58. The End

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend  Sasanka54
for voting first on the previous part.


Vindhya decides to apologise to Karthik. Karthik forgives Vindhya after some persuasion. Karthik
confesses to Vindhya.

Vindhya's POV :

After preparing dinner, I  walked into Karthik's room and saw him moving.

" Karthik" I called out and he sat on the bed.

" I brought dinner for us" I said.

" I don't feel like eating Vindhya." He said.

" I won't eat either. " I said.

" Fine, give it to me." He said.

His face lit up when he saw halwa besides his favourite curries. I smiled.

" Is it your way of saying yes to me?" He laughed.

" Maybe" I smiled.

I sat beside him and both of us ate silently.

When he completed the dinner, I volunteered to take the plates and wished him goodnight.

Earlier while preparing the dinner, I opened his wallet. I knew that he wouldn't run like that for money. What did he want to hide from me?

Opening his wallet I found money, credit card, debit card, visiting cards to his company. All of this is normal na..

He had a photo of me inside his wallet and it surprised me honestly. How much does he like me? I thought.

I kept smiling for a long time until my cheeks hurt. After a while I went into Karthik's room and saw that he is sleeping.

I tiptoed near him, kissed him on his forehead and ran out silently. I don't know why I did that but I wanted to and I did it.


I left the flat even before Karthik could wake up. My plan is to avoid him till the evening and surprise him by telling that I like him too. I prepared the breakfast dosa and started to college.

ACP sir asked me to meet him in the morning. He assured me that he will allow me to meet Asha.

When I called him, he said that he will talk with me in the afternoon but messaged me the address of the place in which Asha is.

Reaching the told address, I entered inside.

" Hi Asha, I'm Vindhya." I introduced myself.

Asha sat on the bed and is reading a book.

She looked up when she heard my voice. " Hi Vindhya, do I know you?" She asked me.

"  No Asha but I know you. I was roommate of Tara. I was in the same room you shifted recently." I informed her.

" Oh okay. Did the police allow you to meet me?" Asha asked me.

" Yes, how are you feeling now Asha?" I asked her.

" I'm better now." She smiled weakly.

" I'm sorry Asha." I apologised.

" Hey why are you saying sorry?" Asha enquired.

" I was supposed to be attacked. You became the victim instead of me. I'm really sorry. If I had known I wouldn't have vacated the hostel." I told her the truth.

" Oh, I don't know how exactly to respond to this. I'm relieved to know that I'm not meant to be attacked. It's not your fault either. Don't be sorry." Asha smiled.

" You are really nice Asha. I am feeling guilty since I knew the truth." I confessed.

" Don't be guilty Vindhya. I'm finally glad that I got someone to talk with. I am feeling really bored here." Asha laughed.

" I'm sorry that police have kept you here. Everything will be solved soon. As it is now known that you are not the target, you will be free after your health gets normal." I said.

" Thank God, I can't be here alone anymore." Asha sighed.

" I'll come here more often until you are discharged." I said to Asha and bid a bye.

I took a cab and reached my college.

We found out that Amelia is no more but I have to complete the case she started.

Before that I need to know who wanted to kill me.

When I met Aman Kumar, he said someone's name. Mr.Khanna!

Aman kumar said that Mr.Khanna wanted me to be dead. Who is this Mr.Khanna? I haven't heard his name till now.

Anyways I'll keep this name in mind and see if I can find any other names.

I got Karthik's call but I didn't answer. I'm planning to surprise him in the evening.

" Miss. Iyer come and meet your guide." I heard my department attender said.

" Good afternoon sir." I wished him.

" Good afternoon Vindhya. I heard that you passed all the exams." Sir said.

" It's possible only because of you sir." I expressed my gratitude.

" It's the only thing I could do." Sir smiled at me gently.

How lucky I am to have such a nice sir as my guide.

I got a call and I took sir permission to answer the call.

It's abhi, I moved a bit away from sir and answered the call.

" Vindhya uncle is in the office and he is crying." Abhi said shocking me.

Immediately walking out of the room,I moved towards a deserted place in my college.

" I'll talk with him Abhi." I said and called Appa immediately through the other number.

" Mr.Iyer, I'm unavailable in the office. Is everything alright?" I asked him.

" No mam. Nothing seems to be happening correctly. I've told you what all I've known about Amelia except one big truth. Please help me find her. Please I beg you. My daughter's life is in danger. Help me mam." Appa said crying.

