Chapter one

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Chantese's pov

   I sat on my bed, pulling the sailed sheets tighter around my exposed body, crying harder and harder as I my father left the room smiling. I let him over power me, I let him control me again. I let him rape again. I cried into my soft hands as the sheets fell off my shoulders, showing bruises and small cuts from my father's tight grips and his dirty fingernails. I got up out of my bed, and walked to my bathroom. I took a hot shower, and hanged into clean panties, and a tight, black nightshirt. I threw every bit of bedding off my bed, and curled up into a ball next to the headboard. I was freezing but it didn't matter. It was the beginning of spring, but the nights can get to almost 20 degrees. My window was always open, it never closes, and since it was and average 25 degrees outside, I was cold. Very very cold. I cried, and wrapped myself in all my bottled up pain, and sadness. I just want this to all go away. I didn't deserve this, I was a good child. I'm human too ya know. I have feelings. But....I guess no one cares about them. I soft stopped crying and fell into a deep, violent, horrifying, gory nightmare.

Sully's POV

I was running through the thick trees after the notorious Jeff the killer, that fuck. I bowed I'd kill hi for what he did to me, and Liu. I found him hours earlier sneaking into a house. I had grabbed him and threw him onto the gravel. We had a lovely conversation about how I wanted to make him lay for what he did, then he started running, that little shitI've been chasing him for a few hours, and I still haven't found him yet. I ran out into a clearing next to a house, but I ignore it and turned back. Before I could enter the woods I heard soft crying, murmering, and Liu began comming back. Why can't he just be more like me? Why can't he just become dead set on killing Jeff for killlling his family, and hurting us they way did?

Liu's POV

In the back of my mind I heard sobbing, and I pulled Sully back into where he belongs, and I took my place in my mind and the leader. I looked around and noticed it coming from the house behind me. It wasn't big, it had a window that was open, and the sobbing cam me from that window. I walked to it, being the curious kitten I am, and I looked in. A girl was lying on a bed, stripped of any sheets, and covers crying. But why? I couldn't see her face since she was turned away from me, but I could tell her hair was a beautiful silky black with red highlights. She looked to be roughly 15 year of age. A little young, but it didn't matter much. She wore a tight black shirt, and he soft crying slowed to a stop, and she fell asleep. I looked around then crawled into the window to get a better look at her. I looked at her face, and she was...beautiful. The tear stains on her pale skin were noticeable so I decided to find the bathroom, and get a wet cloth. I can bac and she was tossing, and turning in her sleep. I knew it was a nightmare because I continuously dream of when Jeff killed mom and dad. I wiped away the tear stains, then crawled in bed next to her. She stopped tossing, and she curled into my chest.

'Why are you doing this?' Sully asked me.

"She's beautiful." I whispered.

'But what about Jeff!? We almost had him!'

"Can you let that go for a while? Just chill for a bit."

'I don't wanna chill for a bit! I wanna make jeff pay for what he did to us!'


'Don't you 'Sully' me! I know what I want, you don't!'

"Man, you need to shut up sometimes and work on relaxing."

'I don't wanna fucking relax when Jeff is out there terrorizing people! When he's doing the same thing he did to our parent, to other kids parents! Him doing what he did to us, to other kids!'

"Sully! You better fucking behave and shut your damn mouth, Now! You know we don't talk about what hppened that day!" I whisper shouted, making the girl stir with my sudden movements.

'Talking about that day is the only damn way I can get you up off your ass.'

"I said 'shut up' Sully. Now do it."

Sully grumbled and stopped, and I looked down at the girl in my arms. She seemed to have stopped the nightmare. I smiled knowing what must happened, and I slipped out of her bed, and put the window. I looked back seeing her with a small, soft smile on her face, and my heart warmed. I turned and walked into the trees, my heart beating harder than ever.

'Why must you fall in love now?' Sully asked.

"I'm not falling in love. It's just puppy love, I'll get over her." I answered.

'No you won't.'

"How do you know?"

'Because I am you. I feel your emotions, and I understand them. This isn't puppy love. You're in love with her.'

"I'm not in love with her.." I stopped walking, and laid my hand over my heart. " I?"

Sully chuckled and left me alone. Alone to wonder if I really do love that girl.

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