56. Unveiled Amelia Parker

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Sasanka54 for voting first on the previous part.


Karthik acts like Vindhya's boyfriend during all the functions. Vindhya is waiting to read Amelia's diary.

Vindhya hands over Team Ten ID card to ACP. She then is shocked to see the similarities between the letters she received and the letter Asha Pandey received.

Vindhya's POV:

That letter paper looked exactly like the letters I've received at my home.

The same ruled paper and the a similar colour.

I didn't notice the finer details but I'm scared all of a sudden.

Could that letter be for me?

Is Asha attacked instead of me?

I suddenly felt loads of guilt.

Sleep felt like an unknown thing to me. I woke up all the night thinking who could have done this.

I have no known enemies. Even in the cases I've solved in Team Ten not many knew my face, recently only Aman Kumar and Sheela knew me. These letters came even before I began Sheela's case. I need to clear my mind.


Next morning:

I waited patiently until clock struck 8 A.M. Immediately I made a call to ACP sir.

" Sir, I should talk with you somewhere outside. " I said as soon as I understood the call has been answered.

" Mam, sir is getting ready. I'll ask him to call you back." I heard a woman's voice.

" Okay, thank you." I said.

" Who is it Latha?" I heard ACP sir's voice.

" I don't know Sir." She said.

" Sir, it's me." I said.

" Little girl, why didn't you text me last night? Are you alright? I came to check upon you but your flatmate didn't allow me inside. He seems to be crazy." Sir said.

I am already panicking and couldn't answer to Sir's questions.

" Sir can we meet somewhere outside?" I asked him.

" Hey little girl, are you alright? What happened suddenly? I'm going for an important mission to Mangalore. Can we meet when I return?" Sir asked me.

" Okay sir. Just tell me when you return to the city. I have to tell you something." I said and ended the call.

I told Deepak everything and he is shocked too.

" Listen Vindhya. Calm down, you don't understand when you panic. Whosoever this person is, we will catch them. Justice will be served to all. You have done nothing wrong and there is nothing to feel guilty about. You didn't know that Asha will be attacked or else I'm sure you wouldn't leave the hostel whatsoever had happened. Time to concentrate Vindhya. See if you have missed any more clues. Try to remember any minute details if you have incase forgotten." Deepak knocked sense into me.

After realising what Deepak said, I relaxed a bit. I'm going to find that person. Vindhya Iyer isn't so weak. By God's grace Asha is safe too.

" Deepak can you go home and collect those papers and keep them safely with you?" I asked him.

" Sure Vindhya. I will take them. You sleep for now." Deepak said and I obeyed.

" Little girl, I'm back. Can we meet at this restaurant which is near your flat?" ACP sir asked me.

I saw the time and it's 8pm.

" Okay Sir. I'll be there in 10 minutes." I said and reached there quickly.

I saw Sir sitting in a corner table and I walked towards him.

" Little girl, I am so hungry but I travelled here as I told you that I'll meet you." Sir said.

" Sorry for troubling you Sir." I said.

" Hey chill little girl. I'm just a 25 year old young man who cant be troubled." Sir said smiling.

" Please order food sir. I'll tell you while you eat." I said.

Sir ordered chicken biryani.

" Sir about the letter which Asha received, I received few letters like that when I'm in my home." I said.

" what do you mean by letters like that? Threats to be killed?" Sir asked me.

" No sir, the letter paper looked similar. I never received any letter here in Bengaluru. So I didn't react when you said that a letter was an evidence." I said.

" Can I see the letter which you have received?" Sir asked me.

I showed him the pictures which Deepak had sent me.

" I agree that the letters look similar. Let's check for the handwriting tomorrow in the lab. When was the last time you received this letter?" Sir asked me.

" 2 weeks ago when I went for a marriage in Hyderabad." I said.

" Don't worry more about this. Be careful and stay safe. It's not your fault that Asha got attacked incase if that letter is for you." Sir said and I nodded my head slowly.

" I knew that you had to tell me something seeing your situation at the lab. I decided to give you time but you came faster than I expected." Sir laughed seeing me.

I pouted feeling offended.

All of a sudden I felt a hand of my arm and I'm yanked off my chair.

I turned back to see Karthik glaring at me.

" So he is your new boyfriend huh?" Karthik commented.

" Why do you care?" I asked him.

" Just tell me yes or no." Karthik asked.

" Are you following me again?" I got angry all of a sudden.

" No, I did it only once. I'm here because of Miss. Vikruthi Sharma" Karthik said and I saw that woman who came to the flat few days ago. She is looking towards us impatiently.

" Hey, you both like each other." ACP sir said.

" No" Karthik and I said in unison.

" It seems like that for me." Sir said and sat down.

" Enjoy your dinner with your date and let me enjoy mine." I said. I referred to my dinner.

" Okay so it is a date. Enjoy well. Goodbye." Karthik said and stormed out of the restaurant. I felt bad for a second.

Vikruthi Sharma followed him.

" He likes you little girl" sir said.

" No sir. He doesn't." I said clearly.

" In that case, you like him." Sir said.

" No sir, that is not true either." I said.

