Chapter five

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Liu's POV

I'll kill Jeff for doing that to her. I'll destroy him for killing her friends, and hurting her. I want to make him die for that. I kept running, looking for him and I lost track of time. The sunlight slowly began to glow a deep orange, then a deep purple, then became a dark blue. The moonlight lit my way, and I saw the trees easily. I tracked Jeff's foot prints, but every time I tried my mind wandered to Chantese. She hugged me back there. I promised I'd go back for her.

"Shiiiiit!" I yelled and stopped dead in my tracks. I checked my watch and it read three in the morning. She most likely wouldn't be awake, but I have to see her again. I needed to. I turned and began running to her house, breathing deeply praying she's okay. Even after witnessing the death of her friends.

Chantese's POV

After witnessing the death of my friends, school ended. I walked home as if in a trance. I was praying to a god that all this was some nasty nightmare that I can't just awake up from, but once I got home I realized it wasn't. I sat on my bed, and I softly cried mourning the death of Sonia and Jake.

"I can't do this anymore!!" I screamed, while tangling my fingers in my deep, black hair.

I pulled the small pocket knife out of my nightstand and without a second though I slid the steel blade over my skin making a deep, painful cut. I screamed out, and did it again. The blood ran from my wound, and pooled on my bed. I cried and pulled up my pant leg. I cut both my legs long and deep letting the blood run down to my bare feet, and drip of into the hardwood floor. I held the knife to my wrist and began singing Pain, by Three days Grace.

"Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, i like it rough
cause i'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Your sick, of feeling numb
You're not,  the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And show you a life you can understand
This life, is filled with hurt
When happiness, doesn't work
Trust me, and take my hand
And I'll show you a wold you can understand.

Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like of rough
Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.

Anger and agony, are better than misery
Trust me, I've got a plan
When the lights go out you'll understand.

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like It rough
Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing...

Rather feel pain!!!

I know that you're wounded
You know that I'm here to save you
You know I'm always here for you
I know that you'll thank me later

Pain, without love
Pain I can't get enough
Pain I like it rough
Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing

I'd rather feel pain than nothing

Rather feel pain!!!"

Every time I said I'd rather feel pain I'd make another cut. They hurt so badly but I just couldn't stop. As I sang the chours Liu came in. He saw the knife in my hands and he lost his mind. He took the knife and threw it across the room. I Began sobing, and Liu pulled me to his chest. He shushed me, and rocked me back and forth. After a moment. He got up and went into my bathroom. He came out with some first aid, and a hot rag. He cleaned my tears away, then tended to my wounds. A lot of them seal quickly, and a few others took a moment. Liu stared at my arms and legs horrified. He sat me in his lap, and ran his spoft fingers through my hair, soothing me gently.

"Please don't do this to yourself. You're beautiful, and no matter how many scars you have, you'll stay beautiful." He mumbled.

It was killing me now. All the emotions I felt. My chest swelled and my heart began to pound. I looked up at Liu, and he looked down at me. I reached up and brushed my lips to his. He didn't hold back and he kissed deeeper, pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I moved a bit. I changed positions to where I was strattling his hips. His hands moved down to my waist, placing them on my hips. We panted into the kiss then broke away. I laid my head on his shoulder, burring my face into the crook of his neck.

"Liu?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" He hummed, playing with my hair.

"I think I love you."

"I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. I knew you'd be mine."

I smiled and relaxed into his warm embrace, and soon I fell asleep while he held me softly.

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