43. I'm Coming Kolkata!!

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Hi all...

Here's the next part...

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99  for voting first on the previous part...



Vindhya and Deepak convince Karthik that the anonymous person is their classmate, Mithun. Adithya and Reshma are engaged.


Vindhya's POV:

Exactly after 3 months is Adi bhai and Reshma's wedding. My holidays are about to end. I have spent some good time with my family and friends here and I'm glad.

There are just 2 things which are left in middle. I didn't find who Amelia was. I didn't know who that anonymous person was, who sent me those notes.

According to Arun uncle, Karthik went back to Bengaluru 3 days ago. The engagement was the last time I spoke with him. Deepak was still telling that nonsense 'Karthik likes you.'

I just have 2 more days to go to my college. I decided to dedicate these for finding Amelia.

Waking into our Team Ten office, I called Appa.

" Excuse me Mr.Prabhakaran. I'm talking from Team Ten." I said.

" Yes mam." He responded.

" We can't find that person by just knowing her incomplete name. We need atleast a few more details." I asked him.

" I'll tell you what all I know tomorrow mam. I'm a little busy today ." He said and I responded with an okay sir.

" You can even mail us the details or call to this number." I informed.

I helped my team solve few minor cases and then at lunch I found myself at the Karthik and Co.

They invited me over for lunch and I couldn't refuse. We talked for a while and had lunch at the restaurant. I heard that the company is doing good from the manager Mr.Kumar.

Impressive! Karthik is handling it perfectly even from a far place.

After that I went to my home. I saw Appa at home.

" Appa, no office today?" I enquired.

" I wanted to spend it with you Princess. " he smiled at me.

How sweet my Appa is. And this was the important work he said.

We watched my favourite TV show and then went out to the market. My Appa bought me so many dresses even though I told him that I don't want them now. He took me to my favourite ice cream parlour and we ate just like the olden times there. He took me to the places I love the most in Hyderabad. At night we decided to have dinner at home. I'm surprised to see all my favourite dishes for the supper.

" Aww thanks Amma." I hugged her and she kissed me back.

Sid insisted that we will play for a while after dinner. When I'm sleepy, I found my way and slept between my parents.

Sleeping in between your mom and dad is definitely the best feeling in the world.

Noone can protect you like them. I feel so secured and happy.

Next morning:

I got ready to go to Team Ten office. When I came out into my room, I saw another note.

Don't think that this is over. You will have to face the consequences for telling about this to others. I'm waiting to see you cry.

I just can't understand why anyone would do this. Sighing, I kept this note in the locker.

" Vindhya, we received a mail from uncle." Abhi said as soon as I entered.

" Show it to me." I asked him.

Team Ten


      Sorry that I couldn't come there. I had to go to my office for an urgent work.

I met this Amelia in Kolkata 23 years ago near the Indian Museum area. I just don't really have any other details about her.

Mr.Prabhakaran Iyer.

That's just weird. Why is Appa hesitant to share details about her?

Anyways we have atleast 2 more clues now. She was in Kolkata around 23 years ago.

I can ask help from  my friends of Team Ten but I want to go there personally. My Appa wanted the details amd I want to do that asap.

Now the question is, How do I go to Kolkata?

I have to go to Bengaluru tomorrow and my college resumes day after tomorrow.

What if I go from here to Kolkata directly instead of going to Bengaluru? That will save my time but someone or other will accompany me to the airport. What do I do?

" I know what you are thinking Vindhya." Abhi said.

" I want to go to Kolkata soon Abhi." I voiced out my thoughts.

" That's not a good idea Vindhya. I have a friend in Kolkata and I already sent him the details. He will be searching in the municipal corporation's offices but it will take time, as Kolkata is also a metropolitan city." Abhi said.

" Thanks a lot Abhi." I said.

" From when are you thanking your friends you idiot?" He scolded me.

Abhi gave me the contact number of his friend, Hari .

So for now, I'll go to Bengaluru and wait for Abhi's friend.


As expected Appa, mom and Sid came to the airport to send me. Not to forget my huge luggage. I came home with just a single trolley and I'm going back with 4 of them.

The journey was quick. Even before I know it, I'm in Bengaluru.

I'm surprised when I saw Karthik at the arrival gate.

" Why did you come?" I asked him. It's 4 am in the morning.

" Uncle requested me." Karthik shrugged.

" I specifically told Appa that I can go in a cab." I sighed.

It was better that I came to Bengaluru. I would have been caught if I went to Kolkata.

