I growled and glared up at him, annoyed by his smirk. "Let go of me already."

"What? Can't take the pressure? This is only one of my tricks. You just need to get them when they don't expect it, even if their leg is only slightly bent, you can use that to your advantage."

The timer bussed off on my phone as Hichigo gently released me. "Lunchtime already? That was fast."

"Yeah, it was."

I walked over to my flip phone and stop the timer, grabbing my bento box and opening it up. It was store made, but I missed the one my mother would make. I'm not originally Japanese, by my dad said his part of the family was. My mother never told me what her side of the family was, but she was pale, meaning a place that rained a lot.

Hichigo looked at my bento and laughed. "I can't believe you're eating that crap."

I sighed, picking up the sushi inside. "Yeah, well, it's lunch. I haven't been able to pack my own lunch with all the training."

He was going to reply, but the door to the training room swung open. Usually, Hichigo and I slept down here and Kisuke would deliver us food when it was around the time of the hour. I was confused now since I already had my bento box.

When he turned around to face us, his face was gravely trouble. "Have you two felt any spiritual pressure near or down here?"

"No," Hichigo said, "we haven't at all. Must be because I'm so strong~"

Kisuke ignored his comment. "Mr. Kurosaki just called... there was a Quincy at his house..."

My blood stopped thick in my veins. Ice prickled and sharpened in every inch of my being. A Quincy? Inside Ichigo's house? Maybe they were looking for me... that could be the reason, I couldn't see why else there wouldn't be.

"That's not all," Kisuke continued, fanning himself with his fan. "The soul reaper Ichigo picked up a few days ago, has arrived. And ever since then, a huge number of hollows have been streaming into the world of the living."

"The boy woke up?" I smiled with happiness. "That's great! Aside from the hollow part."

Hichigo tisked, "So what about the hollows? I can easily wipe them out with my power. Just send me up there and the job's done."

Kisuke stopped fanning himself and looked at Hichigo with annoyances clear across his face. "I'm guessing you don't know how serious this is. Quincies have been gone for centuries, wiped out forever if not for the appearance of Uryu. If more Quinices are coming to us, then there means there is more than just Uryu and his father. More than have something to do with (y/n)."

"What should I do?" I tried not to sound fearful, but my body shaking gave it away. "I have to do something."

"Yes, you can. Just stay here and hide."

"What?! I can't just hide inside this underground training room!"

"Yes, I know. Please listen to me. It's for your own safety that you stay here in this training ground. They won't be able to track your spiritual pressure, so until then let us figure out what they are planning."

Rage boiled inside me. I came here to train and defend myself, now I was forced to hide away, like a child hiding behind his mother's skirt. I was feeling useless... now I'm a coward hiding away from people who I can track down on my own.

Despite my anger, I nodded my head towards Kisuke. "I understand. I'll stay here and hide low where they can't find me."

Kisuke nodded and started climbing back up the ladder. "Just remember to lower your spiritual pressure! It makes all the difference!"


Hichigo's P.O.V

After training, I took a shower. What? You think a guy like he didn't care about hygiene? Well, I only care about it if I sweat too much. I had to hand it too (y/n), her speed was improving nicely.

I came down to the training room, but I didn't see her down there. "Where the hell is she now...?"

Great, now I must track her butt and force her to come back down here. Normally I'm up for an adventure, but I don't want to get into trouble because the stupid girl doesn't follow rules. I grumbled as I floated to the roof.

I looked around and spotted her, sitting down near the top. The wind blew her hair and gave her a casted look, saying she didn't belong in this world. The same could be said for me. A zanpakuto never left his master's world and I could only see through the King's eyes, but never experience the world myself. It was strange, an alien planet. People here had their own free will to do what they want, not chained up like me to a stupid master.

I walked over to her and sat down. "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be down in the training room?"

(y/n) chuckled and stretched her arms out. I could see the muscles building inside her arms from the two weeks of training. "Yeah, but I got tired of that crappy old place. I needed some fresh air, not some basement air."

I laughed along with her. "At least you're getting better at sword fighting. The King is slacking off now and focusing on his studies. You have no idea how boring it is when I don't get to fight. Being a zanpakuto is like being a prisoner."

"How so?" She asked, the wind blowing and lifting her hair into her eyes.

I suppressed the moment to not laugh. "You never get a say in the things you want. I want to take over my King's body for power, but also to explore the world. Zanpakuto's are limited to what they can do, and I'm limited with my ability to explore. If I ever get my freedom, I'm going to explore every inch of this damn world."

(y/n) laughed for me. She sounded like bells in the distances. "You might love it more than me. I'm stuck traveling country to country. My parents never seem to settle down in just a house. How they have the money to buy and travel, I have no idea."

"Hhmm," I mumbled.

We didn't say anything more and just stared out at the view in front of us. The city was beautiful in the night, but it drowned out the stars that I've always wanted to see with my own eyes. They seem small, easy to grab with your hand, but that was the cruel trick.

"We better get back down to the training grounds." (y/n) said.

My body told me to stay put, but I knew her safety was the top priority. "Alright."

It happened all in a flash. (y/n) just barely stood up before an arrow lodged into her shoulder. (y/n) screamed and fell backward and off the room. Quickly I rushed after her, knowing that spiritual pressure anywhere.

Qunices. Two of them behind us.

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