30. Meeting Sheela..

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Hi all.....

Here is the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99 for voting first on the previous part.

Thank you everyone for the 1K reads❤❤


Karthik's POV:

After Sid came to my guest house in the night, I asked him where they went to. I acted hurt because Sid didn't bring Vindhya here.

" Arey Karthik. What do I do? Akka was so adamant that she wouldn't come to your place. It looks like you both had a serious argument." He said.

I really felt hurt that Vindhya didn't want to come see me but what wrong did I say? Being dependent on someone even at this point of time is not at all appreciable, she's lucky that she had parents like that. But when else will she learn?

" Karthik, why do you say that it's always good to be not dependent on anyone?" Sid asked me making me silent for a moment.

I laughed trying not to show off any emotion I had and asked him to sleep as he was tired.

We both slept in different rooms that night but sleep was far away from me.

This feeling of uneasiness and guilt that maybe I have really hurt her feelings made me awake. Even after knowing how much uncle pampers her, I shouldn't have been that harsh with my words. I'll apologise to her tomorrow.

In the morning when I woke up I saw Sid running around hurrily in the living room.

" What happened Sid?" I aksed.

" I'm getting late." He said still looking around for something.

" Late for what yaar? You're not leaving to Hyderabad now, are you?" I asked him.

" No, I'm getting late for meeting Akka. I have to wish her all the best." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Why are you pampering her this much Sid? You and uncle are doing it in an altogether different level." I voiced out my thoughts.

" I will do anything for her Karthik. She's my sister. Dad loves us both that this pampering is nothing compared to that. He will be strict when needed. Can you please find the key to my briefcase? I've kept it here only. " Sid said walking again.

" Stop walking like that and search for it slowly. You'll find it. Can I also come along with you to her college?" I asked him.

" What! And you're saying that we are giving  too much care for her, what are you doing now?" He asked to which I didn't respond and  started walking back to my room.

" Karthik! I am kidding bro. You can come." He said and I nodded and got ready.

However I couldn't face Vindhya in her college. Don't ask me why...

These thoughts in my mind about what's right and what's wrong kept disturbing me. I however spoke with Vindhya on phone.

I guess Sid understood that I won't meet her. This sister and brother duo understands people so well.

After a while, Sid came back and said " Let's go."

We came back to my guesthouse in a cab.

" I am going to office Sid. Let's hangout for lunch at 1 pm." I said to which he agreed and I'm off to the Kapoor's branch at Bangalore.

Getting myself immersed in the files, I began working.

Vindhya's POV:

" Ms. Vindhya, this is a very good opportunity to improve your skills and excel in your life. Hope you'll utilise this opportunity. I want my student to be hardworking rather than being a smart and lazy one. Being both hardworking and smart is a gift though to anyone. I'll try to help you with whatever I can throughout your course. All the best Ms.Vindhya." Sai Prasad sir spoke.

" Thank you Sir. I'll try to be a good student Sir." I said.

Sir  smiled warmly and he spoke " Since it's your first day here, go to the office room and collect your time table. Your regular classes will start from tomorrow. Learn about the department's locations and important places like seminar hall, department library, lab. After this you're free to go. Report to me tomorrow sharp at 9am." He said.

" Okay sir, thank you." I said and came out of his room.

I already collected my timetable earlier, I just had to know about the department locations now. I met a peon working here Mr.Arjun who is willing to show me the various places in the department. I thanked Mr.Arjun for it and I returned to my room.
Should have taken Cheryl's number I thought.

Calling Sheela I informed her to meet me at a nearby cafe at 12 noon. I texted Tara saying I'm going out.

I called Deepak then.

" Vindhya, how dare you forget me so soon?" He shouted answering the call.

" I didn't forget you. I was a little nervous yesterday and if I had spoken with you about it, you would habe told my dad. My dad would ask me to come back." I told an honest answer.

" I should have known." He said softly.

" I am fine now yaar. Listen I met one girl who's in our pending cases here." I told him.

" What! No Vindhya, you're not supposed to do this alone, that too in a different city. It's risky." He said.

" Deepak, I'm not telling this to you so that you can stop me. I'm telling you so that you can help me. Open her case and tell your point of view about that crime incident.  The case number is 318." I said.

