55. Loads of Guilt

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Itz__Gayu for voting first on the previous part.


Vindhya finds Amelia diary. Karthik reminds her about Adi's marriage.

Karthik and Vindhya reach Hyderabad together.

Abhi informed that the box had a password. Vindhya decides to search Amelia's diary.

Vindhya's POV:

Mom said that we will be staying in Karthik's house till the reception.
Karthik decided to continue the role play of my boyfriend during the marriage also.

Our parents looked surprised but didn't say anything. Maybe they'll ask us after the marriage. What am I supposed to tell then? Should I lie to my parents? I hope that Karthik finds a way out of this.

Karthik is extra sweet in his role play. They way he showed care and the tender expression in his eyes towards his imaginary girlfriend proved how much  he can shower love upon his girlfriend. Hope he can find the person he loves soon.

Adi bhai tied the mangalsutra to Reshma and they finally became one.

Adi bhai and Reshma are so in love land that they forgot to listen to Pandit's words of asking them to do pheras.

Karthik had to tap on Adi bhai's shoulder and Reshma hid her face behind Adi bhai shyly.

All of us had a hearty smile.

Hopefully one day I'll find my love too.

I got no time to read Amelia's diary and I'm guilty.

Appa however had no signs of worry on his face. He is too happy during these days when I'm here.

The reception is organised tomorrow morning and I'm leaving for Bengaluru in the afternoon.

I didn't even get the time to go to Team Ten's place again.

Vaishnavi agreed to give her ID tonight after the marriage and I'm going to meet her now.

" Where are you going darling?" Karthik asked me.

I glared at him and didn't want to answer but I found uncle and Appa near us.

" I'm going to meet my friend Karthik." I smiled fakely.

" Let me drop you Vindhya." Karthik smiled back. Arun uncle had this proud look on his face.

I had no other option but to agree.

" You need not act that time you know. You should have been looking after the guests who came to the marriage." I said sitting on his bike.

" How will I get my revenge then? My revenge of irritating and troubling you." Karthik smiled sickly.

Sighing, I sat silently. Sitting on a bike with a saree is really difficult.

" Where should we go?" Karthik asked coldly.

" To Vaishnavi's house in Dilsukhnagar." I told him the directions.

" Thank you Karthik. I'll come back on my own. You can leave." I said after reaching her home.

" I can wait for you anytime Vindhya." Karthik said and my heartbeat quickened.

What's happening to me?

Karthik didn't mean what he said. He is only joking.

I greeted Vaishnavi's parents and she took me into her room.

She gave her ID in a secured wallet.

Thanking her I came out and saw Karthik talking on his phone. He disconnected the call soon and smiled at me when he noticed me.

" Shall we go back and play girlfriend-boyfriend again?" Karthik smiled evilly.

" As if I have another choice." I muttered but he heard it and laughed.

" Good that you know you have no other choice. Think once more before hurting me again." Karthik said seriously and drove back to the marriage hall.

Everyone is having dinner, so we walked towards them.

Karthik was drinking water when one uncle approached us.

" So when are you both marrying?" Uncle asked looking at me.

Realising that Karthik can't answer, I answered "Soon Uncle."

Karthik began coughing.

What did I do now? I just continued the role play.

Karthik glared at me while that uncle congratulated both of us.

Sid called me for dinner and thankfully I escaped from Karthik the rest of  the night.

Next day:

Adi bhai and Reshma are so happy to see everyone during the reception.

Adi bhai is surprising Reshma with a honeymoon trip to Europe after the reception.

Reshma engulfed me in a hug when she saw me.

" Thanks once again Vindhya. It's because of you we both are married without any worries." She said.

" I did nothing bhabhi." I smiled.

" Since you and Karthik are getting married soon, you should call me di." Reshma said and I looked at her shocked.

" My uncle told me yaar. You said that you're marrying soon it seems na to him earlier." Reshma said and I realised who that uncle is now.

How I wish earth can open now and swallow me.

Smiling embarrassedly I bid bye to her and Adi bhai.

I wanted to leave for Bengaluru before anyone could notice. I didn't notice Karthik at the entrance as I'm in a hurry to leave.

" Leaving already?" Karthik smiled as if he had won.

" I had some work to do at home. I skipped college na, there was some issue." I lied and Karthik believed.

I reached home and packed my luggage.

To my badluck, there is no flight for Bengaluru till the night.

Deciding to spend time in the Airport, I booked a cab.

I found another letter on my bed. It is similar to the letters I received earlier.

" Don't think that you'll be happy for long.."

Who is writing these to me? I should find out soon.

I'll concentrate on this after finding Amelia.

Reaching Airport, I checked in. 6 hours time is still available.  I walked into the waiting hall. I began reading Amelia's diary.

The dairy is full and it means that I've to read it fastly to know the password of the box.

4 hours passed and I've just completed few pages. The letters are slightly faded and it is being difficult to read quickly.

" Are you waiting for me?" I heard Karthik and immediately I closed the diary and pushed it into my handbag.

" Not at all." I sighed.

" Hey, where did you buy that diary? It looks good. Let me see it." Karthik asked.

" No way. My friend gifted it to me. Are Adi bhai and Reshma leaving tonight?" I asked him.

