Chapter four

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Chantese's POV

I woke up to sweet, golden sunlight kissing my skin, and warming my face. I jumped out of bed, and smiled knowing my parents were dead, and all the turmoil they put on me was gone. I ran tlk my closet and picked out a Tokio Hotel t-shirt, black jeans, and my favorite vans. I hopped into the shower and blasted some Tokio Hotel knowing it was okay.

I hopped out, got dressed, pulled my hair into a lony tail with side bangs, and grabbed my book bag on the way out. I smiled during my walk to the school, and once I made it I pushed open the front doors. Jake and Sonia came by smiling at me. I greeted them both with hugs, and when I hugged Jake I have the feel long of someone watching me.

"So did anything ya know...happen last night once you got home?" Sonia asked.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked Sonia.

"Can I tell him...but only of he promised not to tell?" She said raising her hands to signal a begging plea.

I shrugged at Sonia smiling brightly. She dropped her hands and looked at me oddly.

"You seem happier than I've ever seen you before. What happened to you last night, Chan?" Sonia asked.

"If I tell you, you'll flip...out!" I said furrowing my brows.

"I promise i won't." Jake said raising his right hand, and held his left over his heart.

I giggled at his silliness then Sonia did the same, and promised she wouldn't flip out. They also said that they would tell anyone what I'm about to say so I have it a go.

" won't believe it but I promise know Jeff the killer right?" I asked.

"Yea." Jake said.

"You know I do." Sonia answered.

"Well....he broke into my home last night and killed my parents." I said smiling.

Sonia gasped and Jake looked at me horrified.

"What?" I asked.

"That's fucked up Chantese." Jake said.

"Jake look. If you were in my position you'd be happy they were dead." I explained.

"No I wouldn't." He said hatefully and started walking away.

"Jake listen please. Just listen to what they did to me."

Jake stopped and turned back to me, glaring.

"My mother beat me all the time. This is from her slamming my face onto the hot stove..." I turned and showed Jake the peeling red burn of my right cheek.

His eyes widened and he gasped. So did Sonia, but I let going.

"Since I turned 13 my dad has been raping me no stop nightly, thus is what happens when I refuse..." I turned and pulled up my shirt showing a scar in the center of my back.

"And this is just from him being rough." I pulled my sleeve off, and showed the cuts and dark purple bruises.

Jake and Sonia gasped again as I pulled up my sleeve and turned around.

"If you still haven't changed your minds then fine. Just leave me alone." I said and pushed past them, walking down the hall of lockers toward my Algebra class.

Mrs. Curt passed out the quiz we were supposed to take, and I looked out the window. I saw something white move the through the trees then it stood up. It was Jeff! He smiled darkly at me. He pointed at me, then draw a line across his throat signaling, ' you're dead' . I fell from my chair screaming and Mrs. Curt rushed to me.

"Chantese? Are you alright?" She asked.

"No no no! He's out there he wants to kill me!" I screamed.

"Who?" A blonde girl asked.

"The guy who killed my parents last night!" I screamed.

I got up and hesitantly looked out the window and he was gone.

"No no no! He's comming for me!!!! He wants to kill me!" I cried.

"He's obviously not there. Just sit down." Mrs. Curt said.

I shakily sat down, and she handed me my test. I began my test, and got had was through it before three other students burst through the class door. It was Jake, Sonia, and another guy. Jake looked at me and almost yelled.

"Chantese. He's here for you! He's tried to kill us!"

I jumped up.

"I told you. I told you he was here to kill me!" I yelled at Mrs. Curt.

"Oh Chantese. Come out come out where ever you are." Jeff cooed.

"Shhh! Turn of the lights and hide." I whispered.

Jake turned off the lights and we hid in the back of the room. The window of the door busted open and you hear a scratchy laugh.

"Chantese. Come out or I'll come in." He chirpped.

I covered my mouth, then the door busted. In came Jeff holding the bloody knife. He yanked a kid out from under Mrs. Curt's desk and it was......Sonia. My eyes widened and Sonia cried.

"Let me go!! Leave us alone!!" She yelled.

"Shut up or I'll slit your throat. Chantese. One out if you want your dear friend to live." He cooed once more.

"Fine!" I shouted.

I stepped from my hiding spot and stood with my hands up.

"Let Sonia and everyone else go, and you can kill me." I said plainly.

Jake came out of the small closet next to me.

"Are you crazy? I won't let him kill you!" He yelled.

"Then I'll kill all three of you." Jeff laughed.

He threw his knife at Jake and I pushed him out of the way. The knife burried itself into my right arm and i screamed in pain. Jeff laughed.

"Go. To. Sleep." He said, and snapped Sonia's neck.

I screamed and reached out for her, and her body fell. I growled and pulled the knife from my arm. I stood up, and tears poured from my eyes.

"You killed her!! I'll kil you for that!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Just as I charged, the window next to my desk shattered and Liu jumped in. I looked at him wide eyed, and he looked at me.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"Yes!!" I screamed and dropped the knife.

"Jeff! I kill you for hurting her!!!" Liu screamed, and tackled Jeff.

"Who the hell are those guys!?" Mrs. Curt screamed.

"The boy in the white hoodie is Jeff the killer, and the other is my protector Homicidal Liu. Jeff's brother." I sobbed.

Jake gave me a what the fuck look.

"So you were serious? Jeff really did kill your parents last night?" He asked.

I just nodded. Liu threw Jeff onto Mrs. Curt's desk and it broke. Jeff however, got up and pulled a knife from his hoodie's pocket.

"Liu. We're brothers so why not be on the same side. Kill the girl and we can leave here the way were were before." Jeff tried to reason.

Liu pulled his own knife, and watched Jeff.

"Maybe I don't want to leave here like we were before. Maybe I want to walk out of here with you dead, and her by my side." Liu argued.

"Aahh!! Stop being stupid Liu. I came to kill her so i could have you back!" Jeff yelled and charged.

Liu swiftly side stepped and Jeff missed. I watched and Jake pulled me close examining my arm. Jake looked through droors for fabric to seal my wound. Jeff looked at Jake, then smiled at me.

'No. He's gonna kill him.' I though.

"Jake get down!!" I screamed.

"Hang on I fo-" Jake stopped in mid-sentance and dropped to the floor.

"NO!!!!" I screamed making my lungs rattle.

Liu looked at me with pain in his eyes, the went back to Jeff. My mouth hung open slightly and tears streamed down my pale skin. My eyes became badly bloodshot, and I crawled to Jake. I lifted his body, and blood spilled from his mouth, staining my jeans. I rocked him back and forth.

"Don't don't die. Please." I whispered.

"Just. Fucking. Die. All. Ready." Liu growled.

I looked up to see Liu launching a knife that strapped Jeff's shoulder. Blood seeped from the wound and Jeff growled. He jumped out the window and took of, saying.

"She will die. Sooner or later."

Liu turned to me, and he had a deep sorrowful expression. I jumped up, ran to him, and hugged him tightly. He hugged back, then pulled away.

"I have to go after him you know? I'll be back later tonight for you." He said.

He wiped away my tears a and jumped out the window.

"Stop leaving me." I whispered, looking out the window.

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