" Should you really do this?" He asked me.

" That emotionally traumatised girl wanted to kill a person assuming that he killed her father. She would have gone into the clutches of evil because of her pain. Should I keep calm knowing that I could have done something?" I asked him and this made him silent.

" Okay I'll check this 318. Shall I tell this to others so that we can complete this case soon?" He asked me.

" No, they are already busy with their cases and jobs. Don't tell them, they will be worried." I said.

" Then why are you telling me? Do you think that I am free without any work?" He asked in a hurt voice.

" Because you're my bestfriend Deepika. Even though you're busy, you have this punishment of helping your friend." I said laughing.

He began laughing too. He said that he will call after seeing the case.

I began to think of any problems I would face during this meeting.

My identity wouldn't be a problem because I have a perfect pseudo identity for this kind of works. Will there be any chance of spotting anyone who knows me as Vindhya?  Probably no. Noone knows me here except Tara, Cheryl, Raghu bhai, Sid and Karthik.
Tara, Cheryl, Bhai are inside the campus only I should know about Karthik and Sid.

How will I know what they are doing? Vindhya, think something, think. Finally I've got an idea , it isn't the best but it's the only way I've got.

Groaning, I called Karthik.

He picked up after five rings, maybe he's busy.

" Hey Vindhya." His voice sounded surprised.

" Hi Karthik." I said.

" Do you want any help?" He aksed me after I didn't speak for a while.

" Umm, yeah. Can I join you for lunch? Sorry that I behaved like a kid before." I said.

Though I'm not really agreeing that I behaved like a kid, I need a reason for my sudden request for lunch. This is the only reason I've got.

" Yeah sure Vindhya. I'm more than happy." He said.

" Can Sid join us two please?" I asked him.

" What happened to you Vindhya? What are you saying please and all? Sid and I already wanted to have lunch together. You can also join us now. At what time?" He asked me and I relaxed.Finally Sid will also be here. I can meet Sheela relaxedly.

" How about 2?" I asked him.

" Okay fine. I'll text you the office address. Can we have lunch here in my cabin or office canteen?" He asked.

" Yeah. " I said and ended the call saying bye.

Deepak called me and said the same probabilities which I had thought. He asked me to stay connected through a bluetooth.

Getting ready at 11:30, I took a cab and reached the cafe exactly at 12. I saw Sheela waiting for me. Though the cafe is near to the campus, the traffic makes it take more time.

I covered my face with a shawl and entered inside amd found Sheela waiting at a table.

I approached her and greeted her.

" How long have you been waiting?" I asked her.

" 10 minutes." She replied.

" Sorry for being late. I didn't know that the traffic would this high at this hour." I apologised.

" Bangalore is always like this." She said.

Ordering two coffees, I took down my notepad.

" Sheela, I know the basic details of your family. But for me to investigate the truth, I need few more details. Can you tell them?" I asked her.

" Ofcourse I would." She responded quickly.

" Okay tell me about your parents, like what you remember about them." I gave her a vague idea so that I could get the information widely.

" My father Mr.Sreedhar Reddy is a businessman. He loves me and my mother a lot. He used to go for business trips once in a week or so. The rest of the time he did work from home. I used to play a lot with him. My mother Mrs. Sirisha Reddy is a school teacher. We are living happily but one day changed everything. We used to live in Bangalore until that fateful day." Sheela said sighing.

" I know their names and occupations already Sheela. What type of business did your father do?" I asked her.

" He never told me about that. Whenever I asked him, he said that he will tell about it during the right time." She said pondering about it and this seemed to be suspicious but I can't judge too quickly.

" How about your mother? Did she teach the Primary school students or secondary school students? Which subject did she teach?" I asked her.

" She taught from the L.K.G to 10th class. I saw english mathematics and science textbooks with her." She said.

" In which school did she work?" I asked her.

" Meher Vidya Niketan." Sheela replied. I quickly noted down this and I'm about to ask her another question but I'm shocked to see the person who's infront of us.


That's it for now friends...

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who vites first on this part..

Any guess who is the person whom Vindhya saw??

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