29. Meeting My Guide

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Hi all...

Here's the next part...

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99 for voting first on the previous part...


Vindhya's POV:

"What took you so long girl?" Tara asked me.

I smiled sheepishly saying " I didn't see the one whom I thought I had seen."

" Ofcourse, I know. You're really childish like how Sid described." She said and I made a note to scold Sid later.

" See, you took so long that even your shoes got dried." Tara said shaking her head.

" Let's go." I said and we began walking out.

" Sorry I kept you waiting for long." I apologised.

" No worries Vindhya. I infact called ashish right after you left. I'm not at all alone or bored." She said smiling.

" What took you this long?" Sid asked me.

" These shoes are as stubborn as you. They wouldn't dry quick." I said a lie and asked Tara to be silent.

I can't tell Sid that I went searching for someone, he would be angry with me. He thinks that I'm a kid and I would be in trouble if I wander off like that. He's really over overprotective. It had no limits for his protectiveness.

" The cab has been waiting for a while. Let's go." Raghu bhai said and Sid let the matter slide off.

" Where are you staying for the night? Shall I take a guest room for you in our campus?" Bhai asked Sid.

" No bhai, I'm going to my friend's place. " he said.

" Karthik." He said when I looked at him.

" You're not going to his place." I said with a pout.

" Nothing is going to change my plan Akka. We've already decided." Sid said.

" Karthik will be tired Sid. Let him rest. Why don't you stay in our campus?" I asked him.

" Aw, do you care for him?" Sid asked dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

" No, but I know that you both won't let that house be in peace." I lied. I care about Karthik but I'm angry with him now.

My phone rang and I answered it happily seeing that it's papa.

" Appa.." I greeted him happily.

" How are you Vindhya?" He asked me to which I rolled my eyes and said " We just spoke few hours ago."

" Did you eat beta?" He asked me to which I started telling him what all we ate.

Raghu bhai had this expression that he already knew I would say everything with appa. Tara had this amused face. Sid just leant back to listen what I'm telling to appa.

After reaching the hostel, Sid kissed me on my head and I kissed him on his cheeks. His cheeks are a bit chubby and I love pulling them 😂

Bhai left to his room while Tara and I returned to our room. We both collapsed on our beds and Tara spoke 'What a first day!' to which I just hummed.

I felt like sleeping but I had to change this dress and pack my bag for tomorrow's college. I can't be late to college on first day.

I nudged Tara to pack her college bag along.
After taking a quick bath, I let sleep engulf me.

Next morning:

" Beta, it's 7am." Appa spoke through the phone when I answered it without looking at the caller. I need to be in college at 8, meaning I should have my breakfast at 7:30am.

I suddenly woke up after listening to this, only to see that It's still 6am.

" Appa.." I whined.

" Beta, you are not used to this na. It'll take some time to get all the things ready. You maybe late. That's why I woke you up." He said and I smiled.

" Get ready soon beta." He said and I agreed and we ended the call after saying bye.

I quickly got ready in a few minutes and I reopened my book where I had written details about Sheela.

I noted down the contact number she had given me. Going through the Google maps, I looked for cafes and restaurants nearby. Thinking of a few places, I closed it and went to wake up Tara.

" Tara, it's 7 am." I said and she woke up within a minute.

" Are you equally nervous?" She asked me the next moment.

" Yes, but we will be fine." I said and she went to get ready.

I saw a message from Karthik wishing me good luck for my first day. Not bothering to reply, I called Appa and spoke with him and amma. They both wished me good luck too. Later I called Sid but he didn't answer it, probably he must be sleeping.

Even then I tried again because I didn't want to go without listening to his voice.

" Hello Sid." I said after seeing that he answered the call but hadn't spoken.

" Vindhya." It is Karthik not Sid.

" Sid forgot his phone." He added.

" Where did he forget his phone? Where did he go?" I asked him.

" Um he forgot his phone in my room. " Karthim said.

Though I feel like he's not telling the truth, I said okay.

" All the best for the college." He wished me and disconnected the call even before I replied. That's why he is Karthik I thought.

Deepak called me last evening. I felt bad that I didn't answer it. I texted him saying that I'll call him after the college.

Tara and I walked into the cafeteria to have breakfast. Suprised would be an understatement seeing Sid there waiting for us at a table.

I felt happy seeing him there. After having a good breakfast, me and Tara parted our ways to our respective departments.

The Computer Science department is at the ledt side of the campus while the Electronics and Communication Engineering is at the right side of the campus.

It's a 5 storeyed building. The name COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING is engraved with bold letters in the front. I walked into the ground floor, to meet another girl who's looking around for something.

" Hi, can you help me find the office room here?" I askef her politely after walking near her.

" Actually, I'm looking for the same." She smiled.

" Oh, it's my first day of my M.Tech here." I said and she smiled brightly.

" Thank God, I'm not alone here. I joined for the same here. My name is Cheryl Stanley. " she said.

" Oh, I'm glad to meet you cheryl. I'm Vindhya Iyer." I said.

We both together started searching for the office room. Some students directed us to the office room in the first floor.

After reaching there, we met the lady inside.
She asked our names and then after a minute she asked us to meet one Professor Mr.Sai Prasad Avasarala.

We walked towards the room as directed by her. We entered inside after hearing a 'come in'.

" Good morning sir. We have joined as the M.Tech students this year." We both said.

" Oh good morning girls. Who's Vindhya Iyer ?" He said.

" I am Vindhya Sir." I came forward.

" Okay I'm your guide for this course. The other student has to meet Mr.Shashank Desh Pandey, he is the next room." He said after looking into some papers.

" Okay sir, thank you." Cheryl said and left the room.


That's it for now friends...

Please do vote comment and share 😊😊

Mr.Sai Prasad is my favourite Physics Sir in school. He always believed in me even when I didn't believe myself. This chapter is a gratitude for all his care, support and love. Thank you Sir😊😊

Thanks for the idea swethamallika 😘

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part..

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