" Yes they are and it's okay if you don't want me to see that diary." Karthik said and sat beside me.

Now I can't even read the diary.

Sighing I closed my eyes and I didn't know when I dozed off.

" Vindhya, they are calling for security check." Karthik woke me up.

I embarrassed myself by sleeping on Karthik's shoulder.

" Sorry" I apologised and walked behind Karthik.

Karthik managed to exchange his seat with the person beside me.

Great! Now I have to wait till I reach Bengaluru.

After reaching Karthik's flat, I felt so tired all of a sudden.

I packed my bag for college however and slept.


I woke up so late that I barely had time to get ready for college.

Hoping that I won't be late, I rushed out. Karthik saw me but didn't say anything. Probably he is back to his old self of ignoring me.

Taking a cab, I reached my department.

" Your semester exams are starting from tomorrow Ms.Iyer." Prasad sir said.

" I'll try to read how much I can sir." I said and sir agreed to tell a few important points of the chapters.

Whole day sir helped me in briefing the concepts.

" Thank you so much sir. If I pass the exam, it's all your credit." I confessed.

" Good luck for your exam Miss.Iyer." Sir smiled.

ACP sir Suraj Rathode called me in the evening and I told him that I can't meet him until the next week.

I have my exams till then.

Sir thankfully understood me.

Considering my preparation for these exams, I'm just attempting not to fail.

Karthik didn't talk with me again in these days and it cleared my mind.

Whatever he did in Hyderabad was just because he was hurt and nothing else.

Deepak and Abhi informed me that the box will self destroy itself if the password is typed 3 times consecutively wrong.

According to them it is a 4 digits number. I'm not even finding time to read the diary. I wish I had left the diary there and Deepak would have read it atleast.

1 week later:

Today is the last day of my exams.

After exams, I met Tara. She is fine now.

I called ACP sir. " Sir, I can give the ID today."

" Little girl, I'm in the lab now. Can you come over? I'm talking with my superior officer here." Sir asked.

" Yes sir, I will definitely come." I said.

Sir texted me the police station address.

" I came to meet ACP Suraj sir." I said.

"Sir asked not to send anyone except for a little girl. I'm sure you're not that person." The constable said.

" I'm only that person sir." I said embarrassed.

"How on earth did sir find that name?" I thought to myself.

"Are you that little girl?" Constable asked surprised.

" Yes sir." I said and the constable asked me to follow him.

He led me into a series of connected rooms and finally we reached a laboratory.

" Go inside mam. Sir is in there." The constable said.

" Thank you sir." I said.

I entered inside and saw a hi tech level laboratory.

I noticed ACP sir talking with another officer.

ACP sir noticed me and called me over.

" Sir, she is the person I told you about." ACP sir said.

" Little girl, Sir is the Commissioner of Police, Gopal Mishra." ACP sir introduced.

" Good evening Sir." I greeted.

" she isn't a little girl Suraj" Commissioner sir laughed at ACP Sirs's words.

ACP sir laughed too.

" Tell me about your team in short" Gopal sir asked me.

" It is formed by 10 memebers sir altogether including me. We are all friends. We work in different professions but this is our main interest. We keep our identities hidden except for one Vaishnavi. She is the person known to the world as Team Ten. We are working for about 6 years sir now. Government of Telangana supports us. We have solved a few hundred cases. I met ACP sir during one such case sir. ACP sir helped us not only in catching the criminal but also in saving the life of Mrs.Sirisha reddy. Also sir has helped our team through his friend in West Bengal for which our team is greatful to sir. We promise to do our best if we have your support here in the state of Karnataka sir." I ended my briefing.

" We have discussed about it and we are ready to support your team through the Police Department of Karnataka. All the best Miss.Iyer" Gopal sir said.

" Thank you so much sir." I said.

" Suraj will handle the process." Commissioner sir said.

" I will sir. Thank you for considering my suggestion." ACP sir said.

Commissioner Sir left after this.

" Little girl, is your work done in Kolkata?" Sir asked me.

"No sir. Sir please call me by my name. I'm not a little girl." I said.

" You are a little girl. Did you bring the ID?" Sir asked me.

" Yes sir, I did bring the ID." I informed.

" Good. Let's scan the ID." Sir said.

We moved further into the laboratory.

I handed sir the ID of Vaishnavi.

Sir began entering the details into the department's database.

I looked around and my heart pace quickened when my eyes fell on something.

" Sir" I called out.

" What is that?" I asked him.

Sir looked in the direction towards which I pointed and sir replied " That is the letter Asha Pandey received."

I couldn't speak for a while and I felt anxious all of a sudden. I felt dizzy too

" Little girl, are you alright?" Sir asked me holding my shoulders.

" Yes sir. I'm fine, a little tired. I need to rest." I said.

" Here's your friend's ID. Text me after reaching home." Sir said.

" Sir, how is Asha?" I asked him while leaving.

" Her health is improving. She is stable now." Sir said.

I hurriedly went to Karthik's flat and locked myself in the room.

That letter paper looked exactly like the letters I've received at my home.

The same ruled paper and the a similar colour.

I didn't notice the finer details but I'm scared all of a sudden.

Could that letter be for me?

Is Asha attacked instead of me?

I suddenly felt loads of guilt.


That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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