59. Two Reasons

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Sasanka54
for voting first on the previous part.


Vindhya decides to surprise Karthik in the evening by telling him a Yes. She later meets Asha.

Vindhya gets to know that she is the daughter of Amelia and Samuel.

Just when she is about to process this truth, she is threatened by Mr.Ranjith Khanna.

Vindhya's POV:

I heard the sound of a gun.

Guess that this is the end of me!

I waited for the pain but nothing came.

" Vindhya what are you waiting for? Run!!" I heard a voice.

I opened my eyes a little and looked around me.

I saw Mr. Ranjith Khanna pointing his gun to the other side.

My gaze followed towards that direction and guess whom I found there.

He is the last person whom I thought would save me.

But what surprised me is that he is holding a gun in his hands.

I don't know whose gun made that sound earlier.

Is it Mr.Khanna's or his?

" Vindhya run!!" I heard his voice again.

I tried standing up but I didn't know why I felt this weak.

" Who the hell are you?" Mr. Khanna shouted at him.

" That's none of your concern." He replied boldly.

This is the first time I'm seeing him so bold and fearless even when a gun is pointed at him.

To my horror Mr.Khanna aimed his gun at him and said " You are none of my business to Mr... Anyone who messes with my plan isn't appreciated. Get ready to die."

This got me alert and I attacked Mr.Khanna.

Mr Khanna didn't expect this and he stumbled.

" Vindhya run and call the police." He shouted again from far.

I can't leave him alone like this when he came to save me.

Mr.Khanna aimed the gun at me again.

This time I decided to fight instead of being like a weak person. This person infront of me killed my whole family and is making Appa worried. How can I be weak at this point of time?

I threw a punch at his face which he dodged.

" Seriously girl? Did you think you can fight with me?" He laughed at me.

" Yes, I can." I punched him again and this time it hit him in the ribs. He grimaced.

" How dare you stupid girl? I'm not going to leave you now." Mr. Khanna said approaching me.

" Were you the same one who met me at the Gandhi Junction at 12?" I asked him.

" No, he was just a servant of mine. " He said.

When Mr.Khanna is about to attack me with his hand, I dodged again. I tried to pull the gun from his hands but he didn't leave the grip.

" Guess it's time for me to end your life for you're one hell of a careless girl. I will find other ways to reach Amelia." Mr.Khanna said pointing the gun towards me with determination.

" You cannot do that Mr.Khanna" I heard ACP Sir's firm voice.

" I can always escape." Mr.Khanna laughed.

" Not when you have witnesses who are not afraid of your power." ACP sir said and I pulled the gun from Mr.khanna's hand when he is distracted.

Mr.Khanna tried to run away but me, ACP sir and the person who saved me cornered him.

Seeing Mr.Khanna now reminded of my family again.

" What wrong did my family do that you killed them all so cruelly?" I asked him with tears in my eyes. I'm unable to control my emotions and I'm a mess.

" When did I kill your family? I think you are mistaken Miss." Mr.Khanna said shocking me.

" We have clearly heard you threatening her about Amelia. " ACP sir questioned him.

" Who is Amelia?" Mr.Khanna asked so innocently that one wouldn't believe what he had told earlier was true.

" Stop playing with us. If you don't know who Amelia is, why are you here pointing gun at her?" ACP sir asked him.

" I was just fooling her." Mr.Khanna shrugged as if it's a usual thing for him.

" It's not just fooling her but you fooled the entire college. I'm arresting you for creating a nuisance in the college." ACP sir said.

" Dont you dare. " Mr. Khanna shouted.

" I'm just doing my  duty Sir." ACP sir took hold of Mr.Khanna and guided him into his vehicle where 2 other polices are present.

ACP sir didn't even look at me and left the place in his vehicle.

So many students gathered around the place to see what was happening.

I don't know why I felt weak. I wanted to cry out loudly.

I'm taken into a warm hug and I raised my head to see the person who saved me.

" Thank you sir." I said gratefully

" Relax dear. I know it's not easy." Sir said and that's all it took me to cry again.

Sir let me cry as long as I did, he just stood by my side. How would you feel if you cry out your heart beside your professor?

When I had no more strength, Sir helped me to stand up. He offered me a water bottle which I took.

" Come let's go somewhere." Sir said walking infront of me.

I can't go anywhere else too. Also I really need to thank Sir for whatever he did.

Following sir, I realised that he is walking towards the professor quarters.

When he went inside his house, I entered after thinking for a while.

" I really am thankful sir. I would have been dead maybe if it is not for you." I said sititng on a chair in his living room.

Sir didn't say anything but he went inside.

I closed my eyes realising how much my life changed in just a duration of an hour.

" Vindhya" I heard a familiar voice and I opened my eyes to see Mrs.Sridevi, my english teacher in 11th and 12th.

" Mam!" I exclaimed in happiness because of seeing her after a long time.

" How are you Vindhya?" Mam asked me caringly as she forwarded me a towel.

" I'm okay mam. How are you? How is Anjali?" I smiled at her weakly.

