100 Theme Challenge #30 Under The Rain And A Bunch Of Crappy Sketches

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I'm so sorry for not being active as of late. Things have been really hectic lately cause things with my health have been popping up and I have to take medication and of course school's being a pain in the ass. Because of this, I haven't been able to do any digital art. I have been doing a lot of really crappy traditional doodles and I have some old digital art I forgot to post on here so hopefully that'll make up for it. Again, super sorry!

First up is another 100TC drawing. I had a different idea for this theme awhile back but decided to do Ruri instead seeing as I wanted to practice more with her new (and hopefully last) design. Ru loves the rain so I can see her doing this.

This is all really old digital stuff I forgot to post. My style has changed quite a bit so this is mostly to help me remember certain characters designs.

This is pretty old and I'm a bit ashamed. Ed is by far my favourite character in Fullmetal Achemist: Brotherhood, he's my second favourite in the 2003 anime (Envy takes first place.) I just love how much of a short, temperamental asshole he is. Now that I think about it, this is the first time I've drawn a character that wasn't an oc.

A rough sketch for a profile picture I hope to make soon.

Bit of a background practice.

Y'all know warriors right? I've read the first two arcs along with some of the novellas and the first two books of Omen Of The Stars. I really want to read the most recent arc since it's apparently really good but I don't have the cash to buy the books. Also, once things start to calm down in my life, I hope to start a Draw All The Warriors blog on tumblr where I basically draw every single warrior ever mentioned (even ones without a description.) It'll be a lot of fun and it'll help me with practicing designs.

Here I drew Squirrelflight who is one of my favs and Leafpool my least favourite character. Have you warriors fans read Leafpool's Wish? If you haven't I suggest you don't, I read it and it was a waste of time in my opinion. It's almost as bad as Spottedleaf's Heart (I couldn't bring myself to finish it, it was just so... *Inhales* UGHHHHHHHH!)

Here's my two precious babs Hollyleaf and Jaybae and their bland and boring cardboard cut out character of a brother Lionblaze. In all honesty, Jayfeather was the only good thing in what I've read of Omen Of The Stars.

Now onto my ocs that I've finally given designs for. They don't really make an appearance in my story Guardian (granted I only finished the script for chapter one) but they're important to the plot I have in mind. To start off, Pandora was the first and last queen in the Guardian world and Ieuan was her lover. Even though he was king, he didn't have much political power though he did help Pandora with whatever she needed.

Aina, Judah and Caius are the children of Pandora and Ieuan. Aina was their only daughter and heir to the throne due to being the eldest. Unlike the rest in her family, she's not one for the shiny and luxurious things in life and prefers to tough it out and explore anywhere and everywhere. She even replaced her jewellery with pieces of cloth her godmother had given her. Caius and Judah are Aina's younger twin brothers. Judah is serious like his father and assists his parents with decision making (even though that's supposed to be his sister's job.) Caius is very timid and is almost always by his mother or Judah. They both love their big sister but don't share her enthusiasm for wandering around the castle's gardens and playing in the dirt.

Okay, in the next chapter is a really messy sketch comic. It involves mostly Aina, Ieuan and a character I hadn't made a separate drawing for. It's not set in stone as it's just an idea but I might incorporate it into the Guardian story.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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