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The winds howled as the rain poured out of the black clouds. The night was stormy and lonely as a certain platinum-haired guy lay on the bed listless. His expression was barren unlike the thunder outside. On the windy cold night, he sniffled slightly and laughed.

"You are stupid! So stupid", His shout came out like a slur as he tried to sit up. The world started shaking as he blinked as the lines of the bed collided with the lines of light hurting his eyes. He wasn't drunk but felt tipsy. Was it because of the overflow of emotions or the memories that suddenly hit him?

"Luce I trust you"

Her words knocked his breath and for the first time, he realized that maybe she mattered to him after all. She cared about him, unlike the ones who ran after him because of his beauty. Beauty can be a boon and bane. Boon as he could achieve anything and bane because without it nobody cared.

A hiccup left his throat as he laid down again and closed his eyes treasuring the fresh tears that fell.

A young boy tiptoed inside the kitchen wearing looking around right and left then sighed in relief not realising a figure has crept up behind him.

"Ahhhh", He screamed in fright showing a toothless mouth for a few seconds then quickly covering it when his father's angry face frowned at him.

"Luce. I have told you not to sneak out when I am working", The man calmly scolded the young boy who glared at him with great spirit.

"But dad. This house is so boring. I wanna play with ants", The three years old whined, this made the man sigh.

" No. I know you wanna eat those ants and break the comb of the honey bee", The man refused with a disapproving look on his face.

"I also want to kill those lizards-", His dad cut him off by picking him up in his arms.

"Do you wanna play with a baby?" The man offered with a sweet smile on his which made the little boy's eyes beam with excitement.

"Does the baby have a tooth?" Luce asked questions to which his father nodded and the little guy's excitement rose.

They soon reached the kitchen where a baby stroller was placed.

He heard a foreign accent in the background but the kid ignored it and observed the tiny baby with wide eyes.

"What is it?" He asked turning towards the short woman with bangs.

"She is a girl", The woman answered with a gentle smile on her face as the little boy gazed at the doll-like creature stunned.

" Can I touch her?" He asked shyly as the baby blinked her big black eyes at him. Her pacifier fell as she gurgled out the white liquid and smiled clumsily making Luce laugh.

"Of course, you can. Nick your son is already a gentleman", The woman commented, the voices drowned out as he crouched down to be at eye level with the baby.

"You are so pretty", He said as he put his little finger in her hand which she tried to suck but he shook his head.

"No. You can't eat my finger", The little girl blinked at him and then suddenly giggled loudly. Luce felt his heartbeat rising as the baby started laughing.

"You are such a cute Chinese doll", Luce complimented as he recalled the doll he had in his home. He suddenly felt like giving it to her, all his toys. Her smile made him immensely happy. Happier than eating ants and breaking honeycombs.

"Luce we will leave Yan with you, okay?" The woman said with a smile on her face. Luce found himself nodding as the two adults departed to the outer kitchen in the house for barbeque leaving the toddlers to play.

"Ggggggiiiigggggg", The baby gurgled out as Luce made funny faces at her.

Suddenly a large thud echoed and the baby started wailing loud enough to pierce his eardrums.

Luce woke up with a start, breathing heavily. Suddenly his phone started ringing and he picked it up in annoyance.

"Luce where are you?" Catarina's professional voice asked from the other side. It was time for his shift but Luce had much more important missions to complete.

"I am boarding to Singapore, I have to switch off the phone", With that, he disconnected the call leaving the poor girl hanging.

He then got up from the bed and threw the phone in the drawer, where hopefully it will rust for a while and exited his house.


"My Cathy has swelled up since last pregnancy. I don't feel like touching her anymore. You got me?" Joshua said as he linked his arms around Mrs Jennifer who laughed and casually brushed off his arm.

The man didn't hear what she called him under her breath but Luce did for sure.

"Fucking Lobster bitch"

It cackled him but he dropped the smile as he approached their unit.

There the head officer enquired him about his ongoing case and with a calm expression he voiced out.

"I think we should drop off the investigation from her as she almost felt like a victim to me", The chief stared at him and nodded not denying his statement as her reports indeed proved that the woman was sick for a long time.

"Are you sure it's just that and not because of her being too fuckable?" The annoying man from before interrupted.

Luce clenched his fist and laughed with an empty expression on his face.

"I have better options man"

The unit laughed at his crude joke knowing how big of a womaniser he was. As the conversation went on the chief suddenly cleared his throat.

"Luce, while you were investigating a new bug came snooping in our system today", The old chief said with a serious look in his eyes.

"Name?" Luce interrogated with a determined look in his eyes.

"Xavier, we need to keep an eye on him"

So this was chapter 33.

So what're your thoughts?

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