" How is your daughter involved in this?" I asked him feeling anxious again.

" Amelia is the mother of my daughter." Appa said shocking me. Appa began crying more.

No words formed out of my mouth, tears began to flow from my eyes.

After a while I composed myself and asked him "What do you mean sir? Is your daughter Amelia's or yours?" I asked him.

" I'm a big coward to accept this and I wanted noone to know the existence of Amelia. I became selfish. I wanted Vindhya only for myself." Appa continued crying.

" Did you have a relationship with Amelia before?" I asked him confused.

" No mam. I found Vindhya beside a man who is shot by somone in Kolkata. That man who is breathing his last requested me to take the child. He only kept saying Amelia again and again and gave me the passport sized photo of Amelia which I showed you earlier. The child looked so innocent and she began crying, my heart cried for both of them. The man requested me to take the child away from him to a safer place. I decided at that moment that she is my daughter, the daughter gifted to me by God. I love her so much that I can't bear if anything happens to her mam. Someone is threatening me sending letters which had Amelia's name and my daughter's pictures at various locations. She is studying in Bengaluru mam presently. She is being followed even now. They are threatening to kill my daughter if I don't tell them where Amelia is. Please find Amelia mam. I can't live if something happens to my daughter. I'll put my life infront of my daughter's life mam. But I don't want my daughter to know all of this mam. She is still a child mam. She doesn't know that world can be this cruel. I can't protect her now because I can't tell her the reason to stay within 4 walls or in a confined room mam.  Please mam do something." Appa cried and I found myself crying. I covered the phone's speaker and began crying.

Why do you love me this much Appa?

Why are you doing this much for me?

All I gave you are troubles, yet you refuse to give up on me.

" Mam" I heard Appa say again and again.

" Sir, did you find any boy besides those two persons?" I asked him changing my voice.

" No mam." He said.

" Sir, I'll call you soon with all the required answers. I'll tell your daughter to be safe. Don't worry about her. You are really a great father sir. Hats off." I said.

" How can I not worry about her mam? She's my world mam. I trust you that you'll help me in this mam. Please be fast." Appa said and I disconnected the call.

I collapsed on the ground and began sobbing.

All of my life I have been living in a fake bubble.

My family is my strength and pride and they aren't my real family.

Appa and mom aren't my real parents but they cared for me more than Sid.

How can I ever repay them?

Appa loves me more than himself that he is ready to sacrifice himself. How lucky am I?

Amelia and Samuel are my real parents.

The person who had been killed was Nathan, my uncle.

My uncle's son is not found. Whole of my family has been killed except me?

Why am I even alive?

"To complete your mom's mission" I heard my conscience.

I didn't even know that a day like this will come in my life.

Deciding that I'll have to control my emotions, I stopped crying. I'll meet ACP sir and tell him all of this.

Suddenly I felt a metal pressed against my head.

" Where is Amelia?" I heard a voice ask me.

" I don't know." I replied.

" Stop playing games with me. I know that you have searched in Kolkata. I've allowed you to do so in hope that you'll find the proofs which are required by me. What did you find? Nothing except knowing the truth of your life." That man laughed.

" Are you the one who killed my mom?" I asked him.

" No, I didn't kill your mom. I killed you father, your uncle and aunt." He laughed.

" I'm killing you now if you don't tell me where your mom is." He said pressing the gun more into the back of my head.

" Where is my cousin then?" I asked him.

" Your cousin escaped just like you. I don't need anyone except Amelia. You are the bait now. Amelia will come now or else you're dead." He said.

" Don't you really know where my cousin is?" I asked him.

" No, why will I waste my time on waste things?" He said impatiently.

" What's your name?" I asked him.

" Why should I answer you?" He questioned me back.

" Anyways I'm dying, what else will I do after it? So I'm asking you." I said hoping thag he would reveal his name.

" My name is Ranjith Khanna" he said.

" Weren't you a minister earlier in your state?" I questioned him as soon as I remembered where I had heard his name.

" Yes, not only a minister, I'm about to receive an honorary award. Dare you or your mother spoil my reputation." He said angrily.

" Truth will make a way and showcase itself one day Mr.Khanna" I said.

" Who will showcase it you little brat? All your family is dead. You are dying now and your mother will be dead the moment I see her." He said.

I heard the sound of a gun.

Guess that this is the end of me!


That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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