100 Theme Challenge #4 Dark And School Scribbles #44

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Its been kinda difficult to get any drawing done at school cause this year I'm actually trying to pay attention but as you all know, I can't stop myself once I'm in a drawing mood.

Onto the art!

Here's number 4 of my art challenge! This is opposite of the Light one where Patches and Inky have been forgotten. Patches is thrown into a world of despair and unhappiness while Inky is deadset in revenge. It was fun drawing them and I love what I did with edge boi's eyes. I also screwed around with the background on this one.

Horribly drawn werewolf girl reading a book.

In my art class me and my friend Josh sit next to each other. One day, I had made a joke that if he were a cat he would be a munchkin cat because he short and I'm tall as hell. So here's a doodle of me and Josh as cats. I also gave him a short tail just because.

Chibi Summer.

Tried drawing myself in a normal human form but failed when it came to the hand. I look like such a dork.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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