44. Help!!!

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Hi all...

Here's the next part...

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99 for voting first on the previous part...



Vindhya's holidays are over and she goes back to hostel. Prabhakaran tells that he met Amelia in Kolkata 23 years ago. Vindhya hies straightaway to Kolkata and searches with the help of Hari.


Vindhya's POV:

The only thing I did all throughout this day is going to offices and searching the records. Yet now at 5pm in the evening I had no piece of information which could lead me.

Hari said "I think it's better that you go back Vindhya. I will try my best to help you in finding her."

"I'll go after searching one last office Hari." I said half heartedly.

Both of us went to a office which is 50km from away from the Indian museum.

After searching for 2hrs the office clerk said "It's time to close the office please come tomorrow madam and sir."

Sighing I said while walking out of the office " I don't know when and where I can find this Amelia."

Somebody asked "Did you just say Amelia?"

I turned back to see who it is.

There is a man who is approximately in his 50's with speks of grey and white hair.

"Yes I said Amelia."trying my luck.

"Oh I very well know about a woman named Amelia but I'm sure that you are not searching for her. Noone ever remembered her except me in these last 23 years." He said.

23 years? That was around the time Appa said he met this Amelia.

" Can I know more about her Sir?" I requested him.

" You can. But I can't tell about her here. Let's talk in a much private place." That man said to Hari and me to which we agreed.

We walked out of the office and he led us to a restaurant close by.

" Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Rajesh Mehrothra. I'm working as a clerk in the Municipal Office you visited a while ago." He said.

" I'm Hari and she is my friend." Hari introduced us.

" What do you know about Amelia?" I asked Mr.Rajesh.

" Mr.Parker was such a kind hearted man. He gave me a job when I was desperately looking for one. I used to work as the driver for his family. He is the one under whom I worked. He is Mr. Joshua. There are 2 children for Mr& Mrs.Parkers. Amelia was their daughter. I knew Amelia for 6 years." He ended with a sad smile.

" Why are you saying it sadly?" Hari enquired.

" Amelia then ran away from her home saying that she is eloping with her lover." He added.

" Oh, what happened next?" We asked him.

" Mr.Parker was beyond furious and he declared that noone would meet her again. And that was the last time I met her." Mr.Rajesh said.

Okay so this is what he knew about Amelia. But there could be so many other Amelias here.

" Do you have any picture of the Parkers in which Amelia is present?" I asked him.

" No." He said making me feel defeated again.

Hari noticed my expression and asked me to relax.

" We have one picture Mr.Rajesh. Can you identify if that is the Amelia you know?" Hari asked him confidently.

" Sure." Mr.Rajesh responded unfazed.

Hari took the photo from me and showed it to Mr.Rajesh.

I noticed how Mr.Rajesh's eyes widened and he exclaimed " Oh my goodness!!"

" Is she the same one?" I asked him hopefully.

" Yes she is." Mr.Rajesh confirmed and I finally felt relieved.

" Thank you." I beamed at Mr.Rajesh.

" We will ask him if he could help us on finding her." I whispered to Hari.

Hari looked at his watch and pointed out that my time was running out for the flight but he however said an okay.

Thankfully Mr.Rajesh agreed to our request. After exchanging our contact details, we parted our ways.

Hari dropped me to the airport after I quickly collected my bag from the hotel. I thanked Hari heartfully while he just smiled at me.

" I'll come next week again on saturday." I told him.

" Don't worry Vindhya. Come only when possible. I can talk with Mr.Rajesh if you want." Hari said.

" Thanks again Hari." I said and boarded my flight.

I reached my hostel at 8pm.

My room is still empty. Tara will return tomorrow morning.

I called Appa and spoke with him. His voice sounded weak.

" Appa are you alright?" I asked him.

" I am fine dear. Nothing to worry. You study well." He said.

