Chapter two

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Chantese's POV

I woke up to the sweet, golden light of the sun kissing my skin. I opened my eyes and crawled out of my bed. I walked into my bathroom, and started up the shower. I got out and dressed in jeans, and my Avenged Seven fold T-shirt. I silently snuck downstairs and grabbed my book bag, throwing it over my shoulder. One of the my text book dug into my spine, and I jumped in pain hitting my knee on the table, and dropping a pan.

It clattered and I cringed. I looked and listened, hearing nothing stir or speak. I picked the pan up, sat it back where it was, and I tip toed out the door hoping a board doesn't squeak. I made it out and started walking the school I grew up in. Westmore high. I pushed open the front doors to be greeted by my friend, Sonia.

She's the only person who understand me in every way. I hugged her, and we walked down the hall of lockers.

"So. Has anything happened. Did they do anything to you yesterday?" She asked.

Sonia is also the only one who knows my parents abuse me. She always wants to tear them apart for what they're doing to me, and she says I don't deserve it. She's really sweet, and I love her to death.

"Yea. My last night." I said, and looked at my feet.

"Oh." Sonia whispered and looked at her feet.

Before I realized anythin, she stopped and hugged me tightly. Even though Sonia is my best friend it doesn't change the fact that I'm not good with physical contact. I stiffened and smiled a bit. I wrapped my arms around her and slightly hugged back.

"Chan. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. You don't deserve any of this, I wish it were me going through this and not you." She said quickly.

"Don't say things you don't mean." I whispered.

"But I do. I do mean it. I'd take the burden if that meant you had a better, happier life." She sniffed and I pushed her away, yet held onto her shoulders.

"Stop crying. I'm fine, see?" I danced like a monkey and that made her laugh, that's how I've always been able to cheer her up.

"There's that smile." I said smiling at her.

She wiped at her tears, and I grabbed her hand. I laughed softly and drug her through the hall, to our first period class. Algebra. I sat somewhere around the center edge, next to a huge window, and outside that window was a deep rich forest the surrounded miles of land. It connected to the one in my back yard, so if I wanted I could walk through the woods back to my house, but no. I just didn't like spooky walks in the forests at twilight.

The Algebra teacher, Mrs. Curt, droned on about a lesson that everyone already knew, and that means the class would draw or 1play on their phones while her back was turned. I however, wasn't one to her in trouble so I just kept looking for my paper. I found a piece and sat it on my desk to draw on and lass the time.  I began drawing....and oval. Then and 'T' through it like I was making measurements for a face.

The quicker the drawing came into place the quicker I realized it was a face. But a face of whom? I had made a stray line on the man's face, and I stopped. I stared at the stray line like it was the one thing that could change my life. My hand started moving again and made the light stray line and stitch line.

I did it again on the face, making a reasonable amount of stitch llines on his face. He looked handsome even with the stitches. Actually, he looked better with them. I studdied his face a bit, seeing his face was.........confused. he looked confused, and horrified at the same time. It felt like the word fell away as I stared at my picture, aaand I stared for a while. The ringing of the bell sapped me from my thoughts, and I jarred up. I gathered my things and ran for the door.

"Oh! And class?" Mrs. Curt said. "Son,t foreget there will be a test tomorrow to see what you have learned over the last semester and a half." She chirpped. I groaned and exited the class. Sonia caught up to me, and handed me a piece if paper smiling. I took it, realizing it was the picture I had drawn in Algebra.

"Where did you find this!?" I asked, looking around.

"On the floor just outside the classroom door." She answered smugly.

"What? Why are so smug?" I asked.

" got a thing for Homicidal Liu?"

I stopped and looked at her.

"Homicidal Liu?"

"Yea. Homicidal Liu. Creepypasta. Hottest Creepie out there. Brother of Jeff the killer."

"Nope. Never heard of him, Jeff the killer, or Creepypasta."

"During Technology class you gotta search him up. Check some of the images out on Google." Sonia began walking away smiling brightly.

I shook my head and finished getting my stuff from my locker, and headed to my next class. U.S History. This class, along with the next three went by like a blur. I can't remember anything except the simi finals next week. Technology class was my fifth period class. I entered and sat next to my computer, logging in quickly and before anyone else can sit down. I popped into Google, and put in the search bar:

"Homicidal Liu - Creepypasta"

It came up with his life story, and a Jeff the killer story, but I wanted pictures. I clicked on 'Images' and thousands of drawings, computer animations, and pictures popped up. The first thing I noticed was his face. The stitches, the green eyes, the shaggy brown hair. He seemed.....handsome.

I smiled, and the teacher came by. I exited out of Google and swirled my chair around to face Mr. Kalvani. We worked on animations, and valuable skills we'd need one day, and that passed quickly. I had two classes left before going home, and all I wanted was to go home, lock my bedroom door, and be left alone for once.

The last classes passed quickly, just like all the others. I pulled my things from my locker, and walked to the door with Sonia by my side. The picture of Homicidal Liu was in a white folder that had an 'H L' written on the front it thick black marker. Sonia trashed me about liking a killer, but I reminded her that she was the one who said he's the 'Hottest creepie out there.'

I just laughed when she became shy, then a car horn honked, on instinct I looked to see which goofs parents decided it would be a good idea to honk. When I looked up my eyes widened, and my mouth dropped. I became terrified fr my life. It was my mother in the drivers seat to the family car.

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