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"I wonder what the wind whispered in your ears, for you to turn against me, My Prince. This loyal subject would never dare betray you...", Yanner read the lines of the non fiction 'My Psychotic Lover' previously named 'Fall of the mulberry leaves'. The leaves signified the poor concubines who lost their and beauty in their chambers waiting for the sunshine that would never actually belong to them.

The story talked about one of King's crazy lover who went to great lengths inorder to achieve his love. Reading the story Yanner couldn't help but feel much worse about her heart. She felt sorry for herself. The question that always hit her brain hit her again...

Why did she still exist?

She felt caged inside her own thoughts just like the consort. It was the place where the original historical play 'My Psychotic Lover' was inspired from. The play was a romantic comedy and popular among kids. The original story from which it was inspired was quite tragic. It was about an adopted princess who hid her face behind a veil. She was the crown prince's childhood lover and became his princess consort when they grew older. But schemes played and crown prince slowly started believing in other's unfavourable opinion of hers. The girl never lifted her veil, as her beauty was said to be actually eye blinding. Yanner and the consort were undeniably beautiful. And lived for one thing, that's true love.

Their desire to find true love brought them too far. Yanner stared at the empty coffin with a lost expression as the story played in her head. She could feel there were some missing pieces in the story. It didn't sit well with her the entire tragedy about two lovers who had no walls in between them and could have easily got their happy ending.

She felt the light flickering as the doors started vibrating. The staff shrieked and started escaping while Yanner sat there touching the casket with a grim expression on her face. As the lights flickered a mist appeared in the room as she felt a chill run down her spine. She kept quiet as she felt the touch on her spine creep up.

Closing her eyes she moved her fingers on the casket trying to communicate with the empty casket. As if the casket would speak the tale of that time. She felt an itch in her throat as a stray tear dropped from the corner of her eyes.

She heard a gentle whisper in her ear as she placed her head on the casket.

Is this coffin for me?

The language felt foreign but somehow she recognised the words.

"The coffin was for me prepared by the prince"

She heard an excited voice as she opened her eyes to find herself lost in a mist, her breathing came out in puffs as thick darkness pulled her in.

She saw a veiled woman kneeling as a man stood behind her.

"You are a living ghost, a phantom. I would make sure your name is wiped off from our history, my love"

The woman didn't look up just sat there quietly staring at the wall.

"As you say"

A timid voice responded making the man's face light up with a smile. He left the woman with a satisfied grin on his face. In the dungeon she stared at the wall, Yanner felt the mist desolving as her breathing got normal. Light headedness hit her as the scene shifted and a scene from past hit her.

"I don't wanna steal", Yanner murmured as the little boy cleared her wounds skilfully. Tears dropped from her eyes but the little guy ignored it.

This made her cry even louder. She wanted to die, her bad decision led her to this state, she realised. Now she truly had nobody.

"Hush", The guy scolded her with an annoyed expression. Yanner sniffled and nodded suppressing her cries behind her palm. The guy sighed and shook his head.

"Name me", He said suddenly. Yanner blinked then think tried to think of a name.

" Xavier? " She asked to which he beamed.

"Xavier will steal for you", He said with determination in his voice.


The staff whispered behind her back scared to come closer to her. There was a reason for this as Yanner stood behind the stage staring at what used to be a throne room. Imagining the princess witnessing her own funeral, slowly losing touch with the world. Feeling the pain of being dead, phantom in the living world.

Imaging how the phantom lingered in the place scaring the maids who thought she was dead.

"The story we have is very powerful but all the writers refuse to do it as they lack the creativity and the story doesn't get monetized for being a folktale. So what we want from you is to make a story that's inspired by the actual one but with more definition, okay?" The director cheerfully explained to which Yanner nodded dully. Her mind was shut off since the moment she reached here from Luce's home.

"Great. Now we need to sign the contract", The director said excitedly ignoring the depressed look on Yanner's face. They stood in an empty auditorium which was decorated by balloons and banners of 'My Psychotic Lover'. It felt like a function with no audience almost making the event gloomy but the director filled the joy in as Yanner sucked in the gloomy aura in the room like a vacuum. It felt like everything disappeared as the moments passed, the lights flickered in making the director sweat. Yanner sighed and blended in with the disappointing function making the director stand out who stopped smiling. The phantoms in the room sneered as a smirk plastered on her pink lips.

"I am excited for this play", Yanner said lifting her hand for a handshake. The smile reappeared on his face as he took in the determined look in her eyes.

"Ahh I am so excited. You need to give an audition first then we will sign the papers", He spoke out making Yanner nod. She was confident the nerves weren't hitting her like they always did instead her subconscious was shut off. Was it because of the toothpaste she tasted on her tongue or the extra salt in the snacks that lowered her adrenaline?

Whatever it was, it was working miraculously.


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