I spoke with Deepak and Karthik later. I told about Amelia to Deepak. Deepak initially scolded me for going to Kolkata alone but he pacified when he heard about Hari, Abhi's friend.

For some unknown reason I wanted to talk with Karthik.His voice sounded surprised first.He said that everything is fine there and will return to Bengaluru in 2 days.

Finally I slept after a tiring trip to Kolkata.
But I woke up in the middle due to a dream. Someone was shouting help in that. I couldn't see her face clearly but her voice sounded familiar.

I couldn't sleep after that. I tried to recollect where I had heard that voice before.

It was really familiar but I couldn't pinpoint to whom that voice belongs to.

Having no other work, I logged into our Team Ten website. I looked at our team's statistics. They are on par with the previous month's.

Then I looked at the cases I've dealt in this year. I began scrolling down after recollecting the major details of the cases and that was when I found it!!!

That voice resembled that of Miss.Sheela Reddy. I remembered that I had a doubt on the way this case got solved but I never had the time to cross check this. This would the perfect time.

It's about a woman trying to find her mother from whom she had been separated 5 years back.

The history was:

Ms. Sheela had been asked by her father to come to a place as they wanted to buy it. Her father had been murdered by someone when she went to that place. She lodged a complaint and returned home. Her mother was also missing by then. Police weren't able to find her.She's around 15 years old when this incident happened.

I then recollected when I saw her in the restaurant.

She looked to be anxious and her fingers were playing with her dupatta.

I introduced myself and exchanged our contact details.

I saw a knife in the pocket of her dress, but I tried to act innocent. When I probed her she said " I think I found the person who killed my dad. I'll kill him now." She said trembling.

" Do you have the proof that he killed your father?" I asked her.

" No, but he was the owner of the site my dad wanted to buy. Police also found his footprints there. " she said.

" It's his site Sheela. His footprints will ofcourse be there. We don't know if he was there when your father has been killed. I'm sorry about the loss of your father but did you think what will happen to you after killing him? " I asked her and she looked shocked.

" Don't take any haste decisions Sheela. I promise you that we will find the proofs. Don't get stuck into the problem. Let's go home." I said to which she agreed.
I promised to help her soon.

Next day I met her at a cafe.


" Sheela, I know the basic details of your family. But for me to investigate the truth, I need few more details. Can you tell them?" I asked her.

" Ofcourse I would." She responded quickly.

" Okay tell me about your parents, like what you remember about them." I gave her a vague idea so that I could get the information widely.

" My father Mr.Sreedhar Reddy is a businessman. He loves me and my mother a lot. He used to go for business trips once in a week or so. The rest of the time he did work from home. I used to play a lot with him. My mother Mrs. Sirisha Reddy is a school teacher. We are living happily but one day changed everything. We used to live in Bangalore until that fateful day." Sheela said sighing.

" I know their names and occupations already Sheela. What type of business did your father do?" I asked her.

" He never told me about that. Whenever I asked him, he said that he will tell about it during the right time." She said pondering about it and this seemed to be suspicious but I can't judge too quickly.

" How about your mother? Did she teach the Primary school students or secondary school students? Which subject did she teach?" I asked her.

" She taught from the L.K.G to 10th class. I saw english mathematics and science textbooks with her." She said.

" In which school did she work?" I asked her.

" Meher Vidya Niketan." Sheela replied.

That was when Mrs.Sirisha reddy came out of no where and annouced that she killed her husband's murdered and requested me to close the case. All of it seemed suspicious. At that time I thought that Mrs.Sirisha tried reverse psychology on me.

( A/N: I know most of this is in previous chapters but I wasn't sure if you would have remembered it or not. So I mentioned it here again. Those who want much more details about what Vindhya did read chapter 31.Something's fishy)

Deciding that I'll talk to Sheela in the morning, I dozed off again....


Also, I have a good news.

One of my favourite readers, my close friend and brother Sasanka54  designed a poster for this story. Thank you soo much❤❤

That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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