" Why do you hide your emotions like that girl? I've been watching you since you're in my class. My husband told me that you went through a hard time." Mam said pointing towards Prasad sir.

" I don't know what to do mam. I have only few people who I'm close to and who know everything about me. It feels unreal to know that everything is not as it seems and they aren't who I thought them to be." I said closing my eyes.

" Vindhya, whatever happens it is for our own good." Mam said reminding me the chapter which I studied in my 11th.

" I know mam but I am unable to face this truth." I said bending my head.

I remembered the times when I demanded Appa so many things and he didn't even complain once. He always treated me as a kid even when I'm as good as an adult. He gave me piggyback rides even after I grew up. He said that it satisfied him that he could show the world to me like that his princess on his back. I  remembered the instances when he cried for my minor injuries and sickness. How could I forget that proud look on his face whenever I smiled or when I achieved something? I still remember when he started jogging in the park even though he prefers to walk within our home, it was because of me. One day I wanted to see a park and Appa took me. I saw a girl jogging with another girl. I told Appa that I want to jog too. Sid didn't want to go with me as he hates jogging in the mornings. Appa accompanied me from that day. He never stopped jogging for me even when he had busy schedules. It was our exclusive time. Appa cared for me that much. How can I ever thank him? Loving your daughter this much is one level but loving some unknown girl this much is altogether another level. Only my Appa can do this.

Mom and Sid cared for me too much. How can I even know that I was an outsider when I received love of this level?

I don't know for what exactly I'm crying now, is it about losing my family or is it about realising that Appa, mom and Sid aren't my family?

Both the reasons are a painful truth.

" Vindhyaa" I heard Anjali's voice.

She frowned when she saw me. I saw mam sitting beside me keeping her hand on my shoulder.

For how long am I like this? I don't know.

I wiped my tears and looked at Anjali. She is the same cute girl whom I've known for years.

" Anjali." I tried to smile.

" What's wrong Vindhya? Dad told me that you're here and I was so happy. I'm not happy anymore seeing you like this. Get up. Give me my hug." Anjali pulled me up.

She engulfed into a deep hug which I needed the most.

" Mom, we are going inside. Don't disturb." Anjali informed mam.

" Anjali, wait. Vindhya your phone has been ringing so many times." Sir said giving it to me.

I noticed so many calls from Karthik, Deepak, Appa, Sid and mom.

I texted everyone that I'm fine but I decided to call Appa.

" Vindhya, thank God you called me. Where are you?" Appa asked me.

" Appa, I'm in my friend's home. Do you remember Anjali?" I asked him trying to sound normal.

" Ha I remember Vindhya. She is your classmate in your intermediate na?" Appa asked me.

See, Appa never forgets a detail about me or my friends. What did I do to deserve such a great person like you Appa?

" Ha Appa. I'm with her. I'll call you again Appa after reaching home." I said and disconnected the call.

I didn't trust my voice anymore. It could give off my state.

" Vindhya, it pains me to see you like this." Anjali said.

" I just got to know some big and painful things Anju." I smiled weakly.

" I don't know what they are Vin. But where is the girl who tells me that she can face anything?" Anju asked me trying to make me remember the times when I'm super confident.

" I told that I can face anything when I'm with my Appa." I said remembering my whole sentence.

" Did uncle kick you out Vindhya? I know that uncle will never do it." She said glaring at me.

" No Anju my Appa is really sweet." I said.

" Ha and uncle won't leave you. So whatever those truths are, let them be. You can't change the truth Vindhya. Go and talk with uncle, everything will be fine. I have my full confidence in you and uncle." Anju said comforting me.

" Thank you Anju. I realised what I should do." I said.

" That's like my girl. " she smiled more.

When I walked into the living room, I saw Sir sitting in the sofa and talking on the phone.

" Vindhya, eat dinner and go na." Mam said.

" No mam. I'm leaving to Hyderabad." I said.

" Vindhya, listen to me. You're in your last semester. I already gave you so many leaves. You need to complete this course." Sir spoke and I replied " I'll come back soon sir."

" Thanks again sir." I said

" You need not thank me Vindhya. You and your friends saved Anjali that day and we are forever grateful to you and your friends. I realised how much Anju means to us that day. I'm surprised to see you here in Bengaluru. Though I wanted to introduce myself to you as Anju's dad, I didn't want you to relax in your academics. Also I knew about Team Ten. Vaishnavi is still in touch with Anju. I'm shocked when Asha was attacked. I was worried if that was you and that day I realized that you were in danger. I carried my gun in case if needed and I told ACP sir that I knew you were working in Team Ten. Sir asked me to keep an eye on you without telling you. He said that you declined security. When you ran out of the lab today, I understood that I had to follow you. But by the time I reached you that man was already there. I had to distract him and I fired the gun. Don't worry Vindhya, be safe. Everything will be fine. Come back to the college soon." Sir said.

I took blessings from sir and mam and walked out.

Sir accompanied me till I left the campus.

How am I going to face Karthik now?

I'm convinced to go to Hyderabad tonight itself for two reasons.
1. To talk with Appa.
2. To find out what my mother Amelia had left to prove the mistakes of Mr.Khanna


That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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