" Let's go to my apartment until it's morning. " karthik said and I didn't object. I'm still sleepy.

Karthik took an apartment here in Bengaluru away from his previous guest house. Coincidentally his apartment is closer to my college.

Karthik woke me up saying that we have reached.

I walked inside and laid down on the sofa.

" Hold on Vindhya. I have a spare bedroom." he said and opened the other room.

I immediately fell asleep when I felt the bed under me.

When I woke up it's 8 am. I did a bath and brushed my teeth.

" Goodmorning Karthik." I greeted him.

" Good morning Vindhya. Shall we go to your college?" He asked me and I said okay.

" Karthik why do you need a spare bedroom when you're alone? Won't you be bored? Why don't you share it with any of your friends?" I asked him.

" I don't like to share my apartment Vindhya. I value my privacy too much." He said and I mentally noted it.

" Since you found your apartment nearer to my college, I'll be crashing sometimes and disturb your privacy." I teased him. I expected that he will say no.

" You are more than welcome." He smiled warmly which did something inside me.

He dropped me off at my hostel and went off to his office.

I walked inside and found that gradually students are coming back just like me.

Tara told me that she will be back tomorrow 1 hour prior the classes commencement.

After having breakfast, I called Hari.

" Hi Hari, this is Vindhya. I'm Abhi's friend." I introduced myself.

" Hey hi Vindhya. Abhi told me about you." He greeted me back.

" I just called to know if there was any information." I asked him.

" Not yet Vindhya. There are 90 municipal corporation offices in Kolkata presently. I visited 5 of them yesterday after my job which are nearer to my house. My house is in one corner of Kolkata completely far from the Indian Museum area. In 2 offices they are not willing to let me inside." He said.
{ A/N: I don't know about Kolkata. I checked in Google maps and counted the number of locations. It showed 90.😅}

" I am so sorry for troubling you Hari." I sincerely apologised.

" It's okay Vindhya." He tried to sound that he is not affected but I sensed the change in his tone that he is tired.

I am really feeling bad that I'm troubling an  unknown person.

" Hari, I want to come there now and search in few offices. I will have to come back tomorrow night because of my college." I said.

" You need not take the trouble." He said.

" No I decided that I'm coming Hari. I'm new to Kolkata. Please just text me the locations of some offices." I requested him.

I'm coming Kolkata!!

I texted Tara that I'm going out on a work and I'll be back day after tomorrow.

I just hope that I can find some info about this Amelia .

My warden looked at me as if I have grown two heads when I signed in the outing register.

Ofcourse, I won't tell that she is wrong. Who goes out as soon as they enter the hostel?

I told myself that it will be okay.

In the airport, I took the ticket for the next flight.

It's already way past afternoon when I landed in Kolkata.

Looking at my phone, I found no new messages.

" Hello Hari. I'm here in Kolkata. Can you send me few locations near the museum area?" I asked him.

" I'm outside the airport Vindhya. How do I recognise you?" He asked me.

" Um, I wore a black kurthi and white legging." I told him.

" I can see one similar to your description. Is that you I'm waving at?" He asked me.

" Yes." I confirmed.

" How did you know that I'll be here now?" I asked him.

" I told Abhi that you wanted to come here. Abhi told me that you will come by this time." Hari explained.

Abhi must have seen the tracker in my phone.

" Okay thanks for coming." I said.

" Please relax for a while and then you can search." Hari suggested.

" No, I want to go directly Hari. I just can't delay this. I'm not even tired." I insisted.

" Okay. I've booked a cab for you and texted you few locations. All of them are equidistant from the Indian Museum area." Hari said.

" Thanks a lot Hari and sorry for interrupting you in your working hours." I told him.

" You are welcome Vindhya. I'll call you after 6 pm. That's when my job ends." He said and we both went on our respective works.

I showed the location to the cab driver and he said that it will take 2 hours to reach there.

I just hope that I can cover atleast a few offices.

I began writing the basic info I've got about Amelia.

When I reached there, I showed my Team Ten ID and they allowed me to check the records.

As it is 23 years ago, they said that it will be difficult to find in online records.

I searched the manual records but I found nothing.

Thanking them, I started for another office.

The result is the same, I didn't find any Amelia in the records.

It's already 6pm.

I decided to take a hotel room closer to the corporation offices.

I just hope that I'll find atleast some information about her tomorrow.

Freaking out when I saw Karthik's call, I answered.

He informed that he is going back to Hyderabad due to a small issue in Karthik and co.

I called Appa spoke with them and slept praying to God to provide me a clue.


That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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