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Hey y'all! Yo gurl has finally come back from the oven known as Japan and as I said I would, I had drawn quite a bit despite going all over the place *cough* and getting lost a few times because google maps sucks *cough* I'll dedicate a chapter to my Japan trip soon enough.

So starting off with a new character for a new story I will most likely abandon. I came up with it while on the plane to Japan and began writing out the plot of the story and creating the characters. I'm still gonna work on Guardian but I just need a new breath of fresh air. Anyways, this husky girl is Levina Blackburn and she's the main character of a story I haven't made a name for yet.

This guy here is Levy's familiar, Karma cause all witches need an animal companion am I right? He's inspired by a lot of different characters, a few of them being Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist (such an amazing anime btw. 10/10 would recommend) and Mrs. Beakley from the Ducktales reboot series (judge me of you want but it's a good show.)

We all need that one guy in a story who's sorta level headed but cracks jokes at unnecessary times.

And we also need that super energetic and friendly girl who just won't shut up about food.

Next is my precious chinchilla girl, Alexane. Y'know, that one badass chick who saves the day all the time.

Next there's the cute eight year old, Arthur. Don't let his age fool ya, he'll kill you if he feels like it. Other than that he's a great kid!

Eavesdropping are ya?

The entire cast is all together! (Also, Levy is incredibly short and I'm gonna have fun torturing her about it.) There are two other characters I've drawn on here that don't have their own ref because their refs were horribly drawn.

Now onto Pokémon with a new appearance for a somewhat old Eevee oc, Pippi is her name and she's a fluffy little ball of hate (not towards her bro though.) I work on this story from time to time but it's not something I'm really invested in so don't expect much of this.

Pippi's twin bro, Oliver. Lil' Ollie is a big ol' sweetheart but it's hard to tell since he tends to keep his distance from people.

Pippi's motto is "You hurt with my brother and you'll end up with broken ribs. That is if I don't kill you first!"

Pippi's trainer, Jayden. He's a goofball with a heart of gold. He's also become target to all of Pippi's acts of violence from biting to scratching due to her hatred for humans.

Lucy is Jayden's twin sister and Oliver's trainer. Unlike Jay and Pip, she and Ollie have an unbreakable bond with each other. She enjoys spoiling the crap out of her Pokémon whenever they win a battle. I'm still deciding on whether I should give her glassed or not.

Here's some digital art I made the day before I left for Tokyo but didn't have the time to post before. This was more so a shading practice and a gift to my bud, Angelique.

This last picture is an art trade on DA with my IRL friends. I'm somewhat proud of this one???

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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