" One of the two is definitely true. You decide which one. I enjoyed the dinner. We will know if the letter is really for you. Don't worry but be safe. Let me pay the bill." Sir said.

" I'm paying it." I said and rushed towards the bill counter.

Sir just laughed seeing me.

I ordered a takeout for Karthik as he left because of me.

" Someone likes someone very clearly." Sir said and I glared at him.

" Come on little girl, I'll drop you. We don't want you to be walking alone at this time of the night if anyone is really trying to harm you." Sir said and I sat in his car.

Sir dropped me at the flat.

Karthik isn't in the flat when I entered inside. I placed the take out in his room and entered my room.

I waited until 12 to see if Karthik comes home but he didnt. I didn't know when I dozed off.


" Little girl, the letter is really for you. The handwriting is similar and the paper is exactly the same one found in the hostel. Commissioner Sir asked you to be careful. We decided to provide you with security." ACP sir informed me in the lunch break.

" I don't want any security sir. I'm useless if I can't protect myself. I however want to meet Asha Sir." I told him.

" Let's meet her in the evening." Sir said.

I remembered what I read in Amelia's diary yesterday.

Life is unfair to people at times. When you want to do good and justice, you are prone to dangers. What good am I if I can't protect myself?

Unknowingly those lines inspired me. Amelia wrote about how happy she used to be with her parents and brother.

She mentioned how she found interest in establishing the detective agency.

The incidents she saw during her childhood encouraged her to do so. She saw so many weaker people in the society being trampled upon. She decided to bring out the truth in hidden and concealed matters and that's how she started this Karmidal Duii.

Only yesterday I realised that Amelia is smarter. She named her agency as Duii (two) to misguide people. Everyone thought that Amelia is only the public representative while the main detective is another person but in reality she is the whole and soul of the agency.

She wrote about Samuel whom she fell in love with.

She was extremely sad when her father asked her to get out. Samuel however showered her with love and she didn't lose hope.

When Amelia married, she realised that her husband will be at risk if anyone knew him. So she hid his identity and she continued to be Amelia Parker while her husband is samuel parker according to her. Samuel never objected his wife from doing anything.

Amelia was happy when Nathan, her brother came to meet her. She was hesitant when Nathan wanted to join her. Nathan however convinced her saying that he wouldn't do anything dangerous and assured her that he will be safe. Nathan joined Karmidal Duii only for his sister's safety.

Nathan married Mary Christina and she gave birth to a baby boy.

During that time Amelia is pregnant and is solving an important case.

This is until where I've read it till yesterday while waiting for Karthik. He didn't come to the flat last night and I'm worried for him.

I reached the flat and opened the diary.

I've solved nearly one thousand cases in these 6 years. I've met good people, bad people, self-centered people, selfless people too but never greedy people.

This time it's new even for me.

I'm solving the case of many common people of Kolkata. They reported to the poilce that a famous politician had allegedly claimed their property. The policd found no proofs against the politician and the case is closed.

I've found enough proofs to show who all are the culprits. I told my husband happily that " many commoners are going to get justice in the XYZ Case."

Samuel said " I'm proud of you dear as always."

I gave birth to a baby girl and she looked like me. Me and Nathan decided to marry our kids. Just like Nathan protected me always from my childhood, Nathan's son would protect my daughter. 4 of us were very happy. We imagined a perfect future and I dreamt of the day where my parents would forgive me.

Samuel unknowingly told about the case details to his only trusted friend when he was drunk. The thing which he didn't know is that, he himself exposed that he is the husband of Amelia Parker and that friend of him isn't trustworthy.

That friend approached the alleged politician, informed whatever Samuel told him in return for money and the politician began searching for us.

I couldn't risk my family in this and I decided to hide Karmidal Duii for a while. I announced that Karmidal Duii is no longer working. We vacated our house and started living in the basement.

Nathan knew that something is wrong and promised me that he would protected me like he always did. I asked him to protect our kids this time instead of me. I made him to promise so.

Mary Christina, my sister in law was killed. They labelled it as an accident. I had enough proof but Nathan didn't allow me to go out. Nathan said " I already lost my wife, I can't lose my sister now."

My husband realised his mistake and decided to question his friend. I pleaded him not to go but he went and he was also killed. He was killed in the same house where we had imagined our happy future.

The culprits involved in this are no joke and I know that. They found my basement and they will kill me soon. I've hidden the proofs in a very secure place. By the time anyone finds this diary, I'm sure that I'll be killed. I only pray that Nathan, his son and my daughter are safe somewhere.

If you're reading this diary, you'll know where to look for the proofs. Kindly finish the work I've left in middle.

Amelia Parker

What a brave woman she is! She knew that she will be killed but she didn't chose to save her life. She wanted justice for the people and chose to protect the proofs while she sacrificed herself.

I've reached your diary Amelia. Where can I find the proofs you've collected now? I'll compete the XYZ case on your behalf. Are they in that box?

I've searched the entire diary but found no password or 4 digit numbers.

I also hope that Nathan and the kids are safe.

But how is my Appa related to her?
Is there something else that I'm missing?


That's it for now friends..

Please do vote comment and share ❤